

Compensation of Pure Economic Loss and Control

【作者】 杨雪飞

【导师】 米健;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 纯粹经济损失产生于各主体间经济利益的相互依存,其是指行为人之行为导致的受害人经济上的不利益或金钱上的损失,而这样的损失并不以受害人之人身、有体财产遭受侵害为前提,因此其更多地表现为受害人预期经济利益受到侵害。该类损失在经济关系日趋复杂的现代社会发生频繁,连锁效应强烈,致使其赔偿问题成为法律上的一个难题。特别当纯粹经济损失发生于非合同关系中时,其赔偿问题更是涉及“利益衡量”、“责任的不确定”、“侵权法与合同法规范机能的划分”、“个人行动自由之维护与经济利益之保护间的矛盾”等一系列尖锐问题。为此,纯粹经济损失赔偿问题已成为比较法上的研究热点,但目前该问题还未引起我国学界的重视。本文意图对纯粹经济损失之本质内涵进行深入分析,并通过与其他类型的损失进行比较进而对其形成反思与再认识。同时,本文立足于比较法上的认识和经验,对纯粹经济损失展开类型化的研究,希望在类型的划定与类型的分析探讨过程中,从更为宽阔的法律视角来认识纯粹经济损失,并力图通过类型化的研究使损失背后的那些决定赔偿实现的重要因素得以分层次地显现,彰显概念与逻辑背后的法理,从而使这些因素与法理成为司法实践中据以裁判的依据并最终实现损害赔偿责任的合理控制。最后,再在此基础上探讨纯粹经济损失在我国法体系内的赔偿实现与控制,以期分析研究的结论能有助于我国实际问题的解决。除引言和结语外,本文包括五章内容。第一章“纯粹经济损失基本理论问题”。该章首先分析和探讨纯粹经济损失的本质、特征及实现赔偿的各种障碍,并对各种障碍展开分析和检讨,进而说明特定情况下肯定赔偿的必要性与合理性以及实现赔偿控制的重要性;其次介绍纯粹经济损失之现有类型化的结果与意义,目的在于对纯粹经济损失形成具体化与形象化的认识;之后文章分析纯粹经济损失背后所隐藏的当事人间的关系特征,并在此基础上联系合同法与侵权法之规范机能的划分,从当事人间关系的视角下获得对纯粹经济损失更深层次的认识。第二章“侵权责任下的赔偿实现与控制比较考察”。本章主要就非合同关系中之纯粹经济损失在侵权法框架下如何实现赔偿与控制进行比较研究。文章分别选取了英美、德国及法国之侵权救济的实现与控制作为考察研究的对象,探悉各国在纯粹经济损失赔偿问题上的制度与理念变迁,努力发现各国在侵权责任框架下实现赔偿控制的具体法律机制及其各自的合理性与有效性,从中反观各国的侵权赔偿制度与法律政策在纯粹经济损失赔偿实现过程中的真实面向。第三章“合同责任下的赔偿实现与控制比较考察”。本章主要考察非合同关系中的纯粹经济损失如何实现在合同责任下的赔偿与控制,即依然考察德国、英美及法国等国家如何具体扩张合同效力范围,为非合同当事人提供救济,并从中认识各国扩张合同效力范围过程中的控制机制与理性,从而清晰地反观纯粹经济损失背后的当事人间关系的特征,并发现影响赔偿实现之各因素的真实内涵。同时,本章与上一章相关联,因为纯粹经济损失的赔偿实现问题实际上与各国既有法律制度的具体构造息息相关,从而呈现出纯粹经济损失赔偿实现上侵权责任与合同责任的互动。第四章“‘关系’视角下之类型化与赔偿控制分析”。该章在比较考察与研究的基础上,对既有类型划分方式予以反思,提出以发现纯粹经济损失赔偿控制之理性为目的,以行为人与受害人间经济关系的紧密性及建立关系的意志性为标准,对纯粹经济损失进行类型化的处理,得出包括合同关系中之纯粹经济损失、连锁合同关系中之纯粹经济损失、接近于合同关系中之纯粹经济损失、间接致损型之纯粹经济损失及偶发型纯粹经济损失等五个类型在内的类型特征强弱变化的序列,并对重点类型的具体内涵及赔偿控制问题展开分析论证。第五章“我国法上纯粹经济损失的赔偿及控制实现”。本章首先讨论纯粹经济损失概念及概念范畴在我国存在与否,并认为我国存在对纯粹经济损失进行救济并实现合理控制的制度诉求。为此,文章从纯粹经济损失之总体面向上,探讨实现赔偿的合理化途径问题,认为侵权责任是较为合理的救济途径,当然亦不否定特定情况下合同责任的运用。文章再在此基础上进一步分析论证如何将实现控制的标准与理性内化于侵权责任的构成要件判断上,以使在我国法上对纯粹经济损失的赔偿与合理控制得以达致,并同时实现责任体系的自洽。本章最后对我国法律实践中一些颇具代表性的典型案例,从本文所构建的“关系”类型的视角下予以分析和考察。

【Abstract】 Pure economic loss, arising out of the interdependence of interests of different subjects, is a financial or pecuniary loss which is not causally consequent upon physical injury to the victim’s own person or property. Therefore it shows frequently that the expected economic interests of the victim are infringed. In modern society, the compensation of pure economic loss becomes a important problem in law, as it happens frequently and has strong ripple reaction. In particular, the compensation is much more complex, when pure economic loss takes place in non-contractual relationships, as many problems are concerned, such as checking and balancing different benefits, indeterminate liability, the division between tort law and contract law, and the contradiction between the protection of private freedom and economic interests and so on. Accordingly, pure economic loss becomes a heated topic in comparative law, although it doesn’t attract much attention in China. In this article, an analysis of the basic essence of pure economic loss will be conducted. For the further comprehensions, I compare pure economic loss with other types of losses. At the same time, in order to deepen the realization of pure economic loss in the view of law, to classify pure economic loss on the basis of the experience and enlightment from comparative law. Then it will make clear, which elements determine the compensation behind the losses during the definition und classification of pure economic loss. These elements together with legal principles behind the concept and logic of pure economic loss can be used as a foundation for legal judgment, in order for realizing a systematic control of liability for compensation.On basis of that, an observation of pure economic loss is underdone, in order to find out how it is compensated and controlled in our legal system, which finally leads to solve practical problems in our society.Except for the introduction and the conclusion, the article contains five sections.Section 1 Basic theories on pure economic lossIn this section, an analysis and an investigation of the substance, characteristics of pure economic loss will be conducted. This investigation leads to a further study on all kinds of hindrances during compensation. Through that, the necessity and the rationality of compensation will be explained and a necessary reasonable control of the compensation will be proved. After that, the meaning and results of classification of pure economic loss will be introduced, in order to give a vivid picture of pure economic loss. Further I would like to analyze the relationship characteristics behind. On basis of that, connecting with the division between contract responsibility and tort responsibility, I try to have a better understanding of the pure economic loss in view of the relationships between parties.Section 2 Comparative study on realizing and controlling the compensation in tort lawIn this section, how to realize and control compensation of pure economic loss in non-contractual relationship will be underdone in the frame of tort law. Here British, America, Germany and France will be selected as observing objects. I attempt to find out the systematic changes of compensation of pure economic loss and the concrete legal mechanism on how to realize and control compensation of pure economic loss in different counties. The rationality and validity of these mechanisms will be further studied. In the end, a real picture of compensation system and legal policies in these countries will be revealed.Section 3 Comparative study on realizing and controlling the contractual compensationIn this section, I would like to make an investigation into how to realize the contractual compensation of pure economic loss in non-contractual relationship, that is to say, an investigation, how the contractual effect in above-mentioned countries expands, is conducted, in order to give relief for these non-contractual parties. It aims to find out the controlling mechanism and rationality in the process of the expanding, therefore to reveal the relational essence of pure economic loss and the real meaning of compensation, which is determined by relational essence.At the same time, this section is closely related to the second section, as the compensation-realizing of pure economic loss in fact relies on the relief space of legal system in different countries. A connection and an interaction between tort responsibility and contract responsibility show out during realizing pure economic loss.Section 4 Study on classification in view of relationship and analysis of compensation controlIn this section, on basis of investigation and study in view of comparative law, a looking back to the existing classification is carried out. Pure economic loss will be classified with a standard of compactness between parties, whose purpose is to solve the compensation problem concerning pure economic loss. Accordingly, a series of types are obtained as follows: pure economic loss in contractual relationship, pure economic loss in chain contracts, pure economic loss in near-contractual relationship, pure economic in the case of indirect infringement, fortuituos pure economic. The degree of series is from strong to weak.Section 5 Compensation of pure economic loss in our legal system and its control-realizingThis section begins with the existing status of pure economic loss in our legal system. Then a conclusion, that the pure economic loss in our land should be compensated and reasonable controlled in a systematic way, is reached. In this respect, a conclusion should be draw that tort responsibility is a more reasonable way of compensation after the investigation into rationalizing the ways of compensation in our country. Certainly it doesn’t mean a complete denying of contract liability. Based on that, it will be proved, that the standard or the rationality of realizing-control is dependent on the constitution of tort liability, so that a reasonable remedy and control of pure economic loss, which is caused indelicately, is brought out in our legal system. In the end of this section a few typical cases in legal practice will be analyzed and investigated in view of relationship-type.

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1464

