

A Study on Kawabata Yasunari’s Artistic Achievement and Social Significance

【作者】 谭晶华

【导师】 周平;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 日语语言文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 川端康成(Kawabata Yasunari,1899-1972)是亚洲第二位、日本第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的作家,也是近年来,在中国被译介甚多,影响颇广的一位作家。他的创作在艺术上取得了非凡的成就,通过川端文学,中国读者不仅可以了解其创作,更能进一步加深对日本文化的全面了解。因此,川端康成也早就成为中日现代文学艺术交流中被关注的一位重要的对象。虽然中日学界对川端康成都做过不少的研究,但关注比较集中在主要的作品论、作家论上,对其艺术性形成的深层文化原因,尤其是对川端文学社会性的研究尚嫌不足。本论文首先在“导言”中对中日两国有关川端康成文学研究的现状进行综述。正文通过比较与分析,指出对川端文学艺术性的深层文化原因及社会性的研究的必要性及学术价值。本论文用论证和考察的方法,对川端康成文学的艺术性和社会性进行梳理和考察,在此基础上探讨川端康成文学审美意识的主要内容、深层原因以及被中日两国学者研究中较为忽略的社会性一面。鉴于川端文学的译介和研究已有相当的基础,本论文没有采用代表作年鉴学派的方法,而是将川端文学艺术表现按“新感觉派的影响”、“人物审美”、“自然审美”、“川端文学艺术形成的深层文化原因”及“社会性”来系统和立体地进行考证和通释,力图揭示川端文学艺术性和社会性的形成、演变、发展的特色及内在的“基因”联系。在较为全面、客观考察论证川端康成文学艺术性、社会性全貌的基础上,本论文对川端艺术性和社会性提出了自己的见解:一、对于现代派艺术对川端文学创作的影响,认为始终执著于新感觉派方式或由于新感觉派的尝试失败才转向传统艺术追求的看法均有失偏颇。川端文学艺术对于外来现代派的技巧,从不生搬硬套,而是当作借鉴,化为我有,把新文学的技巧与日本民族的传统美学巧妙结合,从而形成川端文学的独特的美学风格。二、川端文学的人物及情感审美的特质在于人的心性乃至生活样式在感性自在中找到足够的生存理由及自我满足。“物哀”美学等自然审美的实质与“万物有灵观”及“植物美学观”有关,其审美观的深层文化原因可视为佛教思维、无常观及自然神灵论的影响。三、对川端主要代表作品中的文化人形象、战后社会体制变化及众生相的描绘所表现出来的社会性在迄今为止的川端文学的研究中不够重视情况应予积极的改变。

【Abstract】 Kawabata Yasunari (1899-1972) is the second author in Asia and the first in Japan to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. In the past decades, his works have been translated and studied widely in China and cast great influence. Kawabata has achieved exceptional literary distinction. Because of his significance in helping us obtain a comprehensive understanding of Japanese culture, he has become one of the focuses of literary and artistic communication between Japan and China. So far, more often than not, the scholarship on Kawabata is about the author and his works. Scholars have not paid enough attention to the study of cultural factors underlying the artistic achievement and social significance of his works.The introduction of this dissertation undertakes a literature review on Kawabata both in Japan and in China. The body of the dissertation, through comparison and analysis, discusses the necessity and academic significance of a study of the cultural factors underlying the artistic achievement and social significance of Kawabata’s works. This dissertation, through textual analysis and examination, examines the artistic achievement and social significance of Kawabata’s works, and then moves onto the exploration of the main content, underlying foundation, and the social significance, of Kawabata’s esthetic consciousness. The social significance is ignored by most Japanese and Chinese scholars. Because of the existence of a sizable body of studies devoted to Kawabata, this dissertation turns away from the diachronic method; instead, it intends to reveal the characteristics and causal relationship of the formation, development and evolution of Kawabata’s artistic achievement and social significance by making a systematic study of“the influence of Neo-Sensualism,”“characterization,”“representation of nature,”“the cultural factors beneath Kawabata’s literary achievement”and“social significance”successively.Following a thorough study of Kawabata’s artistic achievement and social significance, this dissertation proposes three original statements: first, when discussing the influence of the modernistic arts on the author’s creative writing, it is neither fair to say the author always held steadfastly to Neo-Sensualism, nor is it fair to say it was his failure in the tentative efforts in Neo-Sensualism that led to his shift to pursuing traditional techniques. Kawabata never mechanically borrowed anything from Westerners’modernistic writing techniques, and instead, he made a perfect combination of the new techniques and the Japanese traditional esthetics. Thus, he crafted his own esthetic style. Second, personalities and life styles that seek to justify their own existence and satisfy themselves in an unbound perception characterize Kawabata’s characters and their emotional reactions. The natural elements of the aesthetics such as“mononoaware”are closely related to“animatism”and“vegetal aesthetics,”and the underlying cultural factors of such aesthetics can be attributed to Buddhist teaching, caducity of life and deism. Thirdly, since most scholars have ignored the social factors of the literati’s images, social changes after WWII and the depiction of the people of all walks in Kawabata’s representative works, it is advisable for us to pay due attention to this aspect.


