

Research on Formative Mechanism of School-running Characteristics of Universities

【作者】 李名梁

【导师】 陈士俊;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 在高等教育大众化、国际化和市场化日趋强化的环境下,我国的许多大学在办学中陷入“迷失”困境和“趋同”误区。如何办出大学特色,促进大学快速、健康和可持续发展,已经成为高等教育界乃至全社会普遍关注的现实问题。实践证明,办学特色已成为大学赖以生存和发展的生命线,高等教育注重特色发展也成为一种世界趋势。研究办学特色问题不但有助于推动我国大学的变革,而且有利于我国大学避免“千校一面”的现象,寻求个性化发展,不断提高办学质量和办学水平。本文综合运用系统科学、组织学、管理学、经济学、教育学、统计学等多学科的理论,采用理论研究与实证研究相结合、定性研究与定量研究相结合、系统性与重点性相结合等多种方法,将大学视为一个典型的组织系统,基于对大学的组织特性和系统特性的两维度分析,从大学的社会职能与组织运行的角度,探讨了大学办学特色的概念、特征、功能效用及其形成过程,揭示了大学办学特色的主要构成因素、影响因素以及不同利益主体的特色效用偏好,从整体上初步建构了大学办学特色形成理论。在分析大学社会职能历史演进以及梳理大学办学特色研究文献的基础上,本文认为大学办学特色是指一所大学围绕组织的使命、目标和任务在运行、发展和变革过程中通过与社会环境的长期交互作用而形成的相对持久稳定的、独特的发展方式。同时,本文提出了大学办学特色形成的两种机制,即“和谐耦合”的微观机制和“内外互动”的宏观机制。从微观上,揭示大学办学特色的形成过程是一个“设计优化”的控制机制与“能动致变”的演化机制相互耦合的过程;从宏观上,揭示大学办学特色的形成过程是一个大学在内部分析与外部分析相结合、分类定位与战略规划相结合条件下的特色建设的过程。在以上定性研究的基础上,通过问卷调查,以多元统计分析和R统计软件的应用为工具,本文从实证角度论述了大学办学特色的主要构成因素以及影响特色形成的关键因素。同时,构建了大学组织不同利益主体的特色效用函数,并强调大学办学特色的形成必须关注不同利益主体的利益偏好,以提高特色建设的经济特性。基于理论分析和实证分析,本文最后提出了促进大学办学特色形成的学科发展战略、形象识别战略和整合营销传播战略,并给出若干政策建议。

【Abstract】 With the growing trend of internationalization, popularization and marketization of higher education, many universities in China have gradually sponsored a“Lost”and the plight of“convergence”misunderstandings. How universities run their characteristics so as to promote rapid, healthy and sustainable development of universities has become widespread concern of the higher education sector and the entire society. Practice has proved that school-running characteristics have been the University’s lifeline for the survival and development, and that has become a world trend of higher education. Research on school-running characteristics not only helps promote China’s university reform, but helps China’s University of circumvent seek personal development and constantly improve the quality.The dissertation mainly from the perspective of the organizational system, integrating use of organizations, systems, management, economics, education, statistics and other disciplines theory, a theoretical research and empirical research combined, qualitative and quantitative research combined, systemic and typical research combined, based on the two dimensional analysis of the organization and system of universities, puts forward the concept, features, functions and effectiveness formation process of school-running characteristics, as well as main factors affecting the formation of school-running characteristics and different preferences of main interest entities.Thus,the dissertation has constructed a relatively complete and rigorous theory system of school-running characteristics’evolution from the initial construction on the whole.Based on the analysis of the evolution of university social functions in the history, as well as combing the literature about school-running characteristics, the dissertation explains that school-running characteristics is relatively stable and unique development approach and organizational characteristics, which must serve the organization’s mission, goals and tasks and develop or change itself through the course of the long-term environmental and social interaction. At the same time, the dissertation presents that the formation process of school-running characteristics is not only the process of“harmonious coupling”, but also the process of“interaction inside and outside”. The process of the former is mutual coupling of the“Designing and Optimization”control mechanisms and the“dynamic of change”mechanism of evolution, the process of the latter is the building process under the conditions of internal and external analysis of universities, combining strategic planning with positioning and classification of universities.In the above on the basis of qualitative research, through a questionnaire survey, multivariate statistical analysis and R statistical software applications, the dissertation discusses the main features of school-running characteristics, as well as main factors affecting its formation. At the same time, the author has constructed the main utility function of the different interest entities, and stressed that the different preferences of the different interest entities must be concerned during the course of the formation of school characteristics in order to enhance the economic ration of construction characteristics.Based on theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, in order to promote the formation of school-running characteristics, the dissertation concludes disciplines development strategies, image recognition strategies and integrated marketing communication strategies, and lastly proposes some policies and proposals.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

