

Study on Evolution of Regional Distribution System of Water Resuorces

【作者】 赵鹏

【导师】 张宏伟;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 环境工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 世界各地不断出现的水资源问题体现了区域水资源的客观状况与用水主体不断变化的用水需求之间的矛盾,也正是二者之间的矛盾推动着区域水资源配置系统的演化过程。研究区域水资源配置系统的演化规律,有助于实现水资源的科学管理和可持续利用。本文综合应用了多种复杂系统理论,系统地研究了区域水资源配置系统的演化过程,找到了系统演化的驱动力。在此基础上,基于“最大流原理”和复杂适应系统理论,发现了区域水资源配置系统演化的自然选择机理。然后,通过天津市的实例研究,证明了该理论的正确性。首先,在研究天然水循环过程的基础上,重点研究了区域水资源配置系统与天然水循环过程的二元耦合关系,分析出区域水资源配置系统的“水流”特征。从多个角度系统地研究了区域水资源配置系统复杂适应演化主要过程,进而发现了区域水资源配置系统演化过程的两个重要特征。其次,对区域水资源配置系统进行系统分析,然后得出区域水资源配置系统非平衡相变的实质,在此基础上绘制了以聚集体为中心的区域水资源配置系统流图,并分析了系统的行为特征。基于系统主导结构分析找到了区域水资源配置系统演化的驱动力,即水量驱动力和经济驱动力。再次,以“最大流原理”为基础,结合复杂自适应系统理论,构建区域水资源配置系统演化的势函数,推导出了系统发生非平衡相变的条件。根据区域水资源配置系统的实际,结合复杂适应系统理论,创造性地构建出新的系统演化序参量,它能够明晰地表征系统的结构模式。进而,通过推导得出新的系统演化动力学方程,并提出了计算其中系数矩阵的具体方法。然后,根据演化方程解释了区域水资源配置系统演化的自然选择机理。最后,全面且系统的总结了天津市水资源、水环境的综合状况,并分析天津市用水聚集体的水质需求。在此基础上,根据Logistic方程建立动力学行为特征不同的三类用水聚集体的用水量动力学方程。然后,应用区域水资源配置系统演化机理理论,系统地研究了天津市水资源配置系统的四次非平衡相变过程,通过实例研究证明了该理论的正确性。

【Abstract】 Emerging problems of global water resources reflect the contradictions between the objective conditions of regional water resources and local ever-changing demand of water which promote the evolution of regional distribution system of water resources. Obviously, studying the evolutional law is helpful to scientific management and sustainable use of water resources. In this paper several complex system theories were used to research the evolutional process of regional water distribution system and the driving force of system evolution was found. Then based on maximum flux principle and complex adaptive system theory the natural selection mechanism was discovered. Finally, the mechanism was proved by the case study of Tianjin.Firstly, on the basis of clearing of natural water cycle process binary coupling relations between regional water distribution system and natural water cycle process were studied. Then the water flux characters of the system were analyzed.Furthermore, the complex adaptive evolution of regional water distribution system was discussed from different angles and two important characters in evolution were found.Secondly, the essence of non-equilibrium phase transitions of regional water distribution system was obtained after system analyzing of it. Then the system flux chart at the core of aggregates was drawn and the system behavior characters were discussed. After analyzing the leading structure of system the driving force of system evolution was found, namely, water driving force and economic driving force.Thirdly, based on the maximum flux principle and complex adaptive system theory the evolution potential function of regional distribution system of water resources was constructed, so the prerequisites of non-equilibrium phase transitions of system were deduced. According to the actual situations of regional water distribution system the new sequence parameters of system evolution was constructed in a creative way by using complex adaptive system theory which could characterize the system structure. Furthermore, the new evolutional dynamic function was deduced and the specific method to calculate the coefficient matrix was put forward. Finally, the natural selection mechanism of regional water distribution system was explained on basis of the new evolutional dynamic function. Finally, after the comprehensive status of Tianjin water resources and water environment were summed up comprehensive and systematically, the demand of water quality in Tianjin was discussed. Then three dynamic equations of different aggregates were presented. Applied the natural selection mechanism of regional water distribution system the four non-equilibrium phase transitions of Tianjin water distribution system were studied. By the case the mechanism was proved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期

