

The System of Damage Compensation in Han and Tang Dynasties

【作者】 田振洪

【导师】 徐世虹;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 损害赔偿制度是中国古代法律制度不可忽视的内容,学术界对此虽有一定的关注,但相关的研究尚待深入。要从整体上把握中国古代法律中损害赔偿之规定,必须先弄清各朝的具体情况。本文力图对汉、唐法律所涉及到的损害赔偿规定进行梳理、分析和评述,以便从制度层面上把握中国古代法律的多元性。本文第一章以中国传统法律的视野探讨“赔偿”的语意内涵和制度内涵。对汉唐法律文本所涉及“赔偿”用语的分析,可以清楚的看出:损害赔偿是当时重要的法律观念和制度,其所反映的法律关系与现代法学所使用的“损害赔偿”概念的内涵具有某种相似性。与此同时,通过对唐律侵害责任制度的探讨,可知损害赔偿尤其是财产损害赔偿是当时法律制度所规定的救济方式之一。第二章探讨秦汉律的赔偿规定。中国传统法律的损害赔偿规定,最早可以追溯到西周时期,这一点可见知于《周礼》及金文的相关记载。秦汉社会,损害赔偿成为当时立法所涉及的一个方面。从目前所知出土文献看,当时的赔偿样态主要是关于侵害官私财产的赔偿和因契约行为而产生的赔偿。为确保赔偿权利人实现赔偿权,法律还规定了具有可操作性的几种实现方式,并在执行环节采取相应的措施。国家本位主义和重视有关畜产损害赔偿乃是当时赔偿立法的一大特色,“平价偿”、“价以减偿”、“叁分偿”的赔偿原则也体现了秦汉立法的科学性。第三章介绍唐代财产损害赔偿。在秦汉律的基础上,唐律有关损害赔偿规定有了进一步发展。主要形态有:侵害官私畜产的赔偿;毁损官私器物的赔偿;侵盗官私田地的赔偿等。对于侵害他人财产的赔偿,一如秦汉,唐律规定了“备偿”、“偿所减价”、“偿减价之半”的赔偿原则,在维护畜产、器物、田地等财产权方面发挥了重要作用。第四章讨论唐代侵害人身行为的赔偿。对于侵害他人人身行为,虽然法律仍坚持刑事制裁为主的原则,但也考虑受害人的经济损失,而要求侵害主体给予补偿或赔偿,但这种赔偿并不作为独立的责任方式加以适用,而是附属于刑罚附带适用。第五章主要介绍在民间契约行为中,借贷契约、雇佣契约、典身契约、租赁契约等也约定了相应的赔偿原则,展现了民间社会自有的一套损害赔偿规则。第六章探讨的是为保证赔偿责任的贯彻和落实,唐律还在赔偿方式、赔偿执行监督等方面制定了较为健全的规范,从而在制度层面上完善损害赔偿责任。通过分析表明:唐律有关损害赔偿规定已制度化、系统化和逐步完善化。第七章是本文的结论.综观汉唐时期损害赔偿制度,其至少在三个方面发挥特有的社会功能。其一,补偿受害主体的经济损失;其二,惩戒、遏制不法行为;其三,缓解人际关系紧张,维护社会秩序。在今天看来,汉唐律的损害赔偿规定,有不少科学、合理的内容,值得借鉴。

【Abstract】 Compensation for damages system is assignable content in the Chinese ancient law. Although the academic circles has the certain attention regarding this, the connected research can penetrate by no means. If we will grasp the damage compensation in the Chinese ancient law, we must clarify the concrete content of every dynasty first. The article will attempt to comb, analysis and narrate the stipulation of damage compensation in HAN and TANG Dynasties, it will promote to grasp polytropism of the Chinese ancient law.The first chapter of the article discusses the connotation of "damage compensate"from a perspective of legal history. After analysing the terminology of "damage compensate", all these indicated that the damage compensate was the important legal idea and the system at that time. The legal relationship reflected in the "damage compensate"and the connotation of "damage compensate" used in the modern legal science has some similarity. In the same time , analyzed the violation responsibility system in the Tang Dynasty, it indicated that the damage compensate was one of the particular relief ways which the legal system stipulated at that time.The second chapter introduces damage compensate stipulation of the law in Qin and Han Dynasties .The legal damage compensate stipulation in ancient china was allowed to trace in the history of Western- Zhou Dynasty. We can know it from "zhou li"and Bronze article. In the history of Qin and Han Dynasties, the damage compensate was the important aspect which legislated at that time . Looked from the unearthed literature, the compensation form mainly had two kinds of types: the compensation for violating government authorities and private property, compensation produces because of the contract behavior. In order to guarantee the compensation right person to realize the compensation power, the law also stipulated several realizations ways and taken the corresponding measure in the executive stage. The compensation legislation had the distinctive characteristics: the country selfish departmentalism and valuing livestock product damage compensate. The compensation principle of "the fair price compensation ", "reduced price compensation ", "one to three compensation " manifested scientific.The third chapter introduces property damage compensation in the Tang Dynasty. Based on the law of Qin and Han Dynasties, the related damage compensate stipulation has further developed in the Tang Dynasty. The main shapes: the damage compensation of violation government authorities and personal domestic animal; the damage compensation of destroying government authorities and personal belongings; the damage compensation of violation government authorities and personal paddies, etc. Regarding property damage compensation, the Tang Dynasty had stipulated the compensation principle of "Completely compensation","reduced price compensation ", "compensation half of the price reduction". It played the vital role on protecting property rights such as domestic animal, land and so on.The fourth chapter will discuss compensation of violating the other people person. Regarding violating the other people person behavior, although the law still persisted the primarily principle of criminal sanction , it considered victim’s economic loss, so it required the infringer gave the compensation or recompense for victim. But the compensation did not take the independent responsibility way but attached to the penalty.The fifth chapter introduces that in folk contract behavior, they agreed the compensation principle in lend contract, hire contract, rent contract and so on. It indicated that there was a innate set of damage compensate rule in the folk society.In the sixth chapter, I will discuss that in order to guarantee the implementation and the realization of the compensation responsibility, the law has formulated a more perfect standard on compensation way, compensation execution surveillance and so on. In conclusion, the damage compensate stipulation of the law has institutionalized, systematized and consummated gradually.The seventh chapter is the conclusion of the article. From above, the compensate system of Han and Tang Dynasties displayed the social function in three aspects at least, First, Compensated the victim’s economic loss .Second, disciplined punishment and contained illegal act. Third, alleviated the intense interpersonal relationship and maintained the social order. Looked from the present, Many scientific and reasonable content of the damage compensate stipulation are worth profiting .

  • 【分类号】D929
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】342

