

Analysis on Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China

【作者】 孙妍

【导师】 陈建成; 徐晋涛;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本论文利用实地调研的一手数据,以福建省和江西省90个村的900户农户作为研究对象。围绕林改过程中社会所关心的:各基层单位的产权制度安排如何形成?林改过程中,村集体组织是否应该收取林地使用费?林权制度改革对林业生产投入会产生何种影响?这三个问题进行了深入的分析。论文首先利用土地供给需求理论分析了福建、江西省的90个村产权制度安排形成的影响因素。计量回归的结果表明,社会因素、经济因素以及政策因素都会影响人们对林地经营模式的选择,从而影响该村的产权制度安排。替代收入高的地区农户对林地的需求较低,市场完善的地区农户进行林业生产的热情较高。在劳动力比例较高的村庄,对资源的渴求程度会体现在农户经营林地比例的增加。通过研究还发现在社会资本、村干部质量较高的地区易于形成社区共管的林业经营模式。此外,研究结果证实了收取林地使用费有助于推动集体经济组织参与林改的积极性,从而推进林改的进度和深度。文章研究的第二部分运用Faustmann最优轮伐期模型进一步分析了不同林地使用费收取模式对于林业生产的影响。研究结果表明,在现有的社会条件下,以保护资源作为收取林地使用费的理由是站不住脚的。收取林地使用费实际上是对经营主体收益权的侵害。因此,从经营主体的角度分析不应收取林地使用费。同时,在所有的林地使用费收费模式中以采伐收入分成的收费模式最有利于促进林业的可持续发展。林权制度改革旨在通过构建产权明晰的林业经营体系,最终实现解放林业生产力,推动社会投资林业的目的。因此,评价林业产权改革的绩效就必须从农户林业生产投入情况入手,尤其是对用材林的投入。在文中把农户的林业生产投资行为拆分为两个决策步骤:第一、决定是否投资林业;第二、愿意投资的农户,还需要进一步决定投资的规模。文中分别对影响农户两个生产决策步骤的相关因素进行了分析。其中,重点分析了产权因素中的稳定性、交易权以及抵押权对于林业生产的影响。研究结果表明,提高农户对长期经营林地的信心有助于农户采取持续性的生产方式经营林业;交易权虽然理论上能够促进林业生产投资,但在实证模型中还没有得到显现;拥有抵押权后,农户会扩大林地投资的规模。最后,文章对现阶段林权改革的效果进行了评价,认为林权制度改革在促进林业生产力的解放方面起到了积极的作用。但只有与各项配套改革同时全面开展,及时为林农加快林业生产和经营提供有力的政策扶持、科技服务、信息咨询、法律保障、产品流通和投融资等社会化服务,才能确保集体林权制度改革的成功和改革成果的巩固,最大限度地发挥集体林权制度改革的整体效应。

【Abstract】 Using the data collected from 90 villages’ 900 household in Fujian and Jiangxi provinces, this thesis empirical analyzed some main issues that discussed much during the process of Tenure Reform in south collective forestry area. Such as: should the manger be charged for use of forestland? Which factors should responded for different tenure form arrangement? Does the reform perform as well as what it expected to be?Firstly, supply-demand theory was used to analyze the factors that cause the wide scale differences of tenure institutional arrangement among villages. The results of the econometric study showed the relationship between social factors, economic factors and policy factors and the development of different forest management type, which finally affects the arrangement of tenure institution. The thesis also found that in the area with good alternative income, farmer demand for forestland would be lower; in the village with much market accessibility to the market leads to higher demand for forestland. Higher labor share induces increase in household managed forest. It also be found that in the village with good social capital and high quality village leadership leads to mange forestland in the model of community manage. Besides, the analysis also proved that prohibition of charge land fee was seemingly deterring the process of efficiency improvement in forest management.Faustman model was employed to analyze the effect of different charge forms on the farmers’ forestry production. The result showed that the forestland use fee which be charged in name of protecting forest resource is totally wrong. To charge fee from the framers is just a kind of behavior which impropriate part of forest managers’ income. So, in the aspect of farmers, the collective organization should not charge any fee. It was also found out that the way of charge when harvesting is the best way in all the forestland use fee charge models. For it can promote the forestland managers to use forest resource in a sustainable way.The purpose of tenure reform is to set a forestry management system with clear property rights, to emancipate forestry productivity, to induce social investment devote into forestry sector. Thus, the impact of tenure reform to farms’ forestry investment, especially investment on the timber forest, should be the seena as a standard to judge the performance of the tenure reform. Farmers’ forestry invest action was divided into two steps: firstly, decide to invest into forestry or not; secondly, to the those farmers who are willing to invest in forestry, need to decide the invest scale. In the thesis we analyzed the impacting factors of forestry investment, especially focused on the property rights’ impacts. The property factors include: stability, transfer rights and mortgage rights. The results showed that when the farmers expected long stability of forestland management, they will arrange forestry production in a sustainable way. Though the transfer right showed the positive effect in the theory study, but showed no effect in the empirical model. Mortgage rights may induces farmers invest more on the forestland.Finally, the thesis gave an conclusion about the performance of the tenure reform. The tenure reform was considered to have a positive effect on releasing the forestry productivity. However, some synthetically reforms should be conducted, in order to ensure the successes of the reform and to consolidate the achieved reform result. These synthetically reforms should be carried out: to peovide policy support, science and technology service and information consultation; to improve law guarantee system, to establish forestry product circulation system, invest and financing system, and so on.

  • 【分类号】F326.2
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】1787

