

Imagination on Equity Argumentation Theory

【作者】 杨贝

【导师】 徐显明;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法学理论, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 法律决定的合理性是近年来法学理论界讨论的热点问题之一。本文拟从法律论证的角度论述形成合理的法律决定的可能途径。通过反思历史上存在的两种寻求合理的法律决定的思路,作者力图结合各家的优长形成一套新的论证规范,从而确保合理的法律决定的达成。本文可分为以下六个部分。第一部分为导论,点明了文章的主要思路。在分析了以往的法律论证理论所存在的两大问题之后,提出解决问题的办法。第一章主要论述了寻求合理的法律决定的必要性。作者在分析了法律所存在的局限性的基础上,论述了合理性之于法律决定的重要意义以及合理的法律决定的特点、适用范围等。第二章梳理了历史上存在的两种寻求合理决定的方案——衡平与修辞学。在第一、二节分别论述了衡平与修辞学这两门学科各自的发展历程、思想旨趣,并在第三节中分析了衡平与修辞学之间的历史渊源。第三章主要论述了衡平与修辞学复合的产物—衡平论证理论。首先论述了衡平论证视域下的法律论证的类型区分,将衡平论证与合法律性论证区分开来。然后详细介绍了衡平论证的思想来源。继而通过与合法律性论证及以往的修辞论证理论比较,总结出衡平论证的特点。最后点出衡平论证的主要适用范围。第四章主要论述衡平论证的原则、论据与方法。第一节点明了衡平论证所遵循的基本原则,其中既有与其他法律论证理论共通的原则,也有其自身独具的原则。第二节则在点明衡平论证中所引用的论据的广泛性之后,对这些论据进行了分类,并论述了衡平论证所独具的或然性论据。第三节分别论述了衡平论证中常用的论证方法的独特性。第六部分为结语,阐述了衡平与和谐的内在关联,点明衡平论证理论以和谐社会构建过程中可以起到的实际作用。

【Abstract】 Reasonableness of legal decisions is one of the focus of jurisprudential research in recent years. This paper concentrates on the possible way of legal decision-making in legal argumentation’s point of view. On the basis of the reflection of two existed paths of pursuing reasonable legal decision, the author tries to combine their advantages to form a new set of argumentation rules, in order to the achievement of reasonable legal decision.The paper consists of 6 parts.The first part is introduction, which sketched out the main idea of the paper. After pointing out the two main problems of the former legal argumentation theories, the author presented her own resolution.Article 1 goes on the necessity of pursuance of reasonable legal argumentation. On the basis of analysis of limitations of law, the author argues about the importance of reasonableness of legal decision, characters and realm of reasonable legal decision.Article 2 argues about two existed resolutions to reasonable legaldecision--equity and rhetoric. The development, main ideas andhistorical interrelation of equity and rhetoric have been mentioned.Article 3 goes on the product of the combination of equity and rhetoric - equity argumentation. At first, the difference of equity argumentation and legal argumentation in narrow sense has been discussed. The author introduces the resources of equity argumentation. In comparison with the argumentation based on legality and the rhetoric argumentation, the characteristic of equity argumentation has been summarized. At last the domain of equity argumentation has been discussed.Article 4 discusses the principles, arguments and methods of equity argumentation. The principles of equity argumentation insist of common principles, which it shares with other types of argumentation theories, and special principles, which only equity argumentation possess. Equity argumentation resorts to a lot of arguments, whose scope is much broader than former legal argumentation. The arguments of equity argumentation are divided into correct reasons and legitimate reasons. Moreover, equity argumentation often depends on plausible arguments. The last section discusses main methods of equity argumentation.The last part is conclusion, which points out the interrelation between equity and harmony, and discusses the possible contribution of equity argumentation to the construction of harmony society.

  • 【分类号】D90
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】358

