

【作者】 赵蓁祥

【导师】 马怀德;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 于近代法治国家之下,以基本权利的保障为其终极目的,所谓“有权利,即有救济”。然而,在面对今日行政行为多样化的情形下,对于行政机关所为的侵害行为,人民应如何寻求救济?是从人民受侵害结果而论?亦或从行政机关的行为而论?倘自基本权利保障的观点来说,当以结果来论较能获得最完善的保障,也就是只要有受侵害的结果发生,国家即应负责。但是,法治国家所欲达成的功能与目的,不仅仅如此,因行政机关行为行使的正当性同时也为法治国家所关注。因此,因行政机关侵害行为所形成的国家责任,即应对基本权利保障以及行政机关行为行使的正当性均有所顾及。本文将从人民与国家的关系上去重新检视这部分的国家责任。而人民与国家关系如何演绎,此可由得拘束国家所有权力(包括行政权)的基本权利内涵与功能出发。由于基本权利乃是一国根本大法宪法中最重要的规范,其形成自与宪法所隐含的基本价值秩序有深厚的关系,而基本价值秩序的建立,则与国家各阶段所重而发展的类型,息息相关。是以,本文将自国家功能与目的的发展予以回溯,由其中汲取国家行政上消极法律责任建构制度时应有的取向,并以此审视现行制度的问题所在,进而重新塑造,以期此部分的国家责任能有较为清楚的体系。然而,在本文探究并汲取上述所谓建构制度时的取向后发现,目前台湾地区行政上消极法律责任制度,并未完全具备其应有的公法性质,也就是说其设置并非是从基本权利功能与内涵、宪法基本价值秩序等等着眼,而是应时代所需的产物,以致整体有混淆界线难分的情形出现。时至今日,为解决这种紊乱的情形,唯有从根基重新了解,也就是自基本权利的保障为出发点。而由此所建构的制度,于任何一个以法治国原则为依循的国家或地区,必均能有所适用。以台湾地区地区及中国大陆地区而言,皆以迈入法治国理念自诩,是以,本文所研究的方向与内容,于未来海峡两岸欲修正或建构新制时应皆可作为参考。

【Abstract】 In the rule of law of modern state,the protection of fundamental rights becomes its ultimate goal;the so called "where there is a right,there is a remedy," illustrates this very nature of modern state.However,facing the variety of administrative actions,what are the remedies for the people to the misconducts of administrative institutions? Can these remedies be derived from the perspective of consequentialism or behaviorism? In order to protect human rights,adopting the perspective of consequentialism will be better on holding the state liable on its administrative actions while it resulted in the violation of the rights of the people.Nevertheless,in order to fulfill state’s functions and goals,the complexity of administrative actions imposed upon people have gone beyond the consequentialism and behaviorism can comprehend.Therefore,this dissertation is intended to reexamine the relations between the people and the state and to reveal the responsibility of the state that it shall serve to the people.Exploring the relations between state and the people,I will begin with the examination of the contents and the functions of the fundamental rights.This is because that the fundamental rights are the basic norm of the constitution,a fundamental law,of a given state.The fundamental principles of the constitution are highly related to the principles inferred from the fundamental rights.The order and values derived from these principles can affect the formation of various structures of state in different space and time.In this sense,the author will trace back the origins of the functions and purposes of the state to explore the different ways of construction of the systems for the passive legal liability of state and base upon this approaches to examine and discuss the problems of current administrative institutions and system and hopefully provide a view that can clarify the responsibility of the state.By examining the various ways of the construction of the system,I discover that the current passive legal liability system in Taiwan has not yet fully complied with the public law.In other words,they haven’t fully taken into account of functions and contents of fundamental rights and the basic values and order of the constitution.The results are confusions and lack of clarity.In order to solve the problems,we have to start with the fundamental,that is,the protection of fundamental rights,as the constructive principle of a given modern state with rule of law.This approach,proposed in this dissertation,can become a guiding principle for all state proclaiming to be a state of rule of law.

  • 【分类号】D922.1;D927
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】376

