

Study on the System of Joint Crime

【作者】 毛磊

【导师】 张凌;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 刑法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 罪刑法定主义犯罪论体系下,研究共同犯罪问题的实质在于如何寻求多人参与犯罪的情况与刑法分则具体条文所规定的构成要件之间的连接点,将一系列不同于分则直接表述的犯罪修正形式解释的符合于构成要件主客观内容的要求,进而明确对共同犯罪人科处刑罚的规范基础。我国现行刑法中的共同犯罪制度设计则将原本应在刑罚裁量阶段考虑的犯罪人责任程度问题混入犯罪论之中,并以之为基点构建了相关具体制度,不但导致共同犯罪体系的混乱,也造成了学术研究与司法适用中难以突破的瓶颈.本文认为,突破的路径在于回归对行为的关注,以行为规制为体系梳理的原点,因而试图沿着罪刑法定——构成要件实质化的脉络,进行一种以正犯(实行犯)为逻辑起点的、既具有一定前瞻性又不失于空想的共同犯罪理论体系的整合与思考。正文共分五章:第一章为共同犯罪概说。首先,在分析位于不同层面的正犯与共犯的一般观念的前提下,对正犯与共犯的概念、判断标准及体系定位进行了界定,其中前者是指具有支配功能的依照其客观行为和意思参与程度直接实现分则构成要件的犯罪人,后者则是指不具有犯罪支配的基于组织、教唆或帮助的故意参与犯罪实行而间接的符合了修正的构成要件的犯罪人。其次,在比较大陆法系共同犯罪立法模式的基础上,主张应当构建一种以正犯为核心的正犯与共犯分离体系,但在过失共同行为的场合,则不妨借鉴单一正犯体系的合理内容。随后,针对我国共同犯罪体系重构的进路,认为应当在正犯概念的基础上展开对正犯与共犯本质构造的深层追问,思考脉络上则应以因果关系流程为演进道路,尺度上以行为支配(控制力与影响力)为判断标准,逐一检视共同犯罪中具有共通性的诸问题的不法内涵。第二章为共同犯罪的本质构造,主要解决在法秩序面临多人共同侵害的场合,如何界分不同责任主体之间的关系结构、法律性质并进行刑事规制的构造性问题。首先,在何为共同犯罪的“共同”上,主张采部分犯罪共同说,其适用对象不限于狭义的共犯,还包括共同正犯。其次,在正犯与共犯的关系上,则应肯定共犯对正犯的从属性质,且共犯并不具有独立性的内容;在共犯从属的程度上,基于违法的连带性与责任的个人性,应确立限制从属的形式;依据我国刑法第29条第2款的规定,我国的教唆犯具有实然层面的独立性,但需要转向应然的限制从属性立场。最后,在共同犯罪人分类模式上,应当实现观念与制度的双重改变,前者是指改变立法中既有的过于理想且具有典型惯性特征的中国式折衷思维;后者是指在法定分类的重构中确立单一的分工分类法,将共同犯罪人分为正犯和共犯,正犯包括单独正犯、间接正犯和共同正犯,共犯包括组织犯、教唆犯和帮助犯。第三章为共同犯罪人的类型。首先,在分析了共同正犯的意义和性质后,依据功能支配的原则论证了共同正犯的成立条件,指出为了避免在对“实行行为者背后潜在的大人物”进行处罚的过程中陷入否定构成要件定型机能的理论困境,需要赋予组织犯应有的价值;在探讨了间接正犯与从属性说的关系及其是否应当在共同犯罪制度中加以规定后,重点阐述了间接正犯的三个特殊问题,即间接正犯的着手标准、与亲手犯的关系和与教唆犯的区别。其次,通过对组织犯的演进脉络与制度考察,就如何明确组织犯的法律地位及其成立的条件与范围进行了分析;在限制从属性说的前提下,讨论了教唆犯的概念和成立条件,并对相应排除的独立教唆的问题进行了阐述;考虑到理论上帮助犯完全被教唆犯的风光所遮盖的现实,择要分析了独立帮助犯的意义和中性帮助行为的处理。此外,在共犯的处罚根据上主张应当在共犯行为与构成要件的关系及法益侵害的结果中进行综合考察,并在细致检讨各国(地区)共犯刑度配置及特定个人要素的调和后,反思并设计了我国共犯处罚的一般规则。第四章为共同犯罪的修正形态。首先,探讨了行为主体方面对共同犯罪一般形态加以修正的片面共犯,认为片面共犯只能在片面教唆犯和片面帮助犯中存在,其中后者的范围包括无形帮助犯,成立时机可以在实行行为终了之后,并分析了一个争议较大的特殊情形,提出了“一人成立共犯”的反对解释。其次,研究了在主观方面进行修正的过失共同犯罪,初步认为在具体危害结果发生的场合,如果各行为人处于相同的法律地位,对注意义务的违反又可以导致这种结果发生时,存在成立过失共同犯罪的可能;并在逐一检讨各共同犯罪人类型后,肯定了过失共同正犯和过失帮助犯的成立,同时主张将结果加重犯中的过失共同行为以过失共同正犯论。随后,分析了在客观方面进行修正的不作为共犯,明确了不作为共犯的成立条件及其与不作为正犯的区别,肯定了不作为的共同正犯与不作为的帮助犯。第五章为共同犯罪的交叉形态。首先,在论证违法性错误的法律意义后,依据法定符合说细致讨论了共犯人在事实错误中各种情况的处理,叙说脉络上则采用了简单共同犯罪与复杂共同犯罪的区分。其次,针对共犯中止的疑难情形,在概览、分析国内外学说与立法的基础上,基于因果阻断的思考分别对各类型的共犯人中止成立条件进行了具体判断。最后,在共犯与身份问题上,厘定了身份的概念与身份犯的类型,明确了该问题争议的焦点,并对真正身份犯与不真正身份犯的共犯情况进行了精细的考察。

【Abstract】 According to the demand of nullum crimen sine lege, whichever crime should be punished only by a prescribed clause of criminal law. Under this circumstances, the focus of research on joint crime is how to find the link point between the fact of several persons participate in one crime and constitutive elements stipulated by the criminal law. On the contrary, the existed criminal law of our country sets too much character of liability to the theory of crime, which should be considered in the procedure of adjudication in fact, and the result is that the system of joint crime was led to chaos, and surges great difficulty in the process of academic research and judicial practice. The article maintains that the solution of this problem is returning to the doctrine of actus reus, and advocates to construct a brand new system of joint crime based on the concept of Taterschaft. The article can be divided into 5 chapters:Chapter 1 is the approximation of joint crime. Firstly, the author analyzes the broad and narrow sense of Taterschaft and Beilnahme after a brief history review, and points out that the notion of Taterschaft is the person who shares the position of domination in any offence and fulfills the constitutive elements stipulated by the criminal law by himself. In another aspect, Beilnahme is the person who can not utilize his bodily behavior to realize the constitutive elements and only can do that indirectly by his mens rea of organizing, instigating and assisting which auxiliary to the action of Taterschaft. Furthermore, under the basic theory of joint crime of continent legal system, the author holds out that should establish a system of joint crime which based on the division of Taterschaft and Beilnahme. After that, the paper construct a project of studying on the reconstruction system of joint crime in China which should follow the road of causation and the criterion of actus reus domination.Chapter 2 is the research on the essential construction of joint crime, which focus on the situation of legal sequence broken down by several persons simultaneously, and how to define the relationship of those people. First, the paper points out the theory of part co-crime should be established to find what is the common point among the actions practiced by these criminals. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the relationship of Taterschaft and Beilnahme, and advocates that Beilnahme is subordinate to Taterschaft. And to the extent of subordination, the restrained subordination doctrine should be established. At the same time , according to the 2nd paragraph of article 29 of Criminal Law of China, the instigator shares the character of dependency actually, but the sound choice is to change it to the character of restrained subordination instead. Finally, on the classification of joint criminals, the criterion should be changed from function to action also, which can divide the joint criminals into Taterschaft and Beilnahme, and Taterschaft includes indirect guilt and co-anteurs, and the latter includes gang organizer, instigator and accessory.Chapter 3 is the research on the modes of joint criminals. Firstly, after analyzing the meaning and character of co-anteurs, the author holds out that the institution of gang organizer need to be utilized to punish the important person who stands behind the crime practice. And after discussing the relationship between indirect guilt and the doctrine of subordination, the paper mainly analyze three special questions about indirect guilt, such as the practicing time of it, the distinction of Eigenhandige Delikte and instigator with it. Furthermore, through the historic investigation of gang organizer, the article talks about its legal status and constitutive elements. Also, under the doctrine of subordination, the paper discusses the concept and content of instigator, besides, analyses the question of dependent instigation. After that, the paper briefly analyzes the substance of accessory, which including the value of dependent assistant crime, and the problem of value-free assistant action in common life. At last, on the basic of punishment of Beilnahme, the author thinks that foundation lies in the relationship of Beilnahme and the constitutive elements provided by criminal law and the result that the action had demerit the interest which the law protected.Chapter 4 is the study on the revised form of joint crime. The article points out that one-sided accomplice only exists in the situation of one-sided co-anteurs and accessory. And in the interior of one-sided accessory, the non-form accessory should be maintained, and after the constitutive action has been practiced the one-sided accessory is advocates also. Secondly, the author makes a full study about the crime of concurrent negligence, and holds out that co-anteurs and accessory are set up in the circumstances of concurrent negligence. Besides that, the paper analyses the content of the crime of co-omission, and finds out that the co-anteurs and accessory can be maintained in this situation.Chapter 5 is the research on the intersect form of joint crime. First of all, according to the theory of statutory conformation, the author discusses the situation of fact fault among joint criminals, which after the short analyses of legal fault. Moreover, the paper probes into some difficult situations at the time of withdraw, and after a full investigating of the solutions towards it, the article make a rather prudent judgment about it in details. Besides, the paper analyzes the question of joint criminals and status demanded by the stipulated law, which mainly can be divided into standard status crime and non-standard status crime

【关键词】 共同犯罪体系正犯共犯从属性
【Key words】 Joint CrimeSystemTaterschaftBeilnahmethe Doctrine of Subordination
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1561

