

【作者】 黄安辉

【导师】 徐万邦;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 民族传统节日是该民族重要的文化遗产,这项文化遗产是历经千百年沧桑而流传下来的,其命运与民族跌宕起伏的发展历程紧密联系在一起。民族传统节日活动是该民族丰富多彩的生活方式的一次充分展演,同时它本身又承载着丰厚的民族文化内涵。因此,运用民族学的理论方法研究民族节日文化,不仅要对节日活动的大致情况进行总体的把握,将节日的全貌展现给人们,而且还要对蕴涵其中的深层次意义进行深入的解读,透视出民族社会最本质的东西。哈节是京族最隆重的传统节日,同时也是京族传统文化的重要载体。因此,研究京族哈节,不仅仅是为了向人们介绍这一民族传统节日活动的情况,更重要的是利用节日活动的平台,透过节日活动的各种表层现象,探讨这些表象产生的深层原因以及节日活动本身对于京族社会所具有的意义。本文将田野调查研究法和文献资料研究法结合起来,对哈节进行纵横两方面的梳理。所谓纵向梳理,就是要对哈节的来龙去脉有自己的一些分析,这一点十分重要。目前为止,凡是提及京族文化或者是京族风俗习惯的论著,无不将哈节作为其中最为重要的一项内容来看待;而所有的论著对哈节形成的原因及历史都尽量少谈,甚至是避而不谈。笔者认为,对哈节形成的原因及历史进行初步的探讨,可以弥补过去相关研究之不足,使哈节的研究更加完善。鉴于此,在目前已有文献资料的基础上,笔者推断哈节最终形成的时间在13世纪末至16世纪初之间,依据是目前京族三岛供奉和祭祀的主要神灵都是由这一阶段的历史人物神格化而来的。对哈节活动进行横向梳理,就是要深入分析与哈节相关的其它文化事象,这些事象实际上是京族传统文化的重要组成部分。与哈节相关的文化事象既涉及到京族的宗教信仰情况,如哈节祭祀神灵及神事人员、哈亭与神庙等,同时也包括京族的民间事务组织形式,如哈头与哈妹、村落民间事务委员会等。哈节活动的过程及意义解读是本选题研究的重点。哈节活动过程共分为四个部分,顺序依次为迎神、祭神、入席宴饮与听哈、送神。其中迎神是哈节活动正式开始的标志,场面最为隆重;祭神是贯穿哈节活动始终的必备环节,每天都要举行一次;入席宴饮与听哈是最具京族特色的节日活动形式,海洋文化色彩十分浓厚。本文运用民族学、人类学、民俗学等学科有关仪式研究的理论与方法,对这些活动过程进行意义阐释,从而透视出蕴涵其中的丰富文化内涵。节日因人们的需要而产生,同时,节日一旦形成,它就具有满足人们某些方面需要的功能,对人们的现实生产生活有意义。失去了自身功能与没有任何现实意义的节日,最终会为人们所抛弃,成为历史发展过程中的无形“淘汰品”。哈节是京族最具民族特色的传统节日,它具有调节人们的生活和密切族际之间的联系、弘扬京族传统文化和传承传统美德、增强京族社会民族凝聚力和强化国家认同感等方面的功能与意义。与国内其他少数民族有所不同,京族既是一个跨国民族,同时也是一个海洋渔业民族,因此,哈节本身所具有的功能与意义,必然要与京族特殊的民族特性和生计方式相符。随着民族经济的快速发展及民族地区旅游业的不断升温,民族地区的社会文化变迁日趋加速。作为民族文化的重要组成部分,民族传统节日也不可避免地出现了各种各样的变化,其保护面临着前所未有的压力。哈节作为京族的传统节日,同时又是一项重要的非物质文化遗产,它已经进入了首批国家非物质文化遗产名录。哈节作为一项民族文化资源,其拥有开发利用的现实价值,但是,加强保护哈节及其相关文化的任务更为重要。由于受到各方面因素的影响,哈节及其相关文化的传统性流失问题日趋严重,如不及早采取具体有效的措施对它进行保护,这一流传久远的传统节日及所蕴涵的传统文化精华将会逐渐消失。加强对哈节的保护,不仅仅是为了保护其作为非物质文化遗产这个“名”,更重要的是要守护住京族人民的精神家园。

【Abstract】 The traditional festivals form one important part of the cultural heritages of a certain people.This cultural heritage comes into being after thousands of years and it has close relationship with the development of the people it belongs to. The activities of traditional festivals can reflect various living styles of the people as well as its cultural connotations.Therefore,to study the culture on people’s tradional festivals with a ethnology theoretical method means not only to show people the overall knowledge of the festival activities but also explore their deep significances and something essential about the people and its society.Ha Festival is the most ceremonious one of the Jing tradional festivals which embody the spirit of the Jing People’s culture.To study the Jing Ha Festival means not only to introduce it to people but also probe into its deep reasons under the superficial phenomena and the real significances for the present Jing society.Based on a compositive method of field research and literature,this study will focus on the source and history of Ha Festival vertically and horizontally. That is to say,I will show the sketch of developments of Ha Festival and at the same time give my supportive analyses. So far,there have been quite some articles and books concerning Jing culture and costoms.Although they all regard Ha Festival as an important section of their writing contents,they seldom or even not to discuss the source and history of Ha Festival. In my study, I tend to explore the cause of formation and analyse the history of Ha Festival. With what I have done,I hope I can make the current studies of Ha Festival better and more consummate.According to the analyses based on the literatural references on hand, I noticed that most the main oblate and sacred jinns on the three islands of Jing People are always some historical deification characters of Jing People between the late 13th century and the beginning of the 16th ,so I estimate that Ha Festival came into being at these times.To study the activities of Ha Festival hirizontally is to give further analyses to the current cultural affairs or phenomena concerning Ha Festival which play a very important role in the Jing People’s traditional custom.They include not only the religious believes or other relevant factors such as sacred jinns in Ha Festival, necromancers, Ha pavilions,tamples , etc. but also the people or organization concerning the Jing People’s local affairs like Ha Principals,Ha Sisters,Local Affairs Committee and so on.This study will mainly stress on the festival course and the interpretation of its significance. The Ha Festival course include four sections in turn like welcome to jinns, memorial ceremony for jinns,feasting while listening to chants, and seeing off jinns. Among these four sections,welcome to jinns means the formal beginning of Ha Festival with grand and joyful scene.The memorial ceremony is the essential part and held once every day during the Ha Festival time.Feasting and listening to chants is the very part of typical Jing style with sea-cultural flavors. Aiming to the goal of this on-going study, my comprehensive use of theories and methods concerning ethnology,people study and folklore will do great help in presenting the festival course and interpreting the relevant significances and cultural connotations.Festivals come into being for meeting needs of people and in reverse they will function in offering some certain needs and some meaningful directions to daily work and life.The festivals that have lost their functions will become meanlingless and nothing, and then disappear in history. Ha Festival is the most typical and traditional one of Jing festivals. It can not only adjust the life of Jing People,build friendly and better relationship between different peoples, regrow and enrich the Jing’s traditional cultures and moralities, but also strengthen the Jing’s unity and form the sense of being to the whole Chinese country. Differing from other Chinese peoples, Jing is a trans-countries and sea-fishing people.To study the functions and meanings of Ha Festival means that we must do something based on the Jing’s typical nationalities and its special living styles.

【关键词】 京族哈节仪式
【Key words】 Jing PeopleHa Festivalceremony

