

The Research of Gentry and Litigation in Ming Dynasty

【作者】 严曦

【导师】 怀效锋;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律史学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 绅士是明清时期重要的特权阶层,在从地方到中央,从家庭到国家的社会各个层面发挥着影响力,向来为中外学者所关注。相对而言,目前法史学界对于绅士的研究成果较为缺乏。因此,本文试图从法律史学的角度审视明代的绅士阶层,并以此为切入点,对当时基层社会的法律生活进行考察。本文以判牍为主要研究材料。笔者通过对已经出版的八种明代判牍的阅读,发掘出了其中与绅士相关的608件文书,并进行了较为系统的整理和分类。在此基础上,本文一方面对明代绅士所涉诉讼的类型、争端的内容、处理结果等加以分析,另外一方面对绅士和其他诉讼参与人在诉讼中所采取的策略,以及法官对绅士的态度进行了考察。本文共四章,可分为三个部分。第一章为第一部分,笔者从明代官方文本出发,对绅士的概念进行了的厘定,对学界中关于绅士概念的争论提出了自己的看法;同时,笔者对散见于明代法律文本中的与绅士相关的制度性规定进行了梳理,从而对绅士的法律特权进行了系统地论述。第二章、第三章为第二部分,是对绅士所涉各类型诉讼进行的考察。第二章研究的是民事类诉讼。在普通的民事诉讼中,笔者重点考察了法律条文中未能完全体现出来的民间习惯、纠纷的产生原因和绅士在民事关系中的作为。此外,笔者还对投献等与绅士相关的特殊类型的民事诉讼进行了分析。第三章研究的是刑事类诉讼,在这一章中,笔者同样没有纠缠于制度分析,而注重于各类犯罪体现出的特点以及绅士在刑事诉讼中的特殊性。通过各类诉讼的研究,笔者指出,绅士阶层大量存在着滥用特权的情况,而侵害了他人的利益;普通民众也会利用绅士的权势或冒用绅士的名义为自己谋取好处;法官在处理诉讼时,往往会对绅士加以照顾。第四章为第三部分,关注的是当事人如何在诉讼中进行博弈。笔者以诉讼的流程为研究路线,从诉讼的提出、进行、终结三个阶段分析了诉讼当事人为求得胜诉或规避责任所采用的策略。同时,文中对法官在诉讼各阶段如何对待绅士也进行了考察。通过研究可以发现,无论是提起诉状、进行质证还是最后判决,法官对绅士均具有倾向性。虽然,诉讼各个阶段中法官给予绅士的优惠并不会偏离规则太远,但种种优惠积累起来,却会对整个诉讼的最终结果产生巨大影响。结语部分,笔者对全文的观点进行了简要总结,并指出明代绅士以其特殊地位在基层社会的管理方面起了积极的作用。但同时,他们亦会为了自身的利益滥用特权,从而对民众和国家造成了危害。从法律文本和判牍来看,明代政府对绅士滥用特权的控制并不成功。

【Abstract】 The gentry,who is important privileged stratum in the Ming and Qing Dynasties time,and from the local to the central authorities,from the family to the country at all levels of society playing an influential role,has always been paid attention by Chinese and foreign scholars.Relatively speaking,method of the legal history is more deficient at present. Therefore,this article attempts from the legal history angle to carefully examine Ming Dynasty’s gentry social stratum,and take this as the starting point,investigated to the grass roots society’s legal life at that time.This article takes the court documents as main research material.Through reading the nine kinds of Ming Dynasty cases,the author excavated 608 related documents,and have carried on a more systematic reorganization and the classification.Based on this,the author analyzed on the type of the litigations related,the content of the dispute,and the processing result and so on;on the one hand the author investigated the strategy which the gentry and others who participated in the litigations have been taken,and the attitude of judges to the gentry.The total paper can be divided into three parts.The first chapter is the first part.The author defined the gentry from the Ming Dynasty official text,and put forward own views on the concept of a gentry.Meanwhile the authors hackled the institutional stipulated which scattering on the legal texts related,and discussed the legal privileges of the gentry systematically.ChapterⅡand ChapterⅢcombined the second part.The author investigated various types litigation which the gentry involved in.The chapterⅡfocuses on the civil action.In the ordinary civil action,the author focused on the civil habits which the law has not been fully reflected in,the reasons for the occurrence of disputes,and gentry’s behavior in civil relationship.In addition,the author also analyzed with the gentry related special type civil action.ChapterⅢfocuses on the criminal action.In this chapter,the author focus on the characteristics of all kinds of crime reflects and the particularity of gentry in criminal action.Through each kind of litigation’s research,the author pointed out that the gentry massively abuses the privileges,and has violated other people’s benefit.The ordinary populace also seek the advantage for oneself by using gentry’s power or in the name of gentry fraudulently. Judge often will look after to the gentry in dealing with litigations.ChapterⅣis Part three.It concerns to how the parties dispute in the litigation.From the litigation process,the author analyzed the strategy which the litigant taken for win or seek to avoid responsibility.At the same time,the author investigated that how the judge treat the gentry in every litigation stages.By researching,We can find that not only in lodging a complaint,processing question,but also doing a final judgement,judge has tendentiousness to the gentleman.Although it will not far away form the rule,if all sorts of preferential benefits are accumulated,it will influence the entire litigation final outcome greatly..In the conclusion,the author has carried on the brief summary to this article viewpoint,and through the data analysis pointed out that the probability of the Ming Dynasty gentry which appears in the litigation must surpass that of the ordinary person more.This situation has great relationship with the special treatment which gentry enjoyed on their legal system and its actual operation.At the same time,the author also believed that populace in the traditional society are as not fear justice as they look like.They will also realize their goal by using the litigation, even has many the skills in dealt with the litigation.

【关键词】 明代绅士诉讼策略判牍
【Key words】 Ming DynastyGentryLitigationStrategyCourt Documents
  • 【分类号】D929
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】529

