

Reconstructing the Power Network of the Imperialistic China

【作者】 黄勇军

【导师】 杨阳;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 政治学理论, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 黄宗羲在明清之际的历史大变革中,通过对明代中晚期以来在政治、思想、社会等领域所出现的新的变迁趋势进行总结与提升的基础上,以源自远古的“三代传统”为参照对现实政治进行“创造性转化”,最终在《明夷待访录》一书中实现了“帝制中国权力网络的重构”这一目标。明代灭亡后,作为完全承袭明代体制的异族统治者,满清政府对黄宗羲立足于反思明代经验教训基础上所建立起来的政治改革方案,采取了长期漠视的态度,这使得当时对黄宗羲的研究严重滞后。晚清以来,受“西方中心观”的影响,人们倾向于通过与近现代西方的比较的基础上展开对黄宗羲的研究,这就导致了“目的论”的后果。随着西方学界有关“中国中心观”的兴起,对黄宗羲的研究也应当重新以“中国”而不是“西方”作为主要的参照体系。恢复“三代之治”是黄宗羲的政治目标,在他看来,“三代”的特征是“公天下”,而“后代”的特征是“私天下”。为了在后代的政治现实中重新实现“三代之治”,黄宗羲对“儒家政治哲学”与“帝制传统”进行了“创造性转化”,从而寻找到了恢复“三代之治”所需的“时间表”、“先例”、“主体”、“客体”、“制度”、“公论”等资源。黄宗羲在《明夷待访录》中所等待的“来访者”究竟是谁,这涉及到谁是他的政治体制中所期待的“政治主体”的问题。学者们倾向于认为黄宗羲等待的是“圣王”或“满族统治者”,但是,在“阳明心学”的语境中,他所等待的更是一般意义上的“我们”。而建文帝君臣的改革努力,无疑能够说明黄宗羲等待后人来实现他的方案的想法并非空想。明代的皇权来源于以暴力驱逐蒙古统治者,由于明太祖朱元璋对能够挑战皇权的政治势力的彻底打击,使得皇权具备了“至尊无对”的“独断”性质。随着时代的变迁与社会的发展,这种“独断权力”遭受到了来自各个方面的质疑与挑战,皇帝们的独断专行导致了一系列政治恶果。为了制约、规范皇权,黄宗羲一方面强调“传贤”的重要性,另一方面通过对皇帝制度、皇帝的议政机构,以及皇权的运行程序进行了制度化与法理化,从而完成了皇权由“私”向“公”的转变。明太祖为了巩固皇权,在建国之初废除了宰相制度,这使得整个明代的文官体系成为“缺乏首领的庞大组织”。这一体制上的缺陷在后代的政治运作中导致了诸如法理缺陷、内外悬绝、缺乏平衡机制、形成汰优机制等一系列问题。在现实中,皇帝、内阁、宦官、六部尚书们为了争取原本属于宰相的权力,进行了一系列政治斗争,并形成党争,最终导致明代的覆灭。为了弥补这一体制上的缺陷,黄宗羲设置了能够代天子“批红”的“独相”,从而能够有效地行使行政权力。在此基础上,他建立起完全以“士”为主体组成的“士人政府”,将宦官、胥吏等排除在政治体制之外。明代中晚期以来,儒生士大夫们立足于书院所展开的诸如心学运动、讲学运动、议政运动、抵抗运动等等,为黄宗羲提供了“学校议政”的先例。在黄宗羲的方案中,独立于政府之外的“学校”拥有教育、议政、监督、舆论等多方面的功能。而通过这一体制的设置,在中央权力层面,形成了皇帝、宰相、太学祭酒三者之间的分权制衡;在地方层面,形成了地方政府与郡县学之间的分权制衡。黄宗羲所处的时代是帝制中国处于自我转型之中的时代,他的政治改革方案建立在对这个时代所表现出来的诸多新传统与新资源的借用与融合的基础之上。在政治合法性方面,他吸收了晚明以来的“公天下”的理想,并以此为基点建立起一套并不同于以往的合法性体系;在权力网络的建构方面,他充分肯定并吸收了晚明以来的多元化因素,建立起一套以分权制衡为特征的权力网络;在最高权力的划分上,他在皇帝、宰相、祭酒之间形成了初步的分权与制衡。即使我们不以现代意义上的所谓“民主”、“自由”、“宪政”、“共和”等政治理念与政治制度对黄宗羲所建构起来的“权力网络”进行评价,我们同样可以确定,黄宗羲立足于多元与分权基础上所重新建构起来的“权力网络”将是帝制中国政治史中最值得期待的政治改革方案。如果他的方案能够在帝制中国的历史条件下得到实施,其效果即便不是所谓“现代的”,也肯定将是更为“良性的”!

【Abstract】 During the historical revolution at the end of Ming Dynasty,by summarizing and upgrading the new variance trend in the polity,ideology and society realm of the later period,Huang Zong-xi carried on a "creative conversion" to the practical polity based on the ancient "Three Dynasty" tradition,and finally realized the goal of "Reconstruct the Power Network of Imperialistic China" in the book of <Ming Yi Dai Fang Lu>.After the perdition of the Ming Dynasty,the researches to Huang Zong-xi lag badly because that Manchu government,a different race dominator who completely inherited the Ming’s system,took a long-term disregard to Huang Zong-xi’s political reformation plan that was established based on the Ming Dynasty’s lecture.Since the late Qing Dynasty,affected by the "West-center view",people were inclined to research Huang Zong-xi through the compare to the modern West,which resulted in the sequel of "teleology".Therefore,along with the rise of westem academia’s "China-center view",the researches to Huang Zong-xi should renewedly regard "China" but not "West" as the main reference system.Restoring the "the order of the Three Dynasty" was Huang’s political goal,in his eyes,the character of "Three Dynasty" was "Public-State",and the character of the "After Three Dynasty" was "Private-State".In order to realize "the order of the Three Dynasty " again,Huang carried on a "creative conversion" to the "Confucianism political philosophy" and "imperialistic tradition",and consequently he found the resources of "schedule","precedent","subject","object","system" and "public opinion" etc.Who was the visitor waited by Huang in his book <Ming Yi Dai Fang Lu> comes down to the question that who was the "political subject" in his polity plan.Researchers inclined to regard that the visitor was a "Saint King" or "Manchu dominator",but in the context of the "Yangming school",the one he was waiting for would be "us" in the common sense. And the Jianwen emperor and his ministers’ reformation can prove with no doubt that it was not just a fantasy for Huang to wait the posterity to carry out his plan.The imperial power of Ming Dynasty rooted in banishing the Mongolia rulers violently,because Ming Tai-zu Zhu Yuan-zhang vanquished drastically the political power who challenged his governance, the imperial power possessed the characteristic of "Sovereign invincibility" and "arbitrary".Along with the changes of times and development of society,this "arbitrary power" undergone challenges and suspicions from each aspect,and resulted in a series of bad political consequences.In order to restrict the imperial power,Huang on one hand emphasized the importance of "passing the throne to the wise person",the other hand completed the imperial power conversion from "private" to "public" through systemizing and legitimating the emperor system,the political institute as well as the process of imperial power.In order to confirm the imperial power,Ming Tai-zu abolished the prime minister at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty,which made the total Ming’s civilian system became a "huge organization without leader".This system disfigurement resulted in a series of problems such as the system bug,separation of the inner and the outer,the lack of balance and the system of eliminating the excellent etc.In reality,the emperor,cabinet, eunuchs and ministers of the six departments carried on a series of political struggles,which ultimately caused the perdition of the Ming Dynasty.For remedying the system disfigurement,Huang set the "unattached prime minister" who could make decision instead of the emperor,so as to exercise the administration power effectively.Based On that,he established the "scholar government" which was completely constituted by "scholars", while excluding the eunuchs and petty officials.Since the middle and the late period of the Ming Dynasty,the Confucian scholars had developed the "xin-xue movement","jiang-xue movement","yi-zhen movement" and "di-kang movement",etc.in schools,which provided Huang the precedents of "school polity discussing".In Huang’s plan,the "school" was independent from the government and possessed the functions of education,polity discussing, surveillance as well as consensus.And through this system,in the central power level it formed the power balance between the emperor,prime minister and the leader of national school,and in the district level it formed the check and blance between the local government and local school.Huang lived in the times when China was in his self-transformation, his political reformation plan was established on the basic of using and syncretizing many new tradition and resources which first appeared in that times.In the aspect of political legitimacy,he absorbed the "public-state" ideality that appeared since the late Ming Dynasty,and based on this,he established a legitimacy system different from before;In the aspect of constructing the power network,he adequately affirmed and absorbed the diversification factors since the late Ming Dynasty and established a power network with the characteristic of the check and balance;In the separation of the highest powers,he formed an elementary balance between the emperor,prime minister and the leader of national school.Even though we don’t evaluate the "power network" established by Huang with the modern political principles such as so called "democracy", "freedom","constitutional government" and "republic" etc.,we can still confirm that Huang’s "power network" which was based on the diversification and powers separation would be the political reformation plan of most worthy of expectation in the imperialistic China.If his plan had been put in practice in the imperialistic China,even if it was not the so called "modern",it must be much more "better"!

  • 【分类号】K248
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