

Female Rulers and Politics in Imperialistic China

【作者】 米莉

【导师】 林存光;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 政治学理论, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 在帝制中国男性占据绝对优势地位的政治领域,女主们曾经获得了代替男性君主进行统治的“公开”、“正式”的政治权力与一定程度上的统治合法性,并对整个帝国的政治体系、文化传统和性别秩序产生了深远的影响。以儒家为主导的主流文化传统对于父系父权体制的推崇、对于保持一个特定的文化秩序和性别结构的重视、对于皇帝“一元统治理念”的维护,使得女主们参与政治事务的种种作为,往往要承受极大的挑战和制约。“女祸论”的产生和盛行,就是力图将女主排挤在政治领域之外的特定文化产物。然而,主流文化传统对于维护父系家族体系之繁衍这一根本价值的强调,使得它在对女性构成了限制的同时,也赋予了女主参与政治事务的潜在文化资源。女主对于女性身份的自我认同、对于自己作为女性所应当承担的职责的主动接受、对于自己未来归宿的最终认可,也在深刻地影响着她们在现实政治生活中的具体作为与最终的权力走向,并赋予了她们维护皇统与男性政治的基本自觉,从而使得她们始终没有发展出“女性政治”的特殊形态来。围绕着“君主一元统治理念”与“家天下”体制所产生的政治安排的若干特征,也在客观上赋予了女主们参与政治事务的外在机缘与制度保障。皇帝本人对于最大程度保持自己的统治权力的重视、帝后之间建立在“阴-阳”关系上的不可分割、“家事-国务”上的模糊界限、官僚集团对于“家-国”体制的总体性接受、主流文化对于“孝道”的推崇,使得皇后、太后以皇帝的“妻子”、“母亲”身份而对男性君主职责的代理,获得了某种意义上的合法性与正当性。皇后政治权力的获得,来自于皇帝对于她可以作为自己对抗官僚集团的“自主化”与“独立性”倾向的“政治助手”的资格确认、以及对于她绝对忠实于自己的政治忠诚度的充分信任,除此之外她难以得到任何其它的合法性资源与制度保障。因此,皇后的政治权力只是“个人式”的和“不稳定”的,只有当她与皇帝之间保持着“伙伴式婚姻”的亲密关系、并一直拥有他的信任时,她才能够最终保持自己手中的政治权力。而官僚集团对于自己作为皇权的“公共代理”的身份强调,将促使他们对皇后作为皇帝的“私人代理”而在政治体系的公开存在,进行坚决的抵制。严格恪守两性“阴-阳”角色的划分与“内-外”职责的分野,则成为了他们用以反对皇后参与政治事务的主要理论根源。皇太后的政治权力与统治合法性,从本质上来说来自于“家天下”的国家性质,以及“世袭制”的皇位传承原则所具有的内在缺陷。不同政治主体对于她可以被看作是最为合适的“皇权守护者”的资格认定,主流文化传统和官方意识形态对于“孝道”的推崇,也为她的统治合法性提供了强大的文化支持。因此,皇太后的统治合法性具有一种“稳定”的特征。但“皇帝一元统治”的政治理念,同时为她的合法性赋予了一种鲜明的“过渡性”特征,她的合法性性质,也大多表现为代行君权的“行政首长”,而很难获得“国家元首”的最高权威。官僚集团对于“皇帝-官僚体系”的正当性地位与排他性政治权力的强调,太后本人对于自己的“母亲”身份和职责的自我认知,也构成了足以限制她的最终权力归属的重要因素。“女皇帝”的出现,是主流文化传统所具备的“活泼的弹性”以及统治者合法性类型中的“卡里斯玛型”特征得到最大程度体现的明证。她的政治权力在产生之初并不稳固,借助于政治强制力的使用与对意识形态的重新塑造,她实现了合法性的转换,并确立了统治权威,但从本质上而言,杰出的政治才华才是她最终保持其统治合法性的根本原因所在。因此,她的政治权力和统治合法性只是“个人式”的,只有当她持续不断地证明自己确实有能力胜任上天和民众对于一位统治者的职责要求时,她才能够使人们最终认可和接受了一位“女皇帝”的统治,并赢得了稳定的个人权威。而她对于自己的女性身份的自我认同、对于自己的最终归宿的主动接受,使得她虽然以“性别角色转换”的方式登上了帝位,但却最终完成了“性别角色的回归”,以一个“李家媳妇”的身份终结了自己的一生。因此,她的出现,并未改变女性的历史处境,反而更进一步地加深了主流文化传统对于女性的偏见,并固化了父系父权体制的稳定性与延续性。

【Abstract】 In the political realm of imperialistic China in which the male occupied an absolute advantage position,the female rulers had ever acquired the "public","formal" political power to reign instead of the emperors and the governance legitimacy of a certain degree,and produced a profound influence on the political system,culture tradition and gender order of the entire empire.Since the main culture which affected mainly by Confucianism supported the patriarchy and patrilineal system,regarded highly to keep a particular cultural order and gender structure,and vindicated the emperor’s "unitary reign principle",it had made the female rulers suffered tremendous challenges and restrictions when they tried to participate in political business.The appearance and prevalence of the "female disaster theory" was just the particular cultural outcome which tried to exclude the female rulers out of the political realm.However,the main culture tradition offered the female rulers some latent cultural resources while it restricted their activities,since it emphasized the essential value of the flourish of the patrilineal family. Meanwhile,the female rulers’ identifying themselves as female,accepting actively women’s responsibilities and recognizing their life end-results would locate in their husband’s clan also influenced deeply how they acted and finished their political power,gave them a basal consciousness to support emperor’s power,and consequently made them not invent the particular form of "female politics".The characteristics of the political system which affected by the emperor’s "unitary reign principle" and "family-state" system had also objectively gave the female rulers the opportunities and guarantees when they participated in the political businesses.All of these factors made them acquire a certain degree legitimacy to act instead of the emperors as his "wife" or "mother":the emperor’s emphasis of keeping his own power,the indivisible relationship between the emperor and the female ruler based on "yin-yang",the fuzzy boundary between the family business and the state business,the bureaucracy’s total acceptance of the "family-state" system, and the main culture’s worship to the filial piety,ect.The empress acquired the political power from the emperor because he regarded her as a useful "political assistant" which can helped him to confront the bureaucracy’s "self-determination" and "independence",and also because he believed that she had absolute loyalty to himself,besides them,the empress could hardly get any other resources and guarantees to support her power.Therefore,the empress’ political power was just "individual" and "unstable",only when she had a "friendly-marriage" and a close relationship with her husband,the emperor,and owned his trust all the time,she was able to keep her power.However,the bureaucracy’s emphasis on themselves as the imperial’s "public agent" would urge them to stick up to the empress when she tried to get into the political realm as the emperor’s "private agent".Strictly abiding by the gender order was their main theory sources to oppose the empress to be concerned with polity.The empress dowagers acquired the political power and legitimacy essentially because of the characteristics of the "family-state" system and the internal blemish of the regality’s hereditary principle.Different political parties’ belief that she could be seen as the best "emperor’s caretaker",the main culture tradition and the official ideology’s worship to the "filial piety" also provided her a strong culture support to her govemance legitimacy.Therefore,the empress dowagers’ governance legitimacy was "stable".But the emperor’s "unitary reign principle" endowed her legitimacy with an unambiguous "transition" characteristic,so,she appeared mostly as "the head of the government",not "the chief of state", which the emperor was.The appearance of "monarchess" was a clear proof that the main culture tradition had the "lively flexibility",and also was a clear proof that the "Charism" could be the most important reason which made people obey her governance.Her political power was not stable at the beginning,but by using the terror and reconstructing the state ideology,she realized the conversion of legitimacy and established her authority.Essentially,brilliant political talent was the ultimate reason that made her keep the legitimacy finally.Therefore,her legitimacy was just "personal",only if she continued to prove that she could give people a rich and happy life which an eligible ruler should do,she could make them obey her governance and respect her as the "monarchess".She had acquired the throne by the mode of "gender conversion",however,her identifying with herself as a female,accepting her final end-result would be in her husband’s clan made her end her life as the identity of" the widow of Lee’s clan" through the "gender regress". Therefore,her appearance didn’t change the female’s historical position, contrarily,it deepened the main culture’s prejudice to the female,and also reinforced its stability and continuity.

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