

Research of Changes on Feminine Right during the Early Republic China

【作者】 徐静莉

【导师】 朱勇;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 女性法律问题主要集中在婚姻、家庭、继承等领域。而婚姻、家庭、继承法律制度是法律体系中最具民族特色、与国情民风联系最为直接、密切的部分,其最大限度的保留了本国文化中的传统因子,往往具有很强的保守性。中国传统社会向来重宗法血缘,尊卑伦理关系,受其影响,传统的婚姻、继承制度也深深根植于传统文化的核心,其所奉行的“纲常经义”、“男尊女卑”、“义务本位”的价值准则与近代西方身份法所贯彻的“平等、独立、权利本位”的价值观念针锋相对,这种特点必然使女性法律制度在中国民法近代转型过程中,要面对更加剧烈的冲突和挑战。故研究女性法律近代化,不仅有助于我们掌握女性法律的变迁历史,更能从一个独特的维度反映中国民法近代化、特别是身份法律近代化的一般规律。在当代学界关于民法近代化研究的众多问题中,女性法律制度没有得到足够的重视。由于缺乏深入细致的研究,女性法律近代转型的知识脉络并不完整,民初女性权利问题的系统研究更是法律史知识界的一块处女地。因为民初民事基本法律仍然适用传统的《现行律民事有效部分》,故民初女性权利在制度层面上并没有太大的变化,学者们于是顺理成章地认为,女性权利在这一时期“因袭多,变化少”。这种一般性的认识并不能经得起推敲:首先,民初女权运动此起彼伏,女性价值观念剧烈变化,这种状况不可能对当时的司法没有任何影响;其次,面对追求男女平等的世界私法发展潮流,民初的司法实践不可能超然事外。因为法律制度做为社会制度的一个子系统,其静态的状况只能反映一定时期内的社会状况,而其动态的变迁则能反映社会的整体变迁。所以,研究民初女性法律问题,不能仅局限于制度层面的“表达”,更需要将视线投向当时的司法裁判,只有通过对当时的相关司法判解言说进行分析对比,才能拨开重重迷雾,揭示民初女性权利的流变脉络及其规律。笔者在研究过程中,借助民初的律令典章、司法判解、典型案例、民事习惯、统计资料、学术评论等诸多材料,综合应用静态与动态相结合、史论结合及统计分析的方法,以大理院判解为核心,同时结合当时的法律文本,循着“制度—→司法判解—→生活实践—→司法实践”的路径进行考察分析。并着重研究了以下三个方面的问题:民初女性在婚姻、继承中的权利变化;妾的权利变化;女性权利的行使及实现。在详细研究分析的基础上,归纳出民初女性权利变化的原因、特点、规律及其影响:女性在婚姻判解中的权利体现出“由客体而主体”的变化趋势;女性在继承判解中的权利体现出由“义务而权利”的变化趋势;妾的权利也体现出“由身份而契约”的变化趋势。在女性权利发生如此变化的过程中,大理院的司法判解是民初女性权利变化的法律路径,社会变革与法律近代化是影响民初女性权利变化的主导性因素。尽管受社会变革与法律近代化的影响,民初女性权利在立法层面表现出曲折进退、反复未竟,在司法层面表现出“变”“守”权衡、演进缓慢的特点。但从总体上观察,民初大理院司法裁判中的女性权利仍然体现了向独立、平等、权利本位过渡的发展趋势。

【Abstract】 The feminine legal issue mainly exists in marriage,family,inherits and so on.The law of marriage,family and inheritance is a part of legal system that embodies the national characteristics,and is directly and closely related to the national cultures and customs,and retains traditional factors of nationality in maximum,so it usually has very strong conservatism.In Chinese traditional society,people often pay a great attention to the clan law and emphasize inequality between the two sexes, hitch makes the law system of traditional marriage and inheritance be deeply rooted in the traditional cultures,consequently,the value criterion of the feudal moral conduct that women are inferior to men and the obligation are the main orientation in society,which is sharply conflicted with the value idea of equality and independence and right standard that the modern West status law implemented.This kind of conflict inevitably made the feminine legal system face the fiercer conflict and the challenges than others during the modernization of Chinese civil law times.Therefore, to study modernization of feminine legal system is not only helpful for us to grasp the changing history of the feminine legal system,but also can reflect the general regularity of modernization of Chinese civil law, especially the modernization of the status law from a unique dimension.In the contemporary research field of legal history about modernization of the civil law,the feminine legal system has not been studied thoroughly,so the knowledge of modernization of feminine legal system is incomplete,and the systematic research of feminine right question is still a virgin land due to lack of careful and deep research.For "Civil component of Present criminal Law"is still the fundamental cavil law in the early Republic China,the feminine right has no changes in the legislative system,consequently,the scholars believe that the feminine right "follows than changes much in this period of time".However,this kind of general understanding cannot be examined closely.The reasons are following:firstly,during the early Republic China,the feminist movement has been struggling for women rights continuously,and the value idea about feminine changed fiercely with the development of the feminist movement,which influenced the judicatory practice inevitably;seconded, it is impossible for judicatory practice to be immune to the developing trend of civil law of pursuing the equality of the sexes all over the world during the early Republic China.As a sub-system of the social system, static condition of the legal system can only reflect the social condition of special time,its dynamic changes can reflect changing situation of sociality as a whole.Therefore,it is necessary for us to study the feminine legal problem by judicatory judgment in addition to paying attention to the expression of the legislative level at that time.Only by analyzing and contrasting with the related judicatory judgment,can we open the dense fog and discover the changing vein and regularity of the feminine right during the early Republic China.By referring to the regulations,the judicatory judgment,the typical case,the civil customs,the statistics,the academic commentary and other materials,and with the judgment of DaLi court and unified law stipulation simultaneously,the author uses the synthetical analyzing method of "joint of static state and dynamic state",the joint of history and theory,and the statistical analysis,following the path that from the law system to the judicature sentence,to the living practice and to the judicatory practice to carry on the asseveration and analysis in the researching process.The author mainly studies the following three questions:the change of female right in the marriage and inherits;the changes of Concubine’s right;the exertion and realization of feminine rights on which author generalized the reason,the characters,the rule and the trend of the change of female right at the early Republic China:The female right embodies a changing trend from object to subject in marriage judicature,and from obligation to right in inherits sentences,and from status to contract on Concubine’s right.In the changing process of feminine right,the Dali Court’s judicature sentences is a legal path,social reform and the modernization of the law system is the kay factors that influenced the change of the feminine right.Although the change of the feminine right displays the features of curves and incompletion at the legislative level,and also displayed weighing between the changes and defends and slow evolution at the judicial level due to the influence of above two main factors,generally speaking,as a whole,feminine right in the Dali Court judicatory practice still manifests the developing trend to independence,equality,and right standard during the early Republic China.

  • 【分类号】D923.8;D929
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】964

