

On Housing Expropriation and Demolition System

【作者】 王达

【导师】 刘莘;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 世界上许多国家和地区实行土地私有化,房屋均附属于土地,所以不存在单独的房屋征收,土地征收成为通行。土地征收,乃国家为公共利益之需要或公共用途之目的,基于公权力之作用,依法定程序,强制取得私有土地,给予公平补偿,而消灭其所有权,另行支配使用之行为。房屋征收属于我国特色,其概念只能参照土地征收来进行“临摹”:房屋征收是县级以上地方人民政府为了公共利益的需要代表国家,对国有土地上单位、个人所有的房屋进行强制剥夺所有权的行为。无法达成协议,或者在紧急情况下,难依私法手段取得房屋和土地的。为扩充所有权之社会机能,在公法上特设征收制度,行使公权力,对于特定私有房屋,在特殊情形,课以特别牺牲或特别负担,以利于社会公益事业的推行。目前,理论界对土地征收制度进行了充分研究,实务上也建立了较为完备的制度。但是,针对房屋的征收属于我国所特有,对此类问题无法照搬国外制度,对其理论研究也不充分,相应的法律制度也十分欠缺。在我国仅仅停留在行政法规的层面存在诸多弊端,更何况《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》与《物权法》的规定存在许多冲突,必将被新的立法所替代。显然,对该问题的深入研究具有深远的理论意义,更有重要的实践价值。根据房屋征收后用途的不同,区分为“征而不拆”及“征后拆迁”。前者一般表现为历史文化遗产、地方特色、民族特色和传统风貌保护,例如某市存在大量明清时期的房屋,这些房屋大多数由于年久失修成为危旧房,政府考虑到文物保护、传统文化保护及人民群众的生命财产安全,作出征收决定,征收这些房屋之后进行修缮并加以合理利用。后者一般表现为政府需要被征收房屋所在地的国有土地,征收房屋的同时还剥夺国有土地使用权。房屋征收决定的主要功能是剥夺房屋所有权,附带功能是剥夺国有土地使用权,兼有房屋征收与土地征用的双重功能。此外房屋征收还涉及房屋拆迁问题,拆迁必然涉及公共利益判断、征收补偿、强制执行、非公益性征收的规制、征收拆迁司法救济途径等重要问题。作为最高人民法院的一名法官,笔者承担了拆迁司法解释的起草工作,应当说,对我国拆迁制度的现状、缺陷有着深刻的认识,深感重新构建我国城市房屋征收拆迁制度的重要性。恐怕这也是笔者选该主题为博士论文的主要原因吧。由于房屋征收拆迁制度涉及多种行政行为及关联民事行为的问题,涉及立法、司法和行政等多个层面的问题,纠纷的类型也具有多样性,非一门学科或方法所能及,论文的研究也应当将多种方法结合在一起,包括实证分析、历史分析、比较分析、逻辑分析的方法进行研究。论文的最终目的在于制度构建。

【Abstract】 Land is owned by private parties and houses are attached to land in most countries and regions of the world, so there is no separate system of levy upon housing. Land acquisition, which is more popular, is the national action that based on public powers. For the sake of public interest or public use, the nation can, according to statutory procedure, obtain a piece of private land compulsively with fair compensation, and eliminate its ownership in order to use it for other purposes. Housing acquisition is a special offspring of China. To define it, we can only get some reference from land acquisition and make a "copy": housing acquisition is the action of a local government above the county level -in representative of the country, for the public interest -to deprive the housing ownership on state-owned land when no agreement could be reached or in case of emergency. For the expansion of the social functions of ownership, the ad hoc system is established in public law to guide the exercise of public power which can give extra sacrifice or burden on specified private housing under particular circumstances in order to implement social welfare undertakings.At present, there are many theories about land acquisition system and a quiet good system has been established in practice. However, levy upon housing is a unique product of China and have no alien system for reference. Research in this field is insufficiency while legislation on this problem is in short. By so far, there is only administrative regulation regulating such fields which is far from perfect, not to mention the "Urban Housing Demolition Management Ordinance" conflicts with the Property Law in many respects and will surely be replaced by new legislation. Apparently, in-depth study of the issue has not only far-reaching theoretical significance, but also vital value in practice.Housing expropriation can be divided into "expropriation without demolition" and "expropriation and demolition" due to the consequent action. Generally, the former happens in protection of the historical and cultural heritage, local color, ethnic characteristics and traditional conservation. For example, there are a lot of houses built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties and a majority of which are at stake. Considering the protection of cultural relics, traditional culture and people’s life and property safety, the local government can decide to levy upon the houses and make reasonable use of them after some repair work. The latter occurs when the state-owned land beneath the houses is in need, so the land-use right is deprived at the same time. The main function of housing expropriation is to remove ownership to the housing while deprivation of land-use right is the side effect. In addition, housing expropriation relates to housing demolition, which inevitably involves the judgment of public interest, the compensation, the enforcement, the regulation on non-public-use expropriation, the judicial remedies, and other important issues.As a judge of the Supreme People’s Court, the author undertook the drafting of judicial interpretations of housing demolition and has a profound cognition on the reality and disadvantage of the demolition system in China. As far as I’m concerned, it is very crucial to rebuild the housing expropriation and demolition system in urban area. That is also the main reason why I chose this subject for my dissertation. As the system involves a variety of administrative actions and civil issues that have relations to legislative, judicial and administrative levels. Besides, the type of disputes varies, so not a single subject or method can cover all the issues. This paper should combine with a variety of methods, including positive analysis, historical analysis, comparative analysis, and logic analysis. The ultimate aim of the paper is to establish a system.

【关键词】 房屋征收制度构建
【Key words】 Housing ExpropriationSystem Establishment
  • 【分类号】D922.181
  • 【被引频次】34
  • 【下载频次】3773

