

The Research on Deposit Insurance Legal System

【作者】 韩萨茹

【导师】 赵威;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 金融业核心地位的确立是现代经济的显着特征之一。银行和金融机构是金融业的核心,它们高负债经营的特点使金融业具有一定的风险性。正是因为银行和金融机构内部以及金融市场天生存在着不稳定性,多以当个别经营不善的银行或金融机构出现挤兑现象时,其他正常经营的银行或金融机构也可能会受到冲击。一个国家的银行业出现危机必将影响其整个金融系统的安全,进而可能还会导致该国通货膨胀甚至使其整个国民经济瘫痪。而在经济全球化的背景下,银行或金融机构跨国经营互相渗透,一国金融业出现危机产生的不良影响并不仅仅局限于本国国内,很可能会产生“多米诺骨牌”的效应,波及周边国家地区甚至世界经济的安危。为维护金融稳定,近年来各国都在努力构建和完善金融风险防范制度,并积极采取保障金融市场安全运转的有利措施。一般来说,一个国家的“金融安全网”的基本构成包括负责审慎监管职能的金融监管机构、负有最后贷款人职能的中央银行和负责存款保险责任的存款保险机构三大支柱。作为一项金融安全网的重要组成部分,存款保险制度的建立和运行在抑制银行挤兑风险方面起到了积极的作用,从维护银行体系和金融市场的稳定防范金融风险的角度已经成为一国金融监管和风险防范不可或缺的重要政策安排。长期以来,我国实行隐性存款保险制度,这种国家承诺全额赔偿的金融风险防范方法不利于提高投资者的风险意识,在一定程度上削弱了市场自身的约束作用。不仅如此,在隐性的存款保险制度下,当银行或金融机构发生资金流动性经营危机或面临倒闭时,通常由中国人民银行垫付资金或由地方政府向中央银行借款后垫付存款人的存款,这种救助方式很可能给央行的基础货币投放带来压力,甚至影响和改变人民银行实施的货币政策,所以建立正规的显性存款保险制度十分必要。我国对存款保险制度的研究始于九十年代,该课题在经济学领域研究已经比较深入,资料丰富,但法学领域的研究十分薄弱。因为我国一直没有采用存款保险制度,而世界上很多国家和地区都已经建立起适合当地金融业特点的比较完善的金融防范制度,所以要构建我国的存款保险法律制度首先是考虑法律移植的问题。因为各个国家在金融风险防范方面的立法以及实践可以提供很多可以借鉴的经验,所以本文在诸多的法学研究方法中选择了比较研究的方法。对各国实践中的存款保险制度进行比较研究,引出讨论什么是适合中国现有金融环境的存款保险方式和方法,最终通过探讨促进建立和完善我国的金融风险防范理论和存款保险法律制度。法学的功能型比较研究是以现实的具体问题为中心,通过对比具体法律制度在实践中产生的效果,找到最适合的解决方法。在功能型比较研究过程中以法律秩序为研究对象,扩大了比较研究的视野,是一种有机的法学比较研究方法,对实践具有比较实用的指导作用。按功能型比较的方法进行研究首先要确定是么是事实问题;然后是选择那些比较项进行对比分析,并提出关于比较项的客观的研究报告;结构因功能而存在,所以最后要功能主义原则下指导下的主观分析总结出什么是值得借鉴,什么是需要进一步完善的。由此不难发现功能型比较研究方法具有很强的实践性,这种特点使其得在法律移植的过程中能够发挥重大作用。本文将根据比较研究和总结世界各国存款保险制度的经验提出如何构建适合我国自身金融环境特点的银行存款保险法律制度。存款保险制度与各国金融法的不同设计或演进息息相关。因此通过对不同历史阶段各国金融法律制度的纵向比较分析,把握存款保险制度的历史运行轨迹及未来发展趋势,从而对我国存款保险制度合理建立提供有力指导。美国联邦存款保险制度历经70多年的发展,其存款保险制度在法律上的安排在事实上成为世界很多国家和地区的范例和样板。本文在对存款保险制度的历史分析中,主要讨论了美国的联邦存款保险制度,并通过分析勾勒出了该制度的基本框架。由于存款保险制度在世界范围已广泛建立,限于篇幅及笔力,不得不仅选择了一些具有代表性和特殊性的国家及地区的制度进行研究对比和总结。在文章的最后本文通过对存款保险制度的发展历史和具体效用,各个国家金融市场的特点,以及它们各自的缺陷等方面对比分析,总结出存款保险制度是市场经济条件下,政府对市场进行有限干预的产物。提出存款保险法律制度具备的经济法的属性要求其最终必须力求在银行业和金融业自身特点与政府有限干预理念相制衡的过程中找到平衡点的新观点。当然作为法学比较方法的一部分,本文也对涉及各国与银行存款保险制度有关的经济发展水平、历史文化传统、人文环境等因素的比较项,并进行了差异性分析。通过对比和总结本文认为这些同样是中国建立适合本国国情的银行保险制度,进行法律移植必须考虑的因素。本文通过对中国金融业发展历史,改革以及现状的讨论,确定影响我国存款保险法律制度引进的主要因素有我国银业危机管理的经济背景、法制背景等。本文认为存款保险制度的构建既要考虑到域外立法例的情况,也要结合本国的实际情况,这是将存款保险制度成功移植和法律制度本土化的必由之路。由于存款保险制度是个综合性的概念,涵盖的范围广且内容复杂,我国要借鉴域外立法例,构建适合自身的存款保险法律制度应当首先要制定存款保险基本法,在此基础上再进一步完善存款保险辅助法律制度。另外,因为存款保险制度有可能增加银行陷入道德风险的激励,从而增加银行产生危机的可能性。所以,要建立稳固的存款保险制度和金融市场退出机制,除了要建立完善的法律框架外,还要做好其他配套设施工作,如:必须加强监管,以降低银行过度承担风险的动机等。

【Abstract】 The establishment of the key position of financial circles is the characteristic of showing of the modern economy.The bank is a core of the financial circles;manage to make financial circles have certain risk in high liabilities of the banking.Just because the system of the bank and financial market have instability innately,when present the phenomenon of run on a bank in the bank managed improperly individually,other banks may be assaulted too.The security that the crisis will influence its whole financial system has appeared in a national banking,and then may cause this country’s inflation even make its national economy paralyzed.Under the background of the economic globalization,one country’s financial circles not merely confines to national our country the harmful effects that the crisis produces,will possibly produce the effects of"dominoes", will involve the areas of surrounding countries even safety of the international economy.In order to safeguard the financial stability,various countries are making great efforts to structure and perfect the favorable measure that financial risks take precautions against the system and ensure the security of financial market to operate in recent years.The financial safety net of a country forms and includes three major pillars basically: Responsible for the depositing,shoulder having in the Central Bank of creditor’s function finally and responsible for the deposit safety unit of the insurance responsibility of the depositing.The insurance system of the deposit is as in practice of the important component of a financial safety net,contribute to suppressing the risk of run on a bank of the bank,see and play a positive role from safeguarding bank system and the angles of the steady struck precaution financial risks of the financial market.For a long time,our country implements the recessive deposit insurance system,the financial risks of such national compensation in full take precautions against the method and are unfavorable to improving investors’ sense of risk,have weakened the market’s own restraint function to a certain extent.Under the deposit insurance system of the recessiveness,pay for personal creditor’s rights first after usually the People’s Bank of China pays for the fund first or borrowing money from local government to Central Bank while succoring and closing the financial institution which produce the crisis,this will be given the basic currency of Central Bank to throw in the pressure of bringing,even influence and change the monetary policy that the People’s Bank implement,so it is very essential to set up regular dominance deposit insurance system.The study on insurance system of the deposit of our country started in the 1990s,this subject was studied and already relatively deepened in the field of economics,the materials are abundant,but the research of the law science domain is very weak.Because our country has never adopted the insurance system of the deposit,and a lot of countries and regions in the world have all already set up more perfect financial struck precaution system suitable for financial circles in the locality,so the legal system of deposit insurance structured our country is the question that the law is transplanted at first.The legislation and practicing in keeping a lookout in financial risks of each country can offer a lot experience that can be used for reference,for this reason,this text has chosen the method that is relatively studied in a great deal of law science research approaches.Compare deposit insurance system in practices of various countries in research,the deposit insurance way and method of suiting China’s existing financial environment that what is drawn and discussed,promote setting up and perfect the financial risks of our country and take precautions against the theory and legal system of deposit insurance through probing into finally.The law science comparative research approach of functionality is to regard realistic concrete problem as the centre,through comparing with the result that the concrete legal system produces in practice,found the most suitable solution.Regard legal order as the research object in the course of relatively studying in function type,it is a kind of organic comparative research approach of law science to expand the vision relatively studying,have more practical guidance functions to practice.It is a question of fact to carry on research and should be confirmed to be first according to the method that the functionality compares;Then choose those to compare one to compare with analyzing,and propose about comparing the objective research paper of one;The structure exists because of function,so the one that will guide under the functionalism principle finally will analyze subjectively what is summarized it is to worth drawing lessons from,what needs to perfect further.Therefore it is not difficult to find that the comparative research approach of the functionality has very strong practicality,this kind of characteristic makes it can play a great role while the law is transplanted. So,according to study and summarize countries all over the world deposit experience,insurance of system not to propose this text how to structure the law of insurance of bank account suitable for environmental one’s own finance of our country relatively Law system.For guarantee comparative research can reach certain depth,is it limit in legal order,mother of law to study relatively mainly this text about bank account insurance legal system.Because the development that U.S.A.’s federal deposit insurance system went through more than 70 years,its arrangement legally of insurance system of deposit is becoming example and model of a lot of countries and regions in the world in fact. So this text has confirmed the mother law order status of the legal system of the American deposit insurance in history in the insurance system of the deposit is analyzed,and sketch the contours of the legal due frame of system of the deposit insurance through an analysis of mother law order. On the choice of the sub law order,because the insurance system of the deposit has already been set up extensively on the range of the world,and pen force,have to only choose the systems of some country and area with representativeness and particularity to carry on research to compare with and summarize as space is limited.Pass the developing history and utility specifically to the insurance system of the deposit in the last this text of the article,the characteristic of each national financial market,and their one’s own defects,etc.compare one to compare with and analyze,it is under market economy terms to summarize the insurance system of the deposit,the government carries on the limited result that intervened to the market.Put forward deposit insurance legal attribute request their of economic law that system possess must make every effort in banking and financial circles one’s own characteristic and limited to intervene idea make government finally Find the new view of the equalization point in the course of weighing apparatus.Certainly is regarded as a part of the comparative method of law science,comparison one to the factors,such as economic development level,historical cultural tradition,humane environment related to various countries related to insurance system of the bank account,etc.of this text,and has carried on the difference to analyze. It is equally China that thought these through comparing with and summarizing this text to set up the banking,insurance system suitable for the national conditions,carry on the law and transplant the factor that must be considered.This text passes China’s financial circles developing history; the discussions of the reform and current situation correctly,confirm that the main factor influencing the legal system of deposit insurance of our country to introduce is economic background of silver industry’s crisis management of our country,legal system background,etc.This text thinks that the legal system of the deposit insurance structures the situation that should be considered the overseas legislative example,combine the national actual conditions,the only way of succeeding in transplanting the insurance system of the deposit in this and legal system localization too. Because of legal system of the deposit insurance being a comprehensive concept,the ones that contain are in extensive range and the content is complicated,our country should draw lessons from the overseas legislative example,structuring suitable and one’s own legal system of deposit insurance should divide into two steps,should make insurance Basic Law of the deposit first,perfect the auxiliary legal system of the deposit insurance further on this basis.In addition,because the insurance system of the deposit may increase the encouragement that the bank fell into the morals risk,thus increase the possibility that the bank produces the crisis.So,will set up firm deposit insurance system and financial market and withdraw from the mechanism,besides setting up perfect law frame,should do a good job of other auxiliary facilities,for instance:Must strengthen supervision,wait in order to reduce the excessive motive which undertakes the risk of the bank.

  • 【分类号】F832.1;D922.281
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】2009

