

Study on Country Competence Evaluation Based on RBT

【作者】 汪菲

【导师】 李从东;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着人类社会经济文化的不断发展,任何层面的组织之间(无论是企业之间还是国家之间)的竞争都日趋激烈。从企业战略管理的经典理论——资源基础理论(ResourceBasedTheory,RBT)角度来说,战略资源是企业获得竞争优势并进而实现经营目标的重要影响因素。实际上,战略资源不仅仅是企业获取竞争优势的重要支撑要素,也是一个国家获得竞争能力和实现持续发展的有效保障。本文正是从战略资源这一视角对国家竞争力评价的理论框架进行了较为全面的探讨,并结合应用大量数据对部分国家进行了实证研究,对提升我国战略资源水平,进而提高国家竞争力提出了相应的对策建议。在相关研究综述的基础上,本文首先探讨了从资源基础理论的视角研究国家竞争力的可行性。资源基础理论多用于企业层面,很多学者以此为理论基础研究企业的成长和企业竞争力,并对其做出评价。本篇论文结合资源基础理论和国家竞争力的相关研究,从资源基础理论的视角来研究国家竞争力,分析资源与国家竞争力的关系,将国家竞争力等同于那些特殊的资源,即对国家竞争优势具有决定意义的国家战略资源。在对国家战略资源的作用机制研究当中,借鉴企业层面的相关研究中把企业资源划分为有形资源和无形资源的做法,本文从战略资源对国家竞争力的作用机理的角度,将国家战略资源划分为显性资源和隐性资源。这用划分方法使我们能够从本质上理解资源与国家竞争力的关系,并且也为国家竞争力评价模型的构建提供理论依据。在构建基于资源基础理论的国家竞争力评价模型过程中,本文提出了自然资源的环境保护指数和隐性战略资源的效用指数的概念,更加科学地表达了不同资源与国家竞争力之间的关联关系。在基于资源基础理论的国家竞争力评价模型的基础上,本文将基于模糊Borda数分析法引入到国家竞争力评价指标的权重计算当中,并采用68项指标对14个典型国家的竞争力进行了评价和深入分析,提出了中国提升国家竞争力的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Along with human society economic civilization unceasing development,competition among organizations becomes more and more vehement. From the angleof resource based theory (RBT), the strategic resources are the key factor to obtaincompetitive advantage. In fact, the strategic resources are not only the key factor toobtain competitive advantage, but also an guarantee for countryto obtain competitiveability and realize sustained development. Under this circumstance, this thesis hascarried on comprehensive discussion on national competence theory frame from theangle of strategic resources, making use of sufficient data, this thesis conduct anempirical study and will promote our country strategic resources level by puttingforwardcorrespondingcountermeasure.Based on related research, this article firstly discusses the feasibility to studycountrycompetence from the angle of resource base theory. The resource base theoryhas been mostly used in enterprise field and many scholars take this theory onenterprise’s growth as well as enterprise competitive power. By uniting resource basetheory and related research on national competitive power, this thesis studies thenational competitive power from the resource base theory’s angle of view, analyzesthe relationship between resources and national competence, and regards nationalcompetitive power as a kind of special resource, namely the decisively significantnationalstrategyresourcestothecountrycompetitiveadvantage.In the function mechanism research on national strategy resources, manyscholars divide enterprise resource into two kinds, namely explicit resource and tacitresource. Taking this research angle for reference, this article divides the nationalstrategy resources into the dominant resources and the recessive resources from theangleoffunctionmechanismonstrategicresourcestothenational competitivepower.This method enables us thoroughly understand the relationship between resource andnational competence, and also provides the theoretical basis for evaluation model onnationalcompetence.In the process of constructing national competence evaluation model based onthe resource base theory’s, this thesis puts forward the concept of natural resource’senvironmental protection index and the recessive strategic resources’ effectivenessindex, thus better describe the relationship between the different resources and thenational competence. Based on national competence evaluation model taking RBTinto consideration, this article introduce the fuzzyBorda number analytic method into the weight calculation of evaluation indicator on national competence, carry onthorough evaluation as well as analysis upon 14 typical country competence using 68index, and put forward the corresponding suggestions to enhance Chinese countrycompetence.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期

