

Study on Evaluating and Cultivating the Core Competence of the 3PL Enterprises

【作者】 蒋有凌

【导师】 赵道致;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国加入WTO,物流业正逐步对外开放,越来越多国外领先的3PL企业如UPS、FedEx、DHL、TNT、EXEL登陆我国的物流服务市场,这无疑使我国3PL企业未来的发展面临严峻的挑战。面对经济全球化的滚滚浪潮和跨国物流公司的纷纷涌入,有效提升我国3PL企业的核心竞争力,已成为3PL企业生存和发展的必然趋势。但是,当前3PL企业普遍存在的问题是:不清楚企业有没有核心竞争力,企业的核心竞争力集中在哪些业务,企业的核心竞争力到底有多强,而学术界目前对3PL企业的核心竞争力多为定性分析,定量分析尚处于最初的摸索阶段,还不能很好地解答核心竞争力所在的问题。因此,对3PL企业核心竞争力展开科学合理的定量分析研究具有重要的现实和理论意义。论文从核心竞争力角度研究分析3PL企业的发展方向和市场定位,为3PL企业发展提供了新的发展思路。为完成上述研究目的,本文首先从阐明3PL企业核心竞争力内涵入手,然后分别对3PL企业核心竞争力影响因素、相关理论及市场环境进行分析。在此基础上,论文探索性地提出了3PL企业核心竞争力的评价指标体系,建立了基于模糊综合评价法的3PL企业核心竞争力评价模型。以物流基础网络、延展性、顾客价值性和独特性为评价准则,通过12项指标对3PL企业的核心竞争力进行综合评价。然后,论文以新科安达后勤保障有限公司为实例,对该公司在快速消费品行业的核心竞争力进行了综合评价与分析。最后,论文结合我国3PL业发展现状,提出了培育我国3PL企业核心竞争力的若干策略。论文主要完成了3项创新:(1)提出了从服务行业的角度对3PL企业核心竞争力展开综合评价的研究模式。(2)提出了一种基于物流基础网络、延展性、顾客价值性和独特性的3PL企业核心竞争力评价体系。(3)建立了基于3PL企业特征的核心竞争力评价模型与方法,并运用案例进行了实证研究。

【Abstract】 Along with China’s taking part in WTO, more and more advanced foreign 3PL enterprises are coming to our logistics service market, such as UPS, FedEx, DHL, TNT and EXEL, which will make Chinese logistics industry be faced to austere challenge. In the face of the tide of global economy and more and more Multinational Corporation, it becomes a inevitable trend to effectively upgrade the 3PL enterprises’core competence in China. However, currently the universal problems are these enterprises don’t know whether they have core competence, the core competence is focused on which operations and how powerful is the core competence. At present, in the field of academe, research is mainly about qualitative analysis, whereas a little research is focus on quantitative analysis. Since quantitative analysis is limited to the initial research stage and can’t answer the question of what’s the 3PL enterprises’core competence, the selected research subject is very helpful to provide scientific and rational method to analyze quantitatively the 3PL enterprises’core competence and very important to help the 3PL enterprises find the right developmental direction and appropriate market orientation.Firstly, to accomplish the research objective, the dissertation starts with the analysis of the connotation of the 3PL enterprises’core competence, and then studies separately the characteristics of the 3PL enterprises , the main considerations of the 3PL enterprises’core competence , the relative theory and the logistics market environment.Secondly, based on the above research, the dissertation puts forward an index system for evaluating the 3PL enterprises’ Core Competence. In addition, grounded on the Puzzle Evaluation Method, it establishes an evaluation model for evaluating the 3PL enterprises’core competence. Making use of the basic logistics network , expansibility, consumer value and uniquity as evaluation rules, this model evaluates the 3PL enterprises’core competence scientifically and rationally.And then, the dissertation uses ST-Anda as an example, evaluates the corporation’s Core competence in the industry of Fast Moving Consumer Goods in detail.Lastly, according to the current development status of the domestic 3PL enterprises, the dissertation provides some policy and technical advices to cultivate the 3PL enterprises’Core Competence.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

