

【作者】 陶杨

【导师】 马怀德;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 行政法律规范冲突是任何法治国家都不可避免的现象。在我国法治化建设进程中,尤其应当注意协调好行政法律规范之间的关系,积极预防和化解行政法律规范冲突,以维持法制统一和法律体系内部的和谐,为我国法治国家的建设提供良好的法制环境。而以上目标的达成和实现,又以寻求行政法律规范冲突的根源和根本解决路径为重。本文结合社会学冲突理论的研究成果,对比中外行政法律规范冲突的解决机制,研究和探讨行政法律规范冲突与我国法治发展的关系,并以利益分析为切入点,探究行政法律规范冲突产生的根源和解决我国行政法律规范冲突的根本路径。本文题为“法治背景下的行政法律规范冲突研究——以利益分析为视角”,共分六章。现将主要内容摘要如下:第一章“行政法律规范冲突的一般理论”。冲突是伴随人类社会开始而产生的一种不可避免的社会现象,我们需要辩证地分析冲突的功能,既要看到冲突对社会的破坏作用,也不能忽视冲突在推动社会发展时的积极功效。因为理论研究视角的差异,与社会学相比,法学研究更加注重对冲突的调控。这一方面是指法律作为社会生活的调控器对社会冲突的有效预防和调节;另一方面则是指对法律体系内部冲突的协调。前者作用的发挥有赖于后者的实现程度,所以,预防和化解法律规范冲突对法治国家的建立与社会生活的稳定都具有十分重要的意义。行政法律规范冲突是指调整同一法律关系的两个或两个以上的行政法律规范因内容上的差异而导致的效力上相抵触的现象。从外延上看,我国行政法律规范冲突包括宪法、法律、行政立法、行政规范性文件、法律解释、成文的行政法基本原则和社团章程之间的规范冲突。第二章“行政法律规范冲突与我国现代法治发展”。法治的发展都是以一定的时代特征为背景的,我国也不例外。社会转型、体制变革以及和谐社会的构建都为我国法治发展打上了深深的时代烙印,而行政法律规范冲突作为一种法律现象又不可避免地与我国法治的发展背景有着密切关联。由社会转型与体制变革带来的整个社会的变迁增加了法律的不确定性,行政法律规范冲突现象也频频发生,而构建和谐社会的目标却要求将冲突控制在合理的范围内,对行政法律规范冲突进行调控就显得尤为必要。要实现行政法治必须具备一定的要件,包括行政法体系的统一、法治的价值取向和法律权威的实现、法律的有效实施等,而行政法律规范冲突的存在或多或少会对这些条件的实现起到阻碍作用,这也是需要对行政法律规范冲突予以调控的重要原因。第三章“国外行政法律规范冲突解决机制的比较”。与国外法治发达国家相比,我国的法治发展起步较晚。但作为法治建设过程中的发展中国家,我国可以充分利用“后发优势”,科学借鉴国外解决法律规范冲突的成功经验,这将有助于建立和完善我国行政法律规范冲突的有效解决机制。本章比较和分析了美国、英国、法国、德国和日本对法律规范冲突在事前、事中和事后的全面调控机制。各国均从立法权限、立法程序、法律适用规则和违宪审查制度等方面着手来实现对冲突的预防和化解。因为存在国情的差异,这几个国家在法律规范冲突解决机制的设计上各具特色,这也为我国提供了更多可供借鉴的经验。第四章“行政法律规范冲突的根源——利益冲突”。“人们奋斗所争取的一切,都同他们的利益有关”,马克思的这句话道出了冲突产生的根源。利益冲突既是社会冲突的根源也是法律冲突的根源。法律与利益有着必然的联系,利益决定着法的产生、发展与变化,而法律对利益的形成、实现和发展又具有能动作用。法律与利益的关联性决定了法律对其保护的利益有协调和平衡功能,而利益的冲突又成为法律冲突的实质原因。通过对行政法律规范冲突中各种利益的梳理,可以更加清楚地认识到利益在行政法律规范冲突中的决定作用。第五章“目前我国行政法律规范冲突的解决机制”。虽然国外有关解决法律规范冲突的有效经验对我国行政法律规范冲突解决机制的建立和完善具有借鉴作用,但一个国家的制度设计是不能脱离本国国情的。在我国社会变迁、利益冲突日益加剧的背景之下,对作为行政法律规范冲突产生根源的利益冲突进行有效预防本应成为解决法律规范冲突的关键,而我国目前更加关注事中和事后的冲突解决机制,并且各种冲突解决机制还存在诸多不完善之处。立法缺位与法律冲突的区别、上位法失效后其实施性规定的效力、“上位法优于下位法”规则的适用主体、对上位法合法性和正当性的甄别都是需要反思的问题。此外,违法审查制度、立法权限的划分、立法程序的设置、法律解释、备案审查与法规清理等其他解决机制到底发挥了怎样的作用,也是值得深思的。第六章“解决我国行政法律规范冲突的根本路径”。行政法律规范冲突具有多种表现形式,相应地,其解决方式也呈现出多样化的特点。但只有找到解决问题的根本路径,才能铲除我国行政法律规范冲突这一顽症存在的根基。对应行政法律规范冲突产生的根源,利益的制约和协调成为根本路径之一。其中,制约是指对不正当利益的制约,而协调则是指对正当利益的协调。此外,与“利益”有着密切联系的“权力”也需要予以规范,因此,对立法权的界分和对行政权的整合则是解决行政法律规范冲突的另一根本路径。

【Abstract】 The conflict of administrative laws and rules is an inevitable phenomenon in any countries ruled by law.In the process of building the legalization system in China,attention should be paid in particular to properly coordinate the relationship between administrative laws and rules, prevent and resolve the conflicts actively,to maintain the legal unity and internal harmony in the legal systems,and provide good legal environment for our country’s building of the rule of law.And to realize the above goals, we should emphasize on seeking the root causes of conflict and its fundamental solution.This paper,by conjoining research results of the conflict theory of sociology,and comparing the conflict resolution mechanisms between foreign and domestic legal norms,is researching the relationship between the development of the rule of law in our country and the conflict administrative laws and rules,and explores,by the entry point of benefit analysis,the root causes of conflict,and the fundamental way to resolve the conflict in China.This paper,entitled "Study on the Conflict of Administrative Laws and Rules under the Background of the Rule of Law - Taking the Perspective of Interests Analysis",is divided into six chapters.And the main contents are summarized as follows:ChapterⅠ,"The theory of conflict of administrative laws and rules."Conflict is an inevitable social phenomenon generated with the begins of human society,its function should analysis dialectically,we must note its damage,while not ignore its positive promotion to the development of society.Comparing with sociology,the research of Legal Science concerns more on the control of conflict because of the different perspective.This is,on one hand,the law’s effective prevention and regulation to the social conflict as a means of social control;on the other hand,the regulation to conflict within the legal system internally.The effect of the former depends on the degree of realization of the latter,therefore, there is very important significance for the establishment of the rule of law and the stability of society to prevent and resolve the legal conflict.The legal norms that conflict is the phenomenon that two or more administrative laws and regulations adjusting of the same legal relationship have contradiction on the effectiveness because they different in contents.From the extension,the conflict of the administrative laws and rules in China includes the conflicts among constitution,laws, administrative legislature,administrative normative documents,legal interpretation,written basic principles of the administrative laws,and regulations of social organization.ChapterⅡ,"Conflicts of administrative laws and rules and the development of the modem rule of law in China." The development of the rule of law is with background of certain times characteristics,as well as China.The development of the rule of law of China was deeply era imprinted by social transformation,the structural changes as well as the building of a harmonious society in China,and the conflict of administrative laws and rules as a legal phenomenon is inevitably linked with the background of the development of the rule of law.The social transformation and system changes brought about by the changes in society as a whole to increase the legal uncertainty,the conflict of administrative laws and rules also occur frequently,and the goal of building a harmonious society also requests that the conflict have to be in the reasonable control, so it becomes particularly necessary to control the conflict of administrative law and rules.There are some elements have to be achieved to realize the rule of law,including unifying the system of administrative law,realizing the value of the rule of law and legal authority,and implementing the laws effectively,the conflict of administrative laws and rules presence more or less on the realization of these conditions,this is also why the control to the administrative laws and rules is needed.ChapterⅢ,"Comparison of the abroad conflict of administrative laws and rules resolution mechanisms."The development of our rule of law is later than the developed countries.But as developing country in the process of building the rule of law,China can take full advantage of "late-developing advantage",and refer to the successful experience of foreign countries scientifically,which will contribute to the establishment and perfection of the effective resolution mechanism for the conflict.This chapter compared and analyzed the comprehensive adjustable mechanism of the conflict in advance,in the matter and after in the United States, Britain,France,Germany and Japan.All countries have the prevention and resolution to the conflict through the dividing of the legislative jurisdiction, legislative procedure,law applicable rules and system of review of constitution violation.Because of the differences in national conditions, there are characters of conflict resolution mechanisms in each of these countries,which provide more experience to China to take reference.ChapterⅣ,"The root of conflict of administrative laws and rules -conflict of interests." "Everything that the people are fighting are with their own interests",Marx’s phrase revealed the root of the conflict.Conflict of interest is the root cause of both social conflict and the conflict of laws. There are causal links between law and the interests,interests determine the creation,development and change of law,and the law plays a dynamic role on the formation,realization and development of interest.The links between law and the interests decides that the law could coordinate and balance the interests which it’s protecting,and the conflict of interests is the real cause of conflict of laws.By clarifying the interests among the conflict of administrative law and rules,we can recognize more clearly about the crucial role of the interests in the conflict of administrative law and rules.ChapterⅤ,"The resolution mechanism of conflict of administrative laws and rules in our country at present." Although the experience of foreign countries brings the reference to us,but the design of a nation’s system have to be based on their own conditions.Under the background of social vicissitude and the conflicts of interest intensify day by day in our country,we should pay more attention to preventing the conflicts of interest which is the root of the conflict.However nowadays our country also takes resolution mechanism of the conflict in the matter and after as key point, and the conflict resolution mechanism is far from perfect.We need to reflect on issues like the difference between location-vacancy of legislation and the conflict of law,did the executive rules expire after their higher rank law failure,the main application of rules of "the higher rank law’s effectiveness is higher than the lower rank",the identification to the legitimacy and justifiability of the higher rank law.In addition,the roles of conflict resolution mechanism also worth pondering,like the system of review of constitution violation,The dividing of the legislative jurisdiction, the establishment of legislative procedures,interpretation of law,shortage and perfect of legislative recording review and cleaning up the laws and rules,etc.ChapterⅥ,"The root resolution to the conflict of administrative laws and rules in our country."There are various norms of conflict of administrative laws and rules,and accordingly,their solution has presented a variety of characteristics.However,we could only remove the foundation of the conflict of administrative laws and rules by find out the fundamental way.Corresponding to the underlying cause of conflict,the interests’ constraints and coordination will be one of the fundamental ways.The constraints refer to the improper benefit,and coordination is for the proper interests.In addition,the "power" which is linked closely with the "interests" also needs to be standardized,so to divide the legislative and integrate the executive power is another fundamental way to solve the conflict of our administrative laws and rules.

【关键词】 行政法律规范冲突法治利益
【Key words】 Administrative Laws and RulesConflictsRule of LawInterests
  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1103

