

Modern Criminal Dispute and Its Resolution

【作者】 何挺

【导师】 宋英辉;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 长久以来,国家与加害人之间的关系始终是刑事司法制度的核心:国家通过刑事诉讼程序来准确认定加害人实施的犯罪行为,并适用刑事实体法来确定加害人应当承担的责任。虽然现代刑事诉讼程序在保障人权和抑制国家权力滥用等方面有了长足的进步,但这并未改变甚至反而强化了刑事诉讼程序国家与加害人相对抗的基本格局。在这一基本格局之下,加害人与被害人之间因为犯罪而产生并以犯罪为外在表现形式的刑事纠纷始终不能得到刑事司法制度的关注,刑事司法制度没有为刑事纠纷在刑事司法制度范围内得到解决提供必要的制度空间,刑事纠纷往往在国家刑事司法制度处理完刑事案件之后仍长期存在,并在实践中产生一系列的负面效应,影响到社会的和谐与稳定。本文以现代社会的刑事纠纷及其如何在刑事司法制度内得以解决为研究对象,在分析刑事纠纷的内涵及其现代特征和目前刑事司法制度在解决刑事纠纷方面的欠缺的基础上,以纠纷解决观为指导,探讨了现代刑事纠纷解决的理念基础、理论模型与具体的制度构建。纠纷是指两方以上的不同主体之间由于利益、情感等方面的原因并通过各种外在表现形式表现出来的不协调的关系。纠纷对于社会既有消极影响,也有积极影响。刑事纠纷是指加害人与被害人之间由于利益、情感等方面的原因并通过犯罪这一特殊的外在表现形式表现出来的不协调的关系。鉴于刑事纠纷具有纠纷的一般属性和区别于其他纠纷的特质以及提出刑事纠纷这一概念具有重大意义,刑事纠纷这一概念具有合理性。刑事纠纷不同于刑事案件,因此刑事诉讼程序对于刑事案件的处理不等同于对刑事纠纷的解决。现代刑事纠纷具有与现代社会密切相关的特征并可以按照不同的标准分为单向型与双向型刑事纠纷、开放型与闭合型刑事纠纷、关系型与陌生型刑事纠纷和引发型与突发型刑事纠纷。研究现代刑事纠纷的特征与分类有助于对不同种类的刑事纠纷采取不同的方式予以解决。刑事纠纷解决的内涵包括四个方面:①确认加害事实与权利义务;②消弥加害人与被害人之间的不协调关系:③解决的效应应当扩散至纠纷主体以外的其他社会主体;④解决还应当在时间维度上具有向后的效应。以上述四个方面来衡量,西方国家传统刑事司法制度和我国目前的刑事司法制度在刑事纠纷解决方面具有重大的缺陷,而刑事司法制度未能有效解决刑事纠纷又在实践中导致了一系列的负面效应。恢复性司法和刑事和解的兴起对刑事司法制度忽视刑事纠纷解决的现状有所改善。从有效解决刑事纠纷的角度出发,纠纷解决观作为一种以承认纠纷的客观存在和不可回避为前提并将解决纠纷视为重要任务以防范纠纷可能带来的各种负面影响的观念应当被引入刑事司法制度。纠纷解决观引入我国刑事司法制度包含以下五个方面的内涵:①接纳刑事纠纷的进入;②将刑事纠纷与刑事案件区别对待;③处理好解决刑事纠纷与解决其他纠纷之间的关系;④为刑事纠纷解决提供基本结构;⑤刑事纠纷解决应当体现在刑事司法程序的各个阶段。纠纷解决观的引入与我国刑事诉讼控制犯罪与保障人权相统一的刑事诉讼目的并无矛盾,反而有许多契合之处。纠纷解决观的引入将使刑事司法制度发生积极的变化。现代刑事纠纷解决的理念基础包括“个人·社会·国家”三位一体的刑事法本位观、法律实用主义对法律形式主义的矫正、刑事法功能从统治到治理的转变和刑事司法中合意与决定的交融四个方面。上述四个方面的理念基础不仅要从理论的层面进一步论证刑事纠纷及其解决的合理性和科学性,而且还要为现代刑事纠纷如何具体被解决以及刑事司法制度应当为解决刑事纠纷作出怎样的具体调整提供理念上的指引。从实践中抽象出刑事纠纷解决的理论模型并以理论模型指导刑事纠纷解决具体制度的构建是探讨刑事纠纷解决制度的有效方法。刑事纠纷解决的模型包括主体与关系两方面的要素。在对我国目前刑事纠纷解决模型的归纳及其存在的缺陷的分析的基础上提出了现代刑事纠纷解决的两种理想模型——当事人合意主导型和国家决定主导型。当事人合意主导型刑事纠纷解决,是指以加害人与被害人之间的沟通、协商和合意为主要线索和主导的刑事纠纷解决方式。当事人合意主导型刑事纠纷解决的制度构建主要包括加害人与被害人的沟通与协商、加害人对犯罪的补救、国家对当事人合意的控制三个方面。国家决定主导型刑事纠纷解决,是指以国家(由具体机关为代表)决定如何解决刑事纠纷并分别作用于加害人和被害人为主要线索和主导的刑事纠纷解决方式。国家决定主导型刑事纠纷解决的制度构建主要包括刑事诉讼程序内对被害人权利的保障和刑事诉讼程序外对被害人的救助两个方面。

【Abstract】 The relationship between state and the offender is the kernel of traditional criminal justice system.State identifies the offender’s criminal offense by criminal procedure,and ascertains his criminal liability according to the criminal law.Although modern criminal procedure has got much progress on the human rights protection and the power abusing control,this has not change the basic structure of state vs.offender but sometimes even strengthens this structure instead in criminal procedure. Under this basic structure,the criminal dispute between offender and victim caused by crime can’t get the concern of criminal justice system thoroughly.Criminal justice system has not provided the necessary methods to resolve the criminal dispute and the criminal dispute always exists for a long time after the criminal procedure which results in a series of negative influences.This article researches on criminal dispute and its resolution in modern time.Based on the analysis of criminal dispute’s connotation and modern characteristics,this article researches on theoretical bases,ideal models and detailed system construction of criminal dispute resolution in modern time.Dispute is inharmonious relationship between more than two parties caused by benefits,emotion and so on,which appears by external manifestations.Dispute has both negative and positive influences on society.Criminal dispute is inharmonious relationship between offender and victim caused by benefits,emotion and so on,which appears by crime. Criminal dispute has both common properties of other disputes and distinguishing characteristics.Criminal dispute is not same as criminal case, so disposition of criminal case in criminal procedure is not same as the resolution of criminal dispute.Modern criminal dispute has some characteristics which is closely related to the modern society.Modern criminal dispute can be divided into different kinds according to different standards.The research of characteristics and classification of modern criminal dispute is useful to resolve different kinds of modern criminal dispute.Resolution of criminal dispute includes four aspects:(1) ascertainment of crime,rights and duties;(2) elimination of inharmonious relationship between offender and victim;(3) spread the effect of resolution to other subjects beyond the parties;(4) spread the effect of resolution to future. Traditional criminal justice system of western countries and the criminal justice system of our country now have significant shortcoming about the resolution of criminal dispute,but the development of restorative justice and criminal reconciliation improves this situation.Concept of dispute resolution is a concept with a premise that disputes can not be avoided,which regards dispute resolution as important task to prevent negative influence of disputes.Concept of dispute resolution should be introduced into criminal justice system.Concept of dispute resolution in criminal justice system of our country includes five aspects:(1) accept criminal dispute into criminal justice system;(2) distinguish criminal dispute from criminal case;(3) arrange well about the relationship between resolution of criminal disputes and other disputes;(4) provide basic structure to resolve criminal disputes;(5) resolve criminal disputes in every stages of criminal procedure.Introduction of concept of dispute resolution into criminal justice system has not conflicts with the aims of criminal procedure in our country,which includes two parts:control crime and protect human rights.Concept of dispute resolution will lead the criminal justice system to some positive changes. Theoretical bases of modem criminal dispute resolution includes the following aspects:the "individual-society-state" priority view of criminal law,the correction to legal formalism from legal pragmatism,the transformation of the function about criminal law from government to governance,and the integration of consensus and decision in criminal procedure.We should not only use these above four ideal bases to prove the reasonableness and the scientificity of criminal disputes and its resolution further,but also to guide how to revise the criminal justice system to resolve criminal dispute better.To abstract theoretical models from practice is an effective method to analysis how to construct the detailed system of criminal dispute resolution. Theoretical model of criminal dispute resolution has two elements:subject and relationship.There are two ideal model of criminal dispute resolution: Model Dominated by Parties’ Consensus and Model Dominated by State’s Decision.Model dominated by parties’ consensus means the criminal dispute resolution is dominated by the communication,consultation and consensus between offender and victim.The detailed system construction of Model dominated by parties’ consensus includes communication, consultation between offender and victim,offender’s remedy of crime,and state’s control of parties’ consensus.Model dominated by state’s decision means the criminal dispute resolution is dominated by the state’s decision which functions on offender and victim separately.The detailed system construction of Model dominated by state’s decision includes protection of victim’s rights in criminal procedure and aid to victim out of criminal procedure.

  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】751

