

【作者】 罗彩娟

【导师】 徐杰舜;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 人类学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 根据相关文献记载,侬智高是宋代的一个历史人物,因其发动抗交反宋起义而受到历代王朝的关注,人们对他的评价莫衷一是,即使是当代学者也对他褒贬不一。已有的相关研究成果基本都是从历史文献出发寻找侬智高事件的“真相”。他们的研究主要关注的是侬智高的生卒年月、国籍问题;侬智高起义失败后的下落问题;侬智高抗交反宋起义的性质和历史意义;侬智高是民族英雄还是“反贼”等内容,试图对侬智高事件进行盖棺定论。本研究的目的并非卷入这些关于“历史真相”的纷争之中,也并不在于为侬智高的相关问题提供更好的观点;或是为壮族精英所面临的侬智高认识的混乱局面提供解决办法;或是为侬智高相关问题提供一种价值判断,而是通过一个具体的案例来呈现侬智高事件是如何反映在人们的日常生活和社会记忆中。提出侬智高研究者应该回归土著观点,了解地方民众是如何面对与处理侬智高这个历史人物和他所发动的反宋起义的历史事件。只有把侬智高历史事件放到具体的地理空间和历史脉络中才能找到解释的可能。本研究采用边缘与中心、共时与历时的研究视角以及历史人类学的研究方法来展开研究。基于从边缘看中心的视角,选择云南省文山壮族苗族自治州马关县壮族作为研究的对象,尤其以马关县的马洒村为主要田野调查点。同时采用人类学的田野调查方法中参与观察和深度访谈以及历史人类学等方法对马关县壮族关于侬智高事件的记忆以及纪念仪式进行详细的民族志调查,兼顾侬智高事件的古文献记载以及马关县的地方历史文献资料的收集。上述研究视角与方法可以说是本研究的创新之一。本研究主要从实践和表述两个层面来审视侬智高事件对地方民众的影响,这两个层面的研究都是在社会记忆与历史意识的理论关系的指导下展开。马洒人的历史意识主要体现在英雄史观、实践历史和老人的历史叙说权三方面。正是这三方面的历史意识影响到人们对侬智高事件的社会记忆和历史表述。一年一度的六月节仪式是马洒人甚至马关县部分壮族同胞纪念侬智高的仪式实践,仪式里的细节与人们关于侬智高的社会记忆紧密相连,在六月节制作花米饭以及祭祀侬智高的具体场景都有它们具体的象征意义。英雄史观的历史意识导致他们极力把自己的祖先追溯到侬智高的士兵身上,侬智高又成为保护神而被马洒人搬上神台加以供奉,期望侬智高能给人们带来幸福安康,马洒人把侬智高纳入自己的信仰体系。老人的历史叙说权的历史意识则反映在地方精英在构建侬智高事件的社会记忆方面具有非同寻常的主导作用。在对侬智高事件的表述层面,本研究发现在马关县这个壮族聚居之地,人们对侬智高事件的记忆的表述是与杨六郎这个历史人物紧密相关的。马关壮族人记忆中的六郎节是明清时期壮族侬人与汉族关系良性互动的反映,纪念杨六郎是壮族侬人感激汉族“恩人”的体现;“六郎鬼”的记忆折射了民国时期汉族残杀壮族侬人的历史事实;当下“民族英雄”侬智高的主流话语出现则反映了壮族在现代现代民族一国家中民族地位的提升,壮族人民获得表达自身民族自尊心的机会,这时作为汉族“意象”的杨六郎逐渐淡出人们的记忆。因此,侬智高并非自古以来就是壮族的民族英雄,而是与具体的历史背景和地理环境紧密相关,不同地区将会有不同的侬智高事件的表述。大多数学者都承认社会记忆形成过程是一个社会建构的过程,但是人们却不是无端地建构过去。本研究指出,社会记忆的内容与历史意识紧密相连,也就是有什么样的历史意识,就会主导人们记忆什么样的过去。人们通过实践和表述社会记忆来呈现他们的历史意识,历史意识又影响他们的社会记忆方式。因此,必须要把社会记忆和历史意识联系起来进行研究。此外,要把相关的社会记忆还原到具体的历史脉络中,才能对不同版本的社会记忆给予合理的解释。最后,本研究的意义在于为理解侬智高事件提供一个新的视角和思路,拓展我们对侬智高及其他历史上有争议的人物的认识面。此外,本研究还为社会记忆的研究提供一个新的个案。

【Abstract】 Nong Zhigao is a historical figure in Song Dynasty when we open relevant historical documents. He has been drawn close attention of every dynasty because he was the leader of the rebel against Jiaozhi and Song Dynasty, and no conclusion could be drawn about the different views as to how to pass equitable judgement on him. Even some contemporary scholars’comments are a mixture of praise and stricture.The available achievements in social scientific research are essentially to find out the "truth" in Nong Zhigao’s event.Their researches are mainly concerned with those problems of when Nong Zhigao was born; what his nationality was; where he went after the rebel had been defeated; what kind of nature and historic significance Nong Zhigao’s revolt is, and whether Nong Zhigao was a national hero or a "rebel" etc. They all try to draw a final conclusion to Nong Zhigao’s event.The purpose of this study is not to involve in these disputes, or aim to provide some better viewpoint on the relevant problems about Nong Zhigao, or to provide solutions to chaotic situation on recognization of Nong Zhigao that elites of the Zhuang nationality face; or provide value judgement of value on Nong Zhigao’s event. It is to present how Nong Zhigao’s event was reflected on people’s daily life and social memory. This paper will advance that the viewpoints that researchers have on Nong Zhigao should return to the native’s viewpoint, and understand how local residents think of the historic figure of Nong Zhigao and the historic event of rebellion, in which he fight against Song Dynasty. Only when Nong Zhigao’s event is put into specific historic process and space, can we explain the whole thing.For the angle of viewpoint, this study adopts the approach between margin and centre, synchronic and diachronic. As for the methodology, it follows the way of historic anthropology. Taking the angle to look at the centre from margin, I choose Maguan county, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao nationality autonomous prefecture, Yunnan province as my study target, particularly Masa village as my primary fieldwork site. In addition, I adopt method of participant’s observation and deep interview of anthropologic fieldwork and historic anthropology. I especially investigate the Maguan county Zhuang people’s memory about Nong Zhigao’s event and their commemorative ritual in detail, and at the same time attach importance to collecting ancient literature and local records of Nong Zhigao’s event. These study approaches and methods may be considered one of innovation of this study.The primary concern of this study is to observe the influence of Nong Zhigao’s event on local residents in Maguan county from two aspects: practice and expression. These two aspects of the research are carried out under the theoretical relation of social memory and historicity.Masa people’s historicity is mainly represented on hero’s conception of history, practical history and elder men’s historical expressive power. These three aspects of historicity influence people’s social memory and historical expression about Nong Zhigao’s event.The annual Liuyuejie ritual is the ritual practice with which Masa people and other Zhuang people in Maguan county commemorate Nong Zhigao. The details of ritual have close connections with people’s memory about Nong Zhigao. The making colorful glutinous rice on Liuyuejie ritual and the detail situation of honoring Nong Zhigao have their symbolic significance. The historicity of hero’s conduces they endeavor makes them trace their ancestors back to be Nong Zhigao’s soldiers, and Nong Zhigao became a protective deity and was moved to altar for honor. They expect Nong Zhigao can bring welfare and good health to themselves, and by doing so, Masa people has brought Nong Zhigao into their belief system. The elder men’s historical expressive power reflects that local elites have dominant function on constructing social memory of Nong Zhigao’s event.On the aspect of expressing Nong Zhigao’s event, this study finds, in Maguan county, the local people’s expressions on Nong Zhigao’s event related toYang Liulang——a historical figure. Liulangjie ritual of Maguan county inZhuang nationality’s memory is a reflection of benign inter-communion between Nong people of the Zhuang and Han nationality in Ming and Qing Dydnsty. Commemorating Yang Liulang embodies Nong people of the Zhuang’sappreciation of the Han------the benefactor; The memory of "Liulang ghost"reflects the historical reality that Han nationality insanely massacre the Zhuang people in the period of Republic of China; Now the fact that Nong Zhigao is regarded as "a national hero" reflects Zhuang nationality status has advanced in the modern nation state. Zhuang nationality has got a chance to express the proper pride of their own nationality. At the same time, Yang Liulang acted as "image" of Han nationality has disappearde gradually from people’s memory. So Nong Zhigao wasn’t a national hero from the beginning of the event, and today’s reality about his image has something to do with the specific historic context and geographical environment. In different Zhuang nationality’s areas, there are different expressions about Nong Zhigao’s event.Most scholars acknowledge that the process of forming social memory is a process of social construction. This study will point out that the content of social memory have close relationship with historicity, that is, the historicity type will guide people what to memorize about the past. People present their historicity from practicing and expressing social memory, and at the same time, historicity influences their manner of social memory. Thus we must take historicity into consideration when we study social memory. Moreover, only when we put social memory back into some specific historical process, can we explain logically social memories of different editions.In the end, this study’s significance consist in offering a new angle of view and stream of thoughts for understanding Nong Zhigao’s event, and expands our sight into Nong Zhigao and other controversial people in the past. In addition, this study also provides a new case for the study of social memory as well.

【关键词】 侬智高杨六郎社会记忆实践历史意识
【Key words】 Nong ZhigaoYang Liulangsocial memorypracticehistoricity

