

The Study on the Mineralization Condition of the Major Porphyry Copper Mineral Belt and Remote Sensing Prospecting Localization in Northern Xinjiang, China

【作者】 高景刚

【导师】 薛春纪;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 斑岩型铜矿是铜矿床最重要的工业类型,具有规模大、露采易选,巨大的经济价值和重要的战略地位备受各国政府及矿业界的重视。伴随世界上一系列大型、超大型斑岩铜矿的发现,增强了人们对斑岩铜矿的认识和理解。新疆处在西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔、塔里木等板块以及阿尔泰、巴尔喀什-伊犁、赛里木、吐-哈等小陆块之间,具有形成大型斑岩型铜(钼金)矿的优越地质条件,并有望成为我国新的战略资源接替与储备基地。本文以新疆北部主要斑岩铜矿带为研究区,发挥“信息找矿战略”的优势,以直接找矿信息为先导,以大型、超大型矿作为主要勘查对象和目标,探索应用遥感技术在不同地理环境下快速筛选斑岩铜矿远景区的有效方法。在综合分析斑岩铜矿成矿地质背景及成矿条件的基础上,通过图像数据统计分析,以及岩矿光谱特征研究,建立蚀变遥感信息提取模型,在不同地理环境中采用多光谱遥感信息提取技术,提取出与金属矿化有关的蚀变遥感信息,初步形成了一套适合于新疆北部荒漠戈壁、中低山区、高寒山区这类自然景观中的遥感找矿定位预测的有效技术方法组合。取得的主要成果和认识如下:1、新疆主要斑岩铜矿带多形成于活动陆缘背景中构造挤压向构造引张转换的地质过程中,北准噶尔和西天山不乏边缘裂谷环境中形成的斑岩型矿床,中亚境外邻区也有重要裂谷环境中形成的斑岩型矿床;在新疆开展斑岩型矿床勘查与研究时应解放思想,注意地质构造环境的临界转换过程和陆缘(弧)裂谷环境。2、系统分析了斑岩铜矿主要控矿要素的遥感图像特征。从地质学和物理学角度论述了斑岩铜矿的成矿条件及岩石、蚀变围岩、蚀变矿物的光谱特征研究是进行遥感控矿信息提取的重要前提和理论依据。采用PIMA、ASD野外便携式光谱测量仪采集典型矿床岩石、矿石、蚀变岩的波谱,初步总结出东天山荒漠戈壁区斑岩铜矿的特征蚀变矿物组合为绿泥石、伊利石、埃洛石、白云母、方解石等;北准噶尔哈腊苏地区的特征蚀变矿物组合为钾长石化、黑云母化、绿帘石化、绿泥石化、方解石化、绢云母化等,为遥感控矿信息提取奠定了坚实基础。3、运用多元地学统计分析、特征主成分分析、光谱角等技术方法,直接从ETM+多光谱数据中定量提取出了与斑岩矿化有关的蚀变信息;提出在荒漠戈壁区采用“去干扰异常主分量门限化技术方法”提取斑岩铜矿蚀变遥感异常信息的最佳组合方法;提出了基于“知识发现+层次分类”的方法快速识别蚀变遥感异常信息,实现了遥感平台上的地质与遥感数据的综合处理。4、以西天山松树沟-玉希莫勒盖斑岩铜矿带为研究区,在区域成矿地质背景和图像统计分析基础上,提出以构造信息提取为主,通过光谱增强,空间变换和引入DEM数据,建立区域三维遥感影像等多种方法,建立区内直接和间接解译标志,结合区域化探资料,探索高寒山区成矿远景区优选方法。5、通过对研究区成矿规律的认识,斑岩铜矿遥感控矿信息提取机理的地质学和物理学基础研究,以及不同景观区遥感控矿信息提取方法的对比研究,认为遥感找矿定位研究应以成矿规律研究为基础(遥感解译的基础),以岩矿(蚀变岩)波谱测试为前提(蚀变信息提取的依据),在图像处理中,要考虑地理环境的干扰,灵活使用图像处理技术,在信息提取过程中,不断的加入已知地质知识减少异常因素干扰,在不同景观区采用合适的组合方法完成控矿要素解译和蚀变信息提取。6、提出新疆北部主要斑岩铜矿带下一步找矿方向:哈腊苏-卡拉先格尔铜矿带北西段的老山口、奥尔塔哈腊苏、希勒克特哈腊苏、玉勒肯哈腊苏一带斑岩型铜矿成矿条件优越,尤其北西段希勒克特哈腊苏-玉勒肯哈腊苏接壤地段是斑岩型铜矿重要勘查方向。松树沟-玉希莫勒盖铜矿带斑岩型矿体深部找矿值得关注,以玉希莫勒盖达坂铜矿为例,当前勘查的断裂-蚀变带铜(金)矿化的深度估算不足1千米,说明这个地区抬升剥蚀的深度有限,现出露地表的矿化蚀变体很可能是斑岩型矿化上部或外围的脉状矿化。赤湖-天木斑岩铜矿找矿靶区位于赤湖斑岩铜钼矿向东至红滩金矿、天木金矿一带,该区与土屋斑岩铜矿的地质构造条件相似。

【Abstract】 The porphyry copper mine is the most important industrial type of copper deposits, It has some advantages: the large scale; ore is easily found in open-air; So most countries and the mineral departments think much of it because of its big economic values and the important strategic status .When series of large-scale, ultra-large porphyry copper mine had been found, It inspired people to know the porphyry copper mine. Because Xinjiang stand among some small landmass , like Siberia, Kazakhstan - Zungar, Talimu, and artai, AErTai、BaErKeShi-YiLi、SaiErMu、Tu-Ha ,and so on, Xinjiang Has the super geological condition to form the large-scale porphyry copper mine(molybdenum gold), And hopefully becomes the new strategic resources in our country.The paper mainly researched the porphyry copper mineral belt in the north area of Xinjiang .By using the superiority of“information prospecting strategy”;by the direct prospecting information as the forerunner; by the large-scale, the ultra-large ores as the mainly prospecting object, it discovered some effective methods about how to quickly select porphyry copper mineral prospecting area on basis of remote sensing technology under different geographical environments. First, though analysis generally the geological background and the condition of mineralization porphyry copper mineralization, and by image data statistical analysis and ore spectrum characteristic research , the paper built altering remote sensing information extracting model . Then the altering remote sensing information about metal miner can be extracted by the multi-spectrum remote sensing information extracted technology in different geographical environments . The paper had initially formed the effective technical method combination of the remote sensing prospecting localization forecast , which could be used in some kinds of natural landscape , for example: the wilderness Gobi area in the north of Xinjiang, the low mountainous area or high cold mountainous area . The main achievements of this paper are as follows:1.The main porphyry copper mineral belt is formed by the geological process of transformation between the structure extrusion to open under the background of the edge of moving field in Xinjiang. There are many porphyry mineral deposits which formed under the condition of the edge rift valley environment in the northern Zungar and the western of Tianshan area, So does that in the border neighbouring area of the central Asia. When developing the exploration and research of porphyry deposits in Xinjiang, we should emancipate our minds, and pay more attention to the critical change about the geological structure environment and margin (arc) rift environment.2.The paper analyzed the remote sensing image features about the ore-controlling elements of porphyry copper mine. And from the points of view about perspective of geology and physics , it discussed the mineralization conditions of porphyry copper mine and the spectral characteristics research of rock, altered wall rock, altered ore. This is an important precondition and theoretic basis to extract remote sensing ore-controlling information. At the same time, by field-portable spectrum measurement instrument (PIMA, ASD), I collected the spectrums of typical deposits, for example: rock, ore, altered rocks. And it was summarized the mineral combinations of feature alteration about the porphyry copper mine in some place: chlorite、illite、Elohist、dolomite、calcite are in wilderness Gobi area of eastern Tian mountain; potassic feldspar、biotite、epidote、chlorite、calcite、sericite are in northern region of ZhunGeEr. All of those built a solid foundation for the extraction of remote sensing ore-controlling information.3. Based on some technical methods: multiple geological statistical analysis, features principal component analysis, spectral angle, etc. we can directly extract the altered information about porphyry mineralization from the ETM multi-spectral data. The paper discussed the best combinational method by using“Deleted interfere abnormal principal component threshold technology "in wilderness Gobi area, to show us how to extract altered remote sensing abnormal information of porphyry copper mine; The paper also showed us how to quickly identify abnormal altered remote sensing information by the method of "knowledge discovery + hierarchical", and realized integration between geology and remote sensing data which were based on the remote sensing platform.4.To be the main research area of porphyry copper mine belt in western Tianshan Mountains–YuXiMuoLeGai, the paper, based on the background of regional mineralization geology and image statistical analysis, advised that we should mainly extracted structure information, and though some ideas: spectral buildup, spatial transformation and introduced DEC data, built regional three-dimensional remote sensing images ; built the direct and indirect explaining signs in this region ; Then , discussed the best methods of mineralization prospective areas in high-cold mountain.5.Through the knowledge of the mineralization progress in research region; the geological and physical study about the extracting principle of remote sensing ore-controlling information of porphyry copper mine; and the comparative study about the different extracting methods of the ore-controlling remote sensing information in landscape area , I think that the research of remote sensing prospecting Localization should based on metallogenic principle(It is the basis of remote sensing Interpretation); the spectrum test of ores (altered rock)should be precondition(It is the basis of the altered information extraction). When image processing, it is necessary to consider the interference of geographical environment, and flexibility use image processing technology; When information extraction processing, it is necessary to continue to add the known geological knowledge to reduce abnormal interference; And to use some suitable combinational methods in the different landscape areas to translate ore-controlling elements and extract altered information.6.The paper showed the next step about how to find the ore from the main porphyry copper mineral belt in northern Xinjiang. There are some good mineralization conditions of porphyry copper mine in some places: the west-northern region of copper mineral belt in HaLaShu-KaLaXianGeEr, AoErTaHaLaShu, what`s more, it is the specially important prospecting direction where is the bordering Lot between the west-northern region of XiLeKeTeHaLaShu and YuLeKenHaLaShu. The deep ore prospecting of porphyry copper ore in Pine Ditch-YuXiMuoLeGai should be concerned. Let`s take porphyry copper mineral belt in Pine Ditch-YuXiMuoLeGaDaBan for example: the depth of fracture-alteration zone Cu (Au) mineralization ,which we are exploring, is less than 1 km , That is to say, the uplift erosion depth is limited, and the parts of mineralization alteration, which was exposed from the earth, is likely to be upper or porphyry mineralization peripheral vein mineralization. The direction of prospecting target region of porphyry copper ore in ChiHu-LianMu is between the eastern region of porphyry copper molybdenum ore in ChiHu to gold ore in Red Beach and in TianMu, this region is in the eastern direction of porphyry copper ore of TuWu, and thire structure conditions are similar .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

