

Study on the Management and Financing Problems of Energy Forest Construction in China

【作者】 姚海宁

【导师】 张彩虹;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,能源危机不断加剧,生物质能在世界各国方兴未艾。当前,生物质能的生产成本还相对较高,原料供应还无法保证。使其能有充足的原料供应并降低生产成本的途径就是大规模发展能源林。各国政府都非常重视发展能源林。发展能源林也被提上我国各级政府和国家林业局的议事日程。本研究以林木生物质能源的原料林——能源林的经营模式为研究对象展开,从对国内外相关研究现状和发展现状的背景性研究中,总结出当前能源林建设存在的一些问题。针对这些问题,首先从产业层面和项目层面展开了能源林的经济可行性分析研究;其次从微观项目的经营管理层面展开理论分析研究,指出了不同情况下能源林经营的科学模式;接着从这些经营模式要实现顺利运行所必需的资金条件出发,展开了能源林融资方面的研究;然后结合具体的能源林案例分别从市场、资本、管理三个角度进行了案例分析研究;最后根据本研究分析发现的问题并结合中国国情,就我国如何发展能源林提出相关的政策建议。本研究分为四大部分,第一部分包括1-2章,主要针对研究背景、国内外研究现状、能源林及其相关行业在中国的发展现状做了研究总结。第二部分包括3-5章,分别从能源林的经济可行性、经营管理模式以及如何融资的角度进行了理论方面的相关研究探讨。第三部分即第6章,结合具体的能源林案例对前面的规范分析进行了佐证。第四部分包括7-8章,根据前面的规范分析和实证研究,提出中国建设发展能源林的相关政策建议,并得出全文的结论。本研究的主要内容和结论如下:对能源林经济可行性的分析分别从宏观产业层面和微观项目层面来展开。宏观产业层面,得出能源林大发展的理论条件。在没有政府扶持的情况下,假设生物质能源和传统能源价格都在完全市场化的条件下,同样当量的传统能源的价格为P,能源林的终端产品即林木生物质能的成本为C,投资者要求的最低报酬率为r,则实现部分市场替代的条件就是C(1+r)<P。假设对生物质能免税并补贴,补贴率为s,对传统能源的征收税率为T,则实现部分替代的条件就是C(1+r)(1-s)<P(1+T)。在政府补贴的基础上,如果实现了能源林生态服务的市场化,设定生态服务市场化出来的价值体现为b,化石能源实现部分替代的条件则为C(1+r)(1-s)+b<P(1+T)。微观项目层面,通过对相关案例的简单分析,表明该类能源林项目的盈利能力良好,经济可行性较高。微观经营管理模式方面,从能源林经营管理的角度出发,结合我国当前林业产业通常的经营管理模式,研究了中国当前能源林的生产经营可以采用的主要经营管理模式及其具体适用条件,并在这个基础上探索性地提出了一种新的能源林经营模式。在对各种经营模式进行了规范分析之后,得出各类经营模式的适用条件。规模化经营一般由林能集团进行统一规划经营,适合于土地和资本较为集中、技术较高的情况,主要优点是充分发挥了先进技术和设备的作用,主要缺点就是集团面对广袤无垠的林地,想管理好却有心无力。分散化经营虽然较好的解决了这一问题,但是公司和林农之间的谈判成本和管理成本较大,人为因素的影响较多,往往具有很大的不可预测性。各行各业的实践都证明,不论何种经营模式都需要有足够的资金支持,这就需要从融资渠道、融资手段、融资主体方面展开分析研究。在关于能源林融资方面的研究中,首先通过对能源林融资现状的分析和总结,提出了能源林融资的指导思想:在完全市场化主导下进行融资——要求被投资对象的产权和经营权明晰化、投资主体民营化、在市场主导下进行融资。能源林融资渠道方面,除了银行贷款和各类企业的闲置资金之外,吸引民间游资也将是未来能源林建设融资的一个重要发展方向。能源林融资手段方面,除了传统的债权融资和股权融资之外,在能源林建设中尝试产权融资手段也是未来能源林建设融资切实可行的一个重要融资手段。能源林融资主体方面,当前能源林建设主要的融资主体是一些大型国有企业和一些中小型的民营企业,随着能源林的发展,未来分散的个体林农也将成为能源林建设的重要融资主体。

【Abstract】 Biomass energy has been developing quickly around the world for the past few years.However,it can not be ignored that its production cost remains relatively high and the supply of its raw material is not stable too.In this case,developing energy forest in large scale is becoming one of the most effective ways to lower the production cost down and guarantee the raw material supplies sufficiently.Being aware of this,China,together with every other country in the world is paying much attention on the energy forest development at present.The object of this study is energy forest which is used as the raw material forest of Biomass energy. It starts from studying on previous researches in this field and its developing procedures both abroad and home and then it moves to explore problems appearing in the current energy forests development. To solve these problems,first of all,we start the economic feasibility study of energy forest from industrial and project levels followed by a Theoretical Analysis which develops from the level of the management of micro-projects,pointing out the scientific models of energy forests management under different situations of energy to operate;and then we continue the study by exploring the financing problems in energy forests industry under the necessary conditions of the management models we studied before;next,combined with specific energy forest case,we carried out the study from the angles of market,capital and management;in the end of this study the writer put forward policy proposals on how to develop energy forests based on the previous analysis of the study and China’s national conditions.This thesis is generally divided into four parts;the chapter 1 and 2 constitute the first part which is a detailed literature review of the background of the following study,moreover,a brief summary of the current situation of energy forest development,and the industries correlated with it in China today are also presented in this part.The second part includes chapter 3,4 and 5,in which we present a tentative and theoretical probe from three angles which are economic feasibility,operation and management mode of energy forest and how to finance.Chapter 6 alone is the third part which is an experimental study to the frontal normative analysis helped by analyzing some practical cases of energy forest development.The last part is made by Chapter 7 and 8,in which some suggestions for the government are provided,and this part is also the conclusion of the whole thesis.The main content and conclusions of this study are as follows: The conditions of developing energy forest are theoretically proved in the study.When there is no aid from governments,and both of the prices of Biomass energy and traditional energy are under the control of market rules,besides,if the price of a certain mount of traditional energy is p,and partially achieving the substituted condition of market is C(1+r)<P;if the Biomass energy can be tax-free and given certain allowance which is represented as s,and the tax rate of the traditional energy is T,then the substituted condition is C(1+r)(1-s)<P(1+T).The conditions of partially substituting of Fossil energy would be C(1+r)(1-s) +b<P(1+T),if the ecological service of energy forest is Marketed with the supports of Government Subsidy.As for the Micro-level projects,All results proved that they are appropriate in economic evaluationThe writer analyzes the current management models and applicable conditions of energy forest in China from the angles of operation and management,and then an exploratory management model is proposed based on the previous studies on the relationship between rural forestry productivity and production relations in China.We analyze various kinds of operating models,as a result,their merits and demerits are drawn out in the thesis.Intensive management is generally operated by forest energy groups as one part of their whole managing program,so the main merits of this model is reducing the costs of transition and management.However,the groups are usually incapable of managing the vast forests effectively.Although scattered management partially solved this problem,it is still trapped by the rising up costs of transition and management,besides,it is also unpredictable.Practice from every walk of life shows that no matter which management mode,it will need an adequate fund to support.So,this paper made a study from several respects of financing channel, financing means and financing subject.In this section,by analyzing and summarizing to current financing status,the guiding principle of energy forest financing has been proposed firstly as follows: the proprietary and management right perspicuity,and the investment subject privatization,financing practises are under the direction from market.The finacing chennels of energy forest financing:Beside the bank loan and idle funds from various enterprises,there is another trend in which attracting hot momeny is becoming more and more importamt.The methods of energy forest finacing:Proprietary right finacing is a practicable finacing method which can be used in energy forest construction in the future as a supplement to the traditional methods.The investment subject of energy forest finacing: Although some large state-owned enterprises and small and medium private enterprises are the main body of energy forest finacing at present,there is another trend that scattered forest individualss are becoming more and more important in the finacing progresses.


