

Research on the Ways of Realizing Modern Forestry in Guizhou

【作者】 黎平

【导师】 陈建成; 王焕良;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 贵州林业发展正面临历史性的选择,传统林业的发展模式带来了一系列的问题,“八山一水一分田”所赋予贵州林业发展的广阔空间,既没有使贵州林业的比较优势得到彰显,也没有使广大的山区农民摆脱贫困落后的现实,甚至在一些严重石漠化地区,老百姓还面临极其严重的生存危机问题。与此同时,随着经济社会的快速发展和生态文明理念的悄然兴起,人们对林业发展提出了更多更高的要求,因此建设现代林业便成为贵州林业在新的历史条件下的必然选择。贵州现代林业建设要走出一条具有自身特色而有着较强竞争力的林业发展道路,必须审时度势,对贵州省情林情有一个清醒而客观的认识,抓住机遇、发挥优势,走生态建设与经济发展并重的发展道路,并采取一系列切实可行的措施,构建起贵州林业生态建设、林业产业建设、林业文化建设的新格局。本文通过着力于实证角度,采用现代管理学的SWOT研究、统计数据分析方法、系统分析方法和案例分析方法,对贵州现代林业实现途径开展研究。全文共分十章,第一章是导论部分,对国内外研究现代林业及贵州现代林业的现状进行梳理和评价,提出贵州现代林业实现途径研究的重要意义。第二章现代林业理论基础部分,对现代林业的概念及内涵进行研究。第三章、第四章是对贵州省情林情的介绍,明确贵州现代林业建设的现实条件。第五章、第六章是对贵州林业的历史贡献、现实地位研究及对贵州林业的优势、劣势、机遇、挑战研究,明确贵州建设现代林业的必要性和重要性。第七章、第八章是贵州现代林业的目标定位及实现途径研究,对贵州现代林业的发展方向和实现目标进行了全新的定位,同时对贵州现代林业实现途径进行选择,并提出了一系列切实可行的实现措施。第九章是案例分析,对三个不同案例的分析进一步说明贵州建设现代林业的有效途径和办法。第十章是对全文的研究进行总结,针对结论展开思考提出建议。本文研究得出以下主要结论:(1)贵州林业必须走现代林业的发展道路。传统林业带来的一系列的问题,制约了贵州林业及贵州经济的发展,以全新的现代林业发展理念建设贵州林业是历史的选择和现实的需要。(2)贵州发展现代林业要以生态优先、注重效益为主攻方向。失去了生态也就失去了贵州林业发展的根基,没有效益林业发展就没有活力,贵州林业要从过去的木材林业、生态林业走向生态经济林业和综合协调林业。(3)贵州现代林业产业发展必须突出特色、对接高端市场。因地制宜,以贵州特有优势品种对接林业高端市场,提高林产品的价值和附加值,靠利益机制激活贵州林业市场。(4)贵州现代林业建设是贵州新农村建设的重要支撑。“八山一水一分田”的省情决定了贵州农村潜力在山、希望也在山,贵州林业要抓住新农村建设的契机,在林业生态建设、产业发展及资源的高效利用等方面大展宏图。(5)石漠化治理是贵州发展现代林业的攻坚战。贵州林业一定要在这场攻坚战中积极作为,并从中探索出贵州喀斯特山区林业生态建设和产业建设共同发展的新路子。(6)集体林权制度改革是贵州现代林业发展的关键之举。集体林业是贵州林业的大壁江山,在集体林权制度改革中,只要相关配套政策措施跟上,并搭建起开放有序的市场平台,贵州林业就会焕发出巨大的潜力。(7)贵州现代林业建设要有风险意识。贵州现代林业建设要通过科技手段提高林业的抗风险水平,同时借助现代金融手段,积极开展森林灾害的保险工作,减少极端灾害给林业生产者带来的损失。本文的研究结论从贵州经济社会发展角度透视出贵州现代林业建设还处于起步阶段,全社会参与林业建设的积极性还不高,贵州现代林业的理论指导还有待加强,贵州林业队伍素质有待提高等。因此建议贵州林业要依靠政府和相关部门的力量,借生态文明建设契机加快现代林业建设步伐;要加大现代林业理论研究,集中广大林业科技工作者的智慧,尽快形成较为完善的贵州现代林业建设思路和理论;要加大贵州现代林业的人才队伍建设,培育一大批具有现代意识的林业管理队伍、林业科技队伍、林业企业家队伍和林农队伍,形成庞大的人才资源,从而顺利推进贵州现代林业建设。

【Abstract】 Guizhou forestry is facing a historic choice now because of series problems caused by traditional forestry developing model. The wide developing space endowed by the special landform for Guizhou forestry cannot reveal the comparative advantages of Guizhou forestry, and cannot solve the poverty of hill farmers also. Peasants are facing serious survival crisis in some rocky desertification region. Modern forestry construction becomes the inevitable choice for Guizhou forestry with the rapid ecnomy and social development and the rising of ecological civilization idea in the new historic condition. Guizhou forestry should pay equal attention for ecological construction and economy development to form a characteristic and stronger competitive forestry developing way. A series of feasible measures should be taken to form the new pattern of forestry ecological construction, forestry industrial construction and forestry culture construction.The realization ways of Guizhou modern forestry are studied in this paper from an empirical view and many research methods are taken, such as SWOT analysis, statistical data analysis, systematic analysis and case analysis. The paper includes ten chapters. In the first chapter, the important significance was put forward of realization ways for Guizhou modern forestry under the condition of present research situation. In the second chapter, modern forestry theory was studied including the concept and the connotation. The introduction of the basic Guizhou forestry condition was explained in the third and forth chapters to show the realistic condition. The necessity and importance of Guizhou modern forestry construction was studied in the fifth and sixth chapters on the base of the research of the historic contribution, realistic position and the SWOT analysis for Guizhou forestry. In the seventh and eighth chapters, the forestry position and realization approaches were proposed. Three cases were analyzed in ninth chapter to show the effective way for Guizhou forestry furthermore. In the last chapter, inclusions were draw and suggestions were put forward .The paper draws main conclusions as follow.(1)Modem forestry is the inevitable way for Guizhou forestry. Traditional forestry caused many problems which restrict the development of Guizhou forestry and economy. So it is the historic choice and realistic need with modern forestry idea to construct Guizhou forestry.(2)Ecology priority and attaching importance to benefit are main direction. Guizhou forestry should change its way from wood forestry to eco-economic forestry because losing ecology equal to lose the base f and losing benefit equal to lose activity for the forestry.(3)Guizhou modern forestry industry should outstanding characteristic and dock higher market. Using preponderant varieties to improve the value and depending on benefit mechanism to activate Guizhou forestry market.(4)Guizhou modern forestry is an important base for new rural construction. The landform determines the potential and the opportunity lying in the mountain. Guizhou forestry should use the good chance to achieve great progress.(5)Treatment of rocky desertification will be a storming fortification for Guizhou modern forestry construction. New methods can get from the battle to solve Guizhou forestry problems in the karst rocky desertification area.(6)Collective forest property system reform will be the key for Guizhou modern forestry construction. Guizhou forestry will have great potential during collective forest property system reform under the condition of taking correlated measures and constructing market platform.(7)Risk consciousness should be possessed during Guizhou modern forestry construction. Many measures can be taken to reduce loses for the forestry producerss.The conclusions can reflect many problems, such as, Guizhou modern forestry is still in the starting stage, enthusiasm of whole society commitment is at a low level, the theory of modern forestry should be enhanced, personnel quality should be improved. So the construction of Guizhou forestry should rely on the government force and the opportunity of ecological culture construction to speed up. Further study on modern forestry theory should be enhanced to form a system thought and theory for Guizhou modern forestry construction. High-quality talent team should be increased greatly in order to cultivate many having modern idea forest management staff, forest scientific and technical staff, forest entrepreneur and forest peasant team. So that Guizhou modern forestry can be promoted smoothly.

  • 【分类号】F326.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】752

