

【作者】 冯彤

【导师】 祁庆富;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 造纸术是中国的伟大发明,传统造纸工艺是一项重要的非物质文化遗产。造纸术东传至日本,其工艺在效仿中国大陆的基础上又得到了长足的发展,形成了自己独特的风格,世人称之为“和纸”。研究“和纸”的制作工艺及其象征文化阐释,可以了解日本非物质文化遗产的保护与利用情况;借鉴到我国手工纸传统技艺的保护工作中,为中国非物质文化遗产的传承、保护与利用提供一种有益的方法与模式;同时推进中日文化的交流,是一项具有重要学术价值和现实意义的研究工作。象征人类学认为,任何一种文化都是“象征符号体系表达的传承概念体系”,作为意义系统表达、传承的象征符号系统,是符号载体(能指)、符号规则和符号意义(所指)的统一。“和纸”文化也不例外,“和纸”作为表层结构的符号载体,既包括作为物质器物的“和纸”造型,也包括与其有关的宗教仪式行为,还包括“和纸”造型艺术中所显示的纹样内容及其他各种信息。“和纸”被广泛应用于宗教、民俗、艺术、建筑、工艺等各个领域,兼具了物质文化、精神文化及制度文化的多个层面,它是反映日本传统文化的一个重要载体,通过“和纸”文化的研究,不仅可以探寻“和纸”表层结构所隐藏的深层文化内涵,更可以探索日本文化的发展脉络。在中国,对传统手工纸的研究资料很多,但对于日本“和纸”的系统研究却非常少见,著名的中国科技史学专家潘吉星院士在《中国造纸技术史稿》一书中曾论述过日本“和纸”与中国纸的渊源关系,寿岳文章的《日本の紙》以及久米康生的《和紙の源流》,对日本著名的手工纸及其造纸术的发展也作过详细地介绍。但是,真正从非物质文化遗产保护这个角度去研究日本“和纸”的,在国内学术界来说应该还是个空白。本人在读博期间全面开展论文文献调查的同时,申请到日本国际交流基金的研究项目,在日本进修一年,利用在日本的便利条件,通过日本的博物馆、图书馆和网络搜集了大量珍贵的资料和照片,还在日本海及关西地区包括岛根县的石州半纸产地三隅、以及以出云民艺纸、雁皮纸著称的安倍荣四郎纪念馆、金城民俗博物馆以及福井县今立郡今立町纸祖神神社、和纸之乡会馆进行了实地考查,对日本“和纸”技艺的重要传承人进行了口头采访,回国后又南下去宣纸故里安徽泾县、竹纸故里浙江富阳进行了实地调察并购得大量的纸样品,这些都为撰写论文和日后开展深入的比较研究打下较为坚实的基础。论文依据大量日本文献,辅以本人实地调查、考察获得的第一手资料,论述“和纸”的制作工艺,并进行象征文化阐释,主要分为以下四章:第一章叙述纸的传播及“和纸”的产生与发展,探讨日本纸产生以前的文化传播媒介,并通过分类研究概括出“和纸”的种类、特点以及其使用的原料和原产地,“和纸”作为日本重要的无形文化财,本文还专门论述了日本著名的“和纸”传承人及其所持有的技术,并特别指出“传统手工艺技能”是非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分,而这种遗产往往以技艺为表现手法,依靠特定民族、特定人的展示而存在。“手工艺作业中”体现的“心”就是一个民族的灵魂。第二章主要探讨“和纸”的制作工艺。分白纸与加工纸两大类加以论述,对日本白纸制作工艺的叙述采用古今对比方法;加工纸工艺则采用历时方法,从奈良时代的写经料纸,到近代的金唐革纸和现代的美术工艺纸,笔者力图摸清日本“和纸”加工工艺的发展脉络。第三章介绍“和纸”在书法、艺术领域、古典文学、建筑装饰、工艺素材、世俗生活中的用途及功能,解读“和纸”在文化传播中承载的历史使命。第四章运用历史文献、象征人类学、阐释人类学的理论,以“和纸”的物质器物造型以及宗教仪式行为为研究对象,阐释传统“和纸”表层结构所隐藏的深层文化内涵及其象征意义。通过研究,笔者提出日本“和纸”是具有以下几种象征意义的符号:一是神人沟通的宗教符号;二是民俗节庆的象征符号;三是吉祥祈福的象征符号;四是文人墨客的情感符号;五是社交礼仪的象征符号;六是自然与艺术相结合的魅力符号。非物质文化遗产不仅可以体现文化的多样性,而且它体现一个民族、一个国家的灵魂,我国的非物质文化遗产是中华民族的精神家园,特别需要我们去保护,珍惜,传承和发展。笔者在结语中利用中日比较研究的方法,对传统手工纸的文化传承作了一个粗略的探索,并结合我国的实际情况、借鉴日本对无形文化财的保护制度提出了几点建议。

【Abstract】 Since the State Council issued the first Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2006, more and more public attention has been given to the intangible cultural heritage. People have become more aware of the fact that the intangible cultural heritage does not only embody the cultural diversity and human creativity, but also reveal the soul of a nation and the soul of a country. The intangible cultural heritage in China is spiritual home of the Chinese nation, and it depends on us heritage holders to safeguard, treasure, pass down, and develop.According to the definition of the "intangible cultural heritage" made by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), China explains this concept as "the practices, representations and expressions of the traditional cultures and cultural spaces that are closely related to common people’s lives, and that are transmitted by people of all ethnic groups from generation to generation." It comprises oral traditions and expressions, including language as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage; the performing arts; social practices, rituals and festive events; knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe; and traditional craftsmanship. From such an explanation, we can see that the traditional craftsmanship is an important component of the intangible cultural heritage, and such a component shows that craft, as a form of expression, is demonstrated and developed by a certain nationality, or a certain people. The "heart" embodied in such an expression is in fact the soul of a nation.The traditional craft of papermaking is an important content of handicraft. Papermaking, such an important cultural heritage as one of the four great inventions of ancient China, made great contribution to the spread of the world civilization. When the Chinese papermaking was introduced to Japan, its craft also developed considerably and resulted in its unique feature, which is entitled "washi". By studying the craft of "washi", we can not only know about the intangible cultural heritage restoration and conservation in Japan, to gain inspiration for our conservation of handmade paper and explore a proper approach to the inheriting, preserving, developing and utilizing of our intangible cultural heritage, but also expand the Sino-Japanese cultural communications.According to the Symbol Anthropology, culture is "a symbol system that conveys messages and meanings that people manufacture." It consists of signifier, the signified and the coding. The "Washi Culture" is no exception. In this symbol system, "washi", as the symbol carrier of a surface structure, not only represents the form of "washi" as a material implement, but also comprises the related religious rituals and behaviors, sample contents shown in the plastic arts of "washi", and all kinds of other information as well. "Washi" has been widely applied in various fields of religion, folk custom, art, architecture, craftwork, related to different spheres of material culture, spiritual culture and system culture, and is undoubtedly an important carrier of the Japanese traditional culture. To study the "Washi Culture" is to explore the deep cultural connotations hidden below the surface structure of "washi", and furthermore to explore the development framework of the Japanese culture.The research data collected for this dissertation mainly comes from library documents, Internet, museum exhibitions and field survey. Unitizing a large amount of literature data and detailed illustrations is a distinguishing feature of this dissertation. The research presented in the dissertation is not only of great academic value, but also of important practical significance. There are many researches on traditional handicraft paper in China, but studying the Japanese "washi" from the perspective of the preservation of the intangible cultural heritage is almost blank. The author hopes that such a research can provide some useful reference to the development of the Chinese traditional papermaking, explore a new field in the study of cultural heritage, and give inspiration to the mission of the restoration and conservation of intangible cultural heritage.This dissertation is made up of introduction, four chapters in the main text and conclusion.The Introduction includes study background, literature summary and theory approach. Chapter One makes a brief description of the spread of papermaking and the development of "washi", discussing the cultural medium before the invention of paper and summarizing the production, types, features, raw materials and the place of production concerning "washi".Chapter Two mainly explores the craftsmanship of "washi", which is mainly divided into two categories as the white paper and the processed paper. The comparative method is adopted for the narration of the Japanese white paper craft, while the chronological order is followed for the narration of processed paper craft, from the Nara Period to modern times. The author intends to find out the framework of development in the processing technique of the Japanese "washi".Chapter Three focuses on the applications and functions of "washi" in such areas as calligraphy, arts, classical literature, architecture and decoration, materials for arts and crafts, and in common people’s daily life. The author intends to interpret the historical mission undertaken by "washi" in cultural communications.Chapter Four aims at interpreting the symbolic meanings of the traditional "washi". Historical documents, Symbol Anthropology, and Interpretative Theory are consulted to study "washi" as a material appliance and related religious rituals and behaviors. In the author’s opinion, the symbolic meanings of "washi" include,a) a religious symbol of the interaction between God and mankind.b) a symbol of folk customs and festivals.c) a symbol of auspiciousness and good fortuned) a symbol of strong emotions of poets and writerse) a symbol of social etiquettesf) a charm symbol of nature and artIn the Conclusion the author has a rough exploration of the cultural transmission of the traditional handmade paper by means of Sino-Japanese comparative studies. On the basis of surveying the Japanese protection system and situation of the intangible cultural heritage, some suggestions are made for our country’s practice in protecting the valuable intangible cultural heritage.


