

Study on the Legal System of Environmental Impact Assessment from the Perspective of Administrative Law

【作者】 李迎春

【导师】 刘莘;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 尽管我国环境影响评价制度确立已近30年,却依然受着“执行难”之困扰。《环境影响评价法》的生效并未从根本上改变这种现状。本文试图从行政法的角度寻找答案。目前,国内学者主要从比较和实证两个角度来研究该制度,并以剖析法律规范、提供环境立法建议为主。从行政法角度研究环境影响评价制度的也不少,主要集中于规范研究,而不能为环境影响评价制度内外部关系重组与定位提供理论依据。本文在厘清行政许可、行政审批、监督检查等相关概念的基础上,拟从建设项目环境影响评价制度与行政许可、建设项目环境影响评价制度与行政程序、规划环境影响评价制度与行政规划以及环境影响评价制度与行政诉讼等方面展开全面讨论。关于建设项目环境影响评价制度与行政许可(一),兼谈建设项目环境影响评价制度的内部关系。传统的环境影响评价制度人为割裂了环境影响评价许可和“三同时”制度。而环境保护管理意义上的环境影响评价制度亦有其不足之处。行政许可法意义上的环境影响评价制度顺应了《行政许可法》和《环境影响评价法》的要求,同时也符合功能与结构主义的理念。此种意义的制度有助于指导整个预防性环境法律制度的整合与重组,提高行政效率和服务行政相对人。本文拟具体分析上述三种制度模式下的行政行为,探讨如何在行政许可法意义的环境影响评价制度模式下整合现有规则。关于建设项目环境影响评价制度与行政许可(二),将论述建设项目环境影响评价制度的外部关系。与环境保护审批相关的包括投资项目审批、项目规划审批、土地使用审批、建筑施工审批以及工商登记等。诸审批功能不同,由于其中项目阶段较多,形成了比较复杂与错综的关系。不仅如此,在竣工验收和监督检查方面,各行政机关的管理关系也较为复杂。本文将逐一分析以上审批、竣工验收的行政行为性质、法律规定的程序关系及实践变化、存在的问题以及实务界、学者的方案。关于建设项目环境影响评价制度与行政程序。本部分承接上部分问题继续探讨。诸行政审批的程序关系受行政审批改革影响较大,国外的环境影响评价程序与行政程序立法也都是有益的参考与借鉴。本文着重介绍了中国正在进行的行政审批制度程序改革的成果、国外相应行政程序立法及对中国《行政程序法》的启示。此外,本部分还在《行政程序法》的立法框架下探讨了“补办环评”的问题。关于规划环境影响评价法制度与行政规划。《环境影响评价法》首次以法律的形式规定了规划环境影响评价制度,并分为综合性规划和专项规划,其中专项规划中又区分出指导性规划。学界对于规划的法律性质众说纷纭。本文结合现有理论探讨不同规划的法律性质、规划环境影响评价程序、存在的实施问题及解决路径。关于环境影响评价制度与行政诉讼。行政诉讼是实施环境影响评价制度的重要的“推手”,学者普遍主张扩大行政诉讼原告资格,在行政诉讼中建立公益诉讼或公民诉讼的类型。本文主要探讨与环境影响评价行政许可相关的利害关系人诉讼、公益诉讼、行政诉讼原告资格等与行政诉讼相关的问题。

【Abstract】 Although the legal system of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) has been existed for about 30 years in China,environment problems remain and are even worse somewhere.This situation is still not changed after the enaction of the "Law of the Environmental Impact Assessment". Most studies on the system of EIA including the researches from the view of the administrative law aim at putting forward the suggestions through analyzing the statutes and the practices,in which few author concems the structures of the system of EIA.In fact,the construction of the system determines the enforcement of the "Law of the Environmental Impact Assessment".So this paper systematically studies on the inner structure, outer structure,administrative acts,administrative plan,procedural law of administration and administrative litigation.The first chapter refers to the structure inside the system through analysing the administrative acts.According to the "Law of the Administrative Licence" and the "Law of the Environmental Impact Assessment",the traditional definition of the system of EIA becomes outdated.So the author plans to build the "new" system in this part to be in case of pollution before the construction.The second chapter considers the structure outside the system.Before a construction is confirmed,many licences should be made,including the licence from environmental protection agency.Therefore,there are many conflicts among these licences.This part illustrates the relationship between the licence of the environmental protection and the others,which is instituted by the act or changed by the reform.The third chapter continues the discussion that the former part introduced.The administrative licence reform,to some extent,changes the structure out the system of EIA.After considering the administrative procedural legislation in other courtries,the author talks about the administrative precedual legislation in China.The forth chapter discusses environmental impact assessment of planning and the administrative plan.The legal nature of the administrative plan in the "Law of the Environmental Impact Assessment" should be determined before further discussion.Besides,the procedures,problems, and solutions in environmental impact assessment of planning are discussed in this part.The last chapter deals with the legal system of the environmental impact assessment and the administrative litigation.Many specialists suggest the kind of public interest litigation,or citizen suit.This part will systematically construe the lawsuit,and give the result.

  • 【分类号】D922.68
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1406

