

Study on Forestry Industry Development and Structure Adjustment in JILIN Province

【作者】 张爱美

【导师】 温亚利;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 农林经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 林业是一个具有产业和事业双重使命的部门,它既为国民经济的发展提供大量的木材和其他林产品,又承担着维护和改善生态环境的重任。我们在重视林业生态建设的同时,也不能忽视林业产业的发展,因为林业产业发展的好坏将直接关系到林业建设能否适应市场经济发展的要求,直接影响林业生态、经济和社会三大效益的综合发挥。而影响林业产业发展的最主要原因是产业结构是否合理。所谓合理,具有相对性,从根本上说,产业结构优化调整贯穿于一个产业发展的始终。结构优化调整的过程就是提高效益的过程,反之,要想进一步提高经济效益,则必须进行产业结构的优化调整,结构优化的课题是永远存在的。既然这样,林业产业结构优化调整也是一个动态的过程,是由一个平衡走向另一个平衡的过程。该文从产业结构的视角来研究产业,即从林业产业结构的角度来研究吉林省林业产业的发展。在借鉴前人对相关研究的方法和理论基础上,对当前吉林省林业产业结构调整问题进行深入分析,提出对策和建议,从而推动吉林省林业产业健康、持续地发展。该文主要研究结论:(1)吉林省林业产业经过50多年的建设和发展,有了较快的发展,已初步形成了较为完备的以木材采运、木制品加工业、人造板制造业、木浆造纸业、林化产品加工业为主要产业的产业体系。但是先天的发育和后天的发展不足,“独木支撑”的经济发展格局仍在继续,致使森林资源过度消耗。(2)吉林省林业三次产业间的结构不合理,出现了严重的结构性偏差,具有竞争力的产品少,资源配置不合理,产业结构总体效益水平低。具体表现在第一产业基础不牢,林木的培育与种植水平低,可利用森林资源不足;第二产业素质不高,整个产业及其经营企业竞争力低、经济效益差,没能发挥主导产业应有的作用;第三产业相对较弱,处于低水平发展。(3)影响吉林省林业产业结构的因素有森林资源、需求、劳动力供给、资本供给、技术供给、林业产业政策、区域经济环境等。(4)吉林省林业产业结构调整的目标是合理化和高度化。为了保证这一目标的实现要建立市场、人力资源、资本、技术创新、林业产业政策五大支撑体系。(5)吉林省林业产业结构调整的主要具体方向是加强森林资源基础产业的培育、选择主导产业和发展森林旅游业。

【Abstract】 Forestry is not only an industry department, but also a project department. Forestry provides considerable timber and other product for our society and economy. Furthermore, forestry affords the important burden of maintaining and improving the ecological environment. As the quality of forestry development will directly affect the matter that whether forestry construction could adapt economic demand, and will affect the integrate benefit of forestry ecology、economy and society.The main factor that affects the development of forest industry is whether the industry structure is reasonable. It is means that reasonable is relative, and radically the optimize adjustment of industry structure will run through the industry development all along. The process of industry structure optimization and adjustment is the process of increasing benefit, otherwise, if we want to increase economic benefit, we must optimize and adjust industry structure, so the task of industry structure optimization will be subsistent forever. In this case, the process of industry structure optimization and adjustment is a dynamic process, which also presents the process from a balance to another balance.The industry research in this paper is based on industry structure, it is means that, the view of forest industry investigation in Jilin province is forest industry structure. This paper is based on the relative research methods and theory of other people, and having a deep analysis on forest industry structure adjustment, proposing the countermeasure and suggestion, consequently improving the healthy and sustainable development of forest industry in Jilin province.The main conclusion of this paper: (1) After construction and development in 50 years, forest industry of Jilin province develop rapidly, and formed the perfect industry system consist of timber logging, timber product machining, artificial board producing, paper making, forest chemistry product. However, as a result of the limitation of forest industry, the economic development based on timber production will persist a long time, which will also lead to excessive consumption of forest resources. (2) Because the structure among three forestry industry is not reasonable, forest industry in Jilin presents serious structural warp, limited competitive forest product, unreasonable forest resources collocation, and low benefit of the total forest industry. The main presentation including foundation of the primacy forest industry isn’t fastness, forest breed and growth level is low, available forest resources isn’t abundance; the quality of the second forest industry is low, the competition level of managing enterprise even the whole industry is low, the economic benefit is low, and can’t exert the dominant industry’s action; the third forest industry is feebleness, and the level of development is low. (3) The main factor that affects forest industry structure is forest resources, demand, supply of labor, capital and technique, forest industry policy, regional economic environment and so on. (4) The objective of forest industry adjustment in Jilin is reasonableness and highness. In order to ensure the implement of the objective, need to build five supporting system, including market, labor, capital, technical creation, and forest industry policy. (5) The main direction of forest industry adjustment in Jilin is enhancing the basic industry of forest resources, choosing the dominant industry and improving forest travel industry.

  • 【分类号】F326.2;F426.88
  • 【被引频次】33
  • 【下载频次】1866
  • 攻读期成果

