

A Study on Modern Commercial Law and Commercial Customs

【作者】 张松

【导师】 朱勇;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 当近代中国步入传统向现代的转型过程之中时,传统社会结构趋于解体,新的社会结构尚未形成,外来西方工业文明与本土农业文明相互冲突,社会秩序陷入一种混乱失范状态。在这种情况下,移植西方的法律制度,加快中国融入世界潮流,具有积极意义;同时,经济发展的极端不平衡,地域性差异明显,习惯的根深蒂固,又使得近代西方法律制度“水土不服”。如何调和两者之间的矛盾冲突,构造适合近代中国实际的法律制度,对于近代法律人来说是一个艰辛而漫长的探索过程。本文从商事裁判角度出发,对近代商法的制订过程、商事习惯被导入立法和司法实践的过程进行考察,探寻近代法律人和商界精英在近代商法制订过程中所展现的法律智慧和法律经验。本文正文分为五章,外加绪论和结语,共七个部分。下面对各章主要内容略作叙述。第一章为“近代商法变迁之考察”。本章介绍了近代商法的制订条件、制订过程,使对近代商法制订的成果有所认识。同时,通过以点代面的典型性分析方法,对商法总则和票据法草案进行法律分析,展示近代商法的立法技术和立法理念、可行性和不切实际性。第二章为“中国近代商事习惯之考察”.本章首先对近代中国各地通行的商事习惯进行考察,再通过对票据习惯的典型分析,阐述近代中国商事习惯的复杂性和广泛性,并对近代中国两次民商习惯调查活动进行评述,论证近代民商事习惯对近代民商法制订的影响。第三章为“近代商事裁判机构变迁之考察”。本章通过对近代商事裁判机构——大理院及地方各级审判厅、商事公断处历史沿革的考察,结合当时的社会历史背景,分析其历史影响和作用,阐述由大理院、地方各级审判厅、商事公断处所构成的近代商事裁判机制的合理性。第四章为“近代商事裁判中的法律与习惯”。本章考察了近代商事裁判过程中法律和习惯的导入机制,分析习惯在近代商事裁判中的作用;同时,通过对大理院所公布的判决例进行考察,分析商事裁判对商事习惯的影响作用。第五章为“近代商事法律变革中的国家与社会(商会)”。本章从国家与社会(商会)在司法实践中的地位变化入手,分析二者在近代商事立法和司法实践过程中的博弈关系。近代商法与商事习惯之间的冲突、融合,在近代商事立法和司法实际当中表现鲜明,通过对近代商法立法和司法实践过程的考察、分析,探寻西方法律传统与中国本土法律传统二者之间的契合进路,是本文主旨之所归,以为后来者鉴。

【Abstract】 Since 1840, modern China has been changed greatly, it transformed from the traditional time into a modern age. During the painful transformable process, social structure has been rebuilt and western civilization conflicted with nature civilization, and all these were happening till now. Undoubtedly, it was aggressively to introduce western legal system into China in modern age, and it made great effects on social life and economic development. But because of unbalanced development and obvious region difference and deeply rooted customs, the western legal system hasn’t acclimatized till now. How to moderate them and set up a new legal system which was suited to modern China was a long and arduous process to the jurist.On the means of modern law, there was no business law in ancient China. The first business law was born in 1904 in modern China. Since then, later Qing dynasty government and Beijing government established many business rules, and a new business law system was set up. Although this new legal system was not perfect and looks roughly, it expressed clearly that ancient China wanted to integrate into the world and the modern jurist wanted to find a better way which could make western law civilization and eastern civilization together. So, through investigating the establishment of modern business law, the process of commercial customs were ducted into lawmaking and judicatory, this text wants to explore the intelligence and experience of the elite in modern China. There are seven parts in this text, they are introduction, the first chapter "Research on modern business law", the second chapter "Research on modern commercial customs", the third chapter "Research on the section of modern business judge", the forth chapter "The law and commercial customs in the mechanism of business judge", the fifth chapter "The country and society(board of trade) in the reformation of modern business law" and the conclusion.In conclusion, we can see the conflict and integration between modern business law and commercial customs in modern age clearly. Investigating and analyzing them, searching for the best way of legal system reformation in modern China is the main subject of this text. Maybe, we can learn something and draw lessons from this research. If so, that’s my best wishes.

  • 【分类号】D929;D923.99
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】831

