

Reasearch into US Criminal Policies

【作者】 刘艳萍

【导师】 何秉松;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 刑法学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 刑事政策是一国政党和政府根据犯罪的原因和规律,针对犯罪的状况和发展态势所做出的预防、惩罚和矫治犯罪的各种措施、方法的总称。美国刑事政策是美国政府和政党根据犯罪与反犯罪的需求做出的防治犯罪的对策与方略。由于美国的现代化发展较早、较成熟,犯罪和治理犯罪的经验教训较丰富、较先进,所以研究美国的刑事政策及走向,是联合国及世界各国都很感兴趣的课题。我国在市场经济和现代化发展过程中伴随着犯罪增长的历程,为了更好地预防、打击和矫正犯罪,我们有必要研究与探讨美国的刑事政策问题,扬人之长,抑人之弊,为我所用。《美国刑事政策研究》一文,分为六章,各章基本内容是:第一章,美国刑事政策概述,主要述说美国的犯罪状况,美国的刑事司法制度,美国的刑事政策含义,美国的公共政策要求与内涵,层层推进,并在此基础上了厘清美国的刑事政策与公共政策的关系。第二章,美国刑事政策的宪法与理论基础,首先研究了美国刑事政策的宪法基础,这是最具美国刑事政策特点和特色的部分,充分体现了宪政国家的法治与人权要求。其次,研究了美国刑事政策的理论基础,这是阐述美国刑事政策的逻辑起点。“实用”是美国刑事政策的前提与要求,“实证”是美国刑事政策的方法与标准。民主与法治、效率与公正是刑事政策的价值取向。社会防卫与人权保障是刑事政策两极目的与双向任务。第三章,美国的基本刑事政策——“重重轻轻”两极化的刑事政策,本章是全文的核心与重点。基于美国犯罪复杂化、两极化,为了更好地打击犯罪、预防犯罪和控制犯罪,使反犯罪的人、财、物资源予以有效地分配,达到最佳效果。美国从上世纪80年代中期以来,实行了“重重轻轻”的两极化的刑事政策。“重重”形势政策,针对恐怖主义犯罪,严重暴力犯罪,重大经济与财产犯罪,以及累犯等恢复死刑,实行终身监禁刑和不得假释的无期徒刑;“轻轻”的刑事政策,针对初犯、偶犯、过失犯、未成年人犯,普通刑事犯,采取刑事和解、恢复性司法、转处、缓刑、假释、社区矫正。本文对“重重轻轻”的政策进行了全方位考证与内容分析。第四章,美国的具体刑事政策,主要介绍和分析了美国的“强硬”政策、“三振出局”政策、破窗理论与零容忍政策、死刑政策、监狱矫正政策、社区矫正政策和对被害人赔偿与保障政策等。这是最具操作层面的政策内容,也是受世人瞩目的地方。第五章,美国刑事政策的评估与前瞻,着重对美国刑事政策的利与弊、好与坏、功与过等予以了评估,对美国刑事政策面临的问题与改革期待等,予以了分析。在此基础上,对21世纪美国犯罪问题的刑事政策、公共政策进行了探讨,认为从“911”恐怖事件开始,美国的刑事政策开始了转折,体现在以国家为本,采取单边主义和双重标准的反恐政策,假借反恐之名,行霸权主义和世界警察之实,在打击犯罪的同时,践踏着法治与人权。最后,对美国未来的刑事政策进行了若干大胆的预测与和展望。,第六章,他山之石——美国刑事政策对我国的启示与借鉴,这是本文写作的动机与目的,研究美国的刑事政策,是为了学习与借鉴。通过对美国刑事政策的比较与分析,我们认为,单纯运用古典学派或新古典学派的报应理论,强调报应与惩罚,即“严打”及其威慑,或单纯依赖实证学派的目的刑的理论,强调教育与矫正,即“教化”及其复归,都是不能解决犯罪与罪犯问题的。只有将古典与实证学派的理论观点结合起来,与时俱进揉入新的理论和观点,针对现实的犯罪问题和特点,采取报应和预防相结合,惩罚与矫正相结合,犯罪行为与犯罪人、被害人及其成因和保护的综合考虑,并在此基础上的具有针对性的对策措施,才是行之有效的。预防与惩罚犯罪,必须科际整合、综合治理。美国的两极化刑事政策值得我们学习与借鉴,当严则严,当宽则宽,宽中有严,严中有宽,以严济宽,以宽济严,宽严适当,宽严合法,这就是我们必须坚持与正确运用的中国刑事政策——“宽严相济”的外部经验与本土特色。

【Abstract】 Study of criminal polices has been very popular in China and some nations of civil law tradition.Our scholars are interested in some issues in the field of criminal policies not only in China,but in other countries,such as Japan,France,and Germany.However,few people works on the research and study into the policies against crimes in the United Sates.Due to the economic hegemony of US and its great impact on the other countries in every aspect,it is rewarding for us to investigate the crime policies,especially its prevention policies though it doesn’t necessarily mean its criminal justice system works well and its policies are efficient. This dissertation makes an attempt to probe into the criminal policies in the United States from the perspective of the policies at the extremes.To get better knowledge and understanding of the US policies can be rwarding.The nomenclature of the policy against crimes in the US is not the same as the so-called Criminal Policy in China and other countries of civil law tradition,but the policies adopted in the field of criminal law to strike and prevent crime are within the same scope and almost of the same topics though they prefer different terminology such as crime policy,criminal justice policy,criminal law policy,public polic and crime control policy etc. This dissertation deals with those prevention and policies against crimes in a broad sense,which may be different from the ones in the narrow or mixed sense. Since US differs from us in the system of government,the degree of democracy,the ideology,there is certainly great discrepancy in the two systems,and the different legal traditions calls for different attitudes and approaches to doing research.This paper will try to discuss the US issues in the US way,in the light of practice instead of the pure theoretical problems.To begin with,the dissertation makes a brief introduction to the crime and criminal justice system for a better understanding of the issues at present.After that it talks about the process of public policy and its relationship with criminal policy.Then it discusses the constitutional and theoretical bases of those policies in order to articulate the validity of the policy-making,implementation and supervision.Subsequently,it focuses on the criminal policies at the extremes in US criminal justice system with the strict policies to habitual and repeated offenders and recidivisms and much more merciful one to young offenders and first-time offenders and etc.In addition,it emphasizes the "get tough" movement,to be specific, the "three strikes" law and the zero-tolerance.What’s more,it reveals the policies in sentencing,gun control,drug,juvenile delinquency,and correctional system.At last,it draws a conclusion that we can borrow some of the US experiences and learn from the US lessons,thus helping us.

  • 【分类号】DD914;D971.2
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1879
  • 攻读期成果

