

【作者】 岳永杰

【导师】 王军;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族教育, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 打柴舞是我国海南岛世居民族黎族的传统文化活动之一。它具有悠久的历史,产生于广大黎族人民的生产与生活之中,承载着黎族人民上千年的历史记忆与聪明智慧。随着黎族地区经济文化生态环境的变迁,现代黎族打柴舞面临着传承人断层、文化传承场丧失和功能转换所带来的传承困境。由于黎族打柴舞蕴含的独特文化价值和目前所面临的传承濒危性,海南省人民政府和国家文化部于2005年、2006年先后将其列入“非物质文化遗产保护名录”之中,对其进行抢救性保护。本文将在教育人类学视野下,运用文化生态学理论、功能主义理论深入分析现代黎族打柴舞传承困境产生的原因及其表现,并针对黎族打柴舞目前所面临的传承困境探索其新的有效传承途径,以期使打柴舞在现代社会条件下更好地生存与发展。在对比分析了以现代网络电子媒介为载体的打柴舞传承方式及依托于旅游经济的打柴舞传承方式优缺点基础上,本文认为将其引入到学校教育中加以传承和保护更有利于解决现代黎族打柴舞所面临的传承困境。通过对已经将打柴舞引入到学校教育中的部分学校调查分析后,进一步证实了上述观点。结合目前打柴舞在学校教育中传承已经积累的经验与存在的问题,本文尝试性地构建了一个“国家-社会-学校”相互依托的打柴舞传承保护模式和在学校教育系统内部有效传承打柴舞的机制,希冀能提高打柴舞之学校教育传承和保护的长期性与有效性。研究方法上,本文以马克思辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为方法论,综合运用文献研究法、田野调查法等多种方法。本文从整体结构上分为导论、第一章——第五章、结束语等七个部分,主要从以下五个方面具体展开论述。第一章,通过对黎族打柴舞的纵向考察,重点论述了黎族打柴舞的起源、存在形态、历史变迁特征等问题。第二章,从历史学和文化生态学两个视角出发,深入分析了黎族打柴舞生成的历史环境与文化生态环境。提出正是由于黎族社会独特的历史发展过程和多山、多柴的自然环境,封建社会时期的氏族社会制度以及原始宗教意识等文化生态环境,才孕育出独特的黎族打柴舞。第三章,通过深入海南地区(特别是黎族地区)的实地考察,厘清了现代黎族打柴舞传承现状。运用斯图尔德的文化生态学理论分析、论证出:黎族社会从“群落的社会文化整合水平”向“国家的社会文化整合水平”的转变是现代黎族打柴舞传承困境产生的主要原因,并将打柴舞面临的这种传承困境概括为传承人断层的困境、文化传承场丧失的困境和功能转换所带来的困境。第四章,通过对打柴舞三种现代传承方式(以现代网络电子媒介为载体的打柴舞传承方式、以旅游经济为载体的打柴舞传承方式及以学校教育为载体的打柴舞传承方式)的比较分析,得出学校教育传承是解决现代打柴舞传承困境的有效方式,并针对将打柴舞引入到学校教育中传承保护的必要性与可行性进行了分析。第五章,通过对已在学校体育教学中传承打柴舞的学校代表(北京第一五四中学、海南华侨中学和昌江民族中学)的个案分析,从实践层面上证实了在学校教育中传承打柴舞的有效性,总结、提炼出打柴舞在学校教育中传承已经积累的宝贵经验和遇到的问题,尝试性地构建了一个以学校教育为中心的“国家-社会-学校”相互依托的开放性的打柴舞传承保护模式,并在此基础上提出了学校教育系统内部有效传承打柴舞的“六位一体”机制。

【Abstract】 Da-chai dance, one of Li national minority’s traditional culture activities, was created by Li national minority people during their work and life. It has a long history, and shows the wisdom of Li national minority people. Da-chai dance has such unique culture value, however, with the development of economy and culture of Li national minority district, the modern Da-chai dance is facing many problems, such as few people are willing to pass on this dance, the cultural inheritance loses, functional shift. To protect Da-chai dance, The Hainan province government and national culture department have put it into the "Non-material cultural heritage protection name list" in 2005 and 2006.Under the educational anthropology field of vision, this article will use Cultural ecology theory, Function principle theory to thoroughly analyzes Reason and performance of modern Li national minority Da-chai dance’s inheritance difficult position and try to explores its new effective inheritance way in view of the inheritance difficult position which present faces. After comparing advantages and disadvantages of the inheritance way of taking the modern network electronic media as carrier and depending on the traveling economy to pass, this article thought that introducing Da-chai dance into school education is a better way to passing and protecting it. Diagnosis of schools which have introduced Da-chai dance further confirmed the above viewpoints. Combining the already accumulated experience and existence question, This article experimentally constructed "the national - society - school", a mutual backing inheritance protected mode, and an effective inheritance mechanism in the school education, hope that could enhance the chronicity and validity of Da-chai dance’s school education.This article took the Marx dialectical materialism and historical materialism as the methodology and synthetically utilized many kinds of methods, such as literature methodology, the field survey procedure and so on. This article divides into the introductory remarks, the first chapter of—fifth chapter, the concluding remark, and mainly specifically launches the elaboration from the following five aspects.Through longitudinally observing Da-chai dance, The first chapter discoursed the dance’s origin, existence shape, historical vicissitude characteristic.The second chapter embarks from the history and the cultural ecology two angles of view, analyzed thoroughly the production historical situation and the culture ecological environment of Da-chai dance. I also proposed that it is the Li national minority society’s unique historical development process, the mountainous and multi-firewood natural environment, feudal society culture ecological environments and primitive religion consciousness of clan society system that breeds the unique Li national minority Da-chai dance. The third chapter, through on-the-spot investigation of the Hainan area (is specially the Li national minority area), defined clearly the modern Li national minority Da-chai dance’s present inheritance situation. Using Steward’s cultural ecology theoretical, I analyzed and proved that the transformation from "community’s social culture conformity level" to "national social of Li national minority society culture conformity level" is the primary cause why the modern Da-chai dance’s inheritance difficult position produced. I also pointed that the difficult inheritance position Da-chai dance is facing is inherit the person fault the difficult position, the cultural inheritance field to lose the difficult position which and the functional shift brings.The fourth chapter, through the comparative analysis of three modern inheritance ways (take modern network electronic media as carrier inheritance way, take travels economy as carrier inheritance way and take school edition as carrier inheritance way), I obtained the school edition inheritance is an effective way to solve Da-chai dance’s inheritance difficult position, and I also analyzed the necessity and the feasibility of introducing Da-chai dance into the school edition to inherit and protect it.The fifth chapter, through case analysis of the school sports teaching in schools which have inherited Da-chai dance(the Beijing 154th middle school, Hainan Overseas Chinese Middle school and Changjiang nationality middle school), I confirmed the validity from the practice stratification plane to inherits Da-chai dance in the school edition. Summarized and refined the already accumulated valuable experience and problems which has met, and I also experimentally constructed "the national - society - school", one mutual backing inheritance protected mode, based on this I proposed "six one Body" mechanism, an effective system of interior school edition to inherit Da-chai dance.

  • 【分类号】J722.2-4
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1818
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