

Research on the Consumption Patterns of China’s New Middle Class in Economic Transition

【作者】 朱雨可

【导师】 尹世杰; 王裕国;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 消费经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 1978-2007的30年是中国民智释放和生活优化的30年,也是中国社会告别停滞,重塑起一个古老民族性格的30年。当人们不再被计划经济时代的僵化所束缚时,当政治、经济、文化、科技的力量齐聚在一起时,中国社会变得前所未有地充满了活力。在经济领域,市场原则的嵌入不仅改变了传统经济格局,而且使广大居民的消费水平有了空前提高;在政治领域,政治权力出现了地方化甚至社区化的趋势(如村民自治和居民社区的民主化尝试);在社会领域,由于国家对社会的直接控制开始减弱,社会流动无论在空间上、还是在职业和地位上都大大加强;在文化领域,文化的多元化和异质性显著增加。伴随这些变迁,原本简单的社会结构开始急剧分化,一个自1949年以后就退出历史舞台的中间阶层又重新显现。中国新中间阶层的兴起,不仅促成居民消费需求水平、需求结构等经济层面的变化,更造就了一种全新的消费方式。这种消费方式同30年来中国经济转型的轨迹一样,具有鲜明的时代特征,其折射出的符号和表征、分化与区隔、异质性与不平等已经演化成一种全新的社会逻辑。但是,不同于有着百年历史的西方新中间阶层,中国新中间阶层还处在发展的初期。一方面,由于品位和偏好缺乏继承背景,他们必须在成长中学习消费,形成新的消费理念;另一方面,衍生于目前的制度环境又深受现代消费文化的影响,使他们对传统和现代消费方式的理解也较之其他社会阶层更加深刻。他们崇尚西方文化、追求时尚,懂得享受生活,却又不得不承受巨大的生活压力和对未来的迷茫。他们中的一部分人虽然摒弃了节俭的消费传统,转而追求张扬、个性、超前的消费方式,但却依然受到收敛、中庸的传统文化思想影响。毫无疑问,这种处在传统与现代之间的消费方式正是成长中的中国新中间阶层的一个写照。也许,我们无法对这一阶层的崛起及其消费方式变迁的影响做出准确的价值判断,但我们不得不承认的是,市场原则的嵌入使中国新中间阶层的消费方式承载了太多经济转型的烙印。在这样一个传统与现代消费思想激烈碰撞的时代,在这样一个正在经历着制度转型的国家,当新的社会秩序尚未建立时,中国新中间阶层还有更长的路要走。基于此,本文选择以新中间阶层的消费方式作为研究对象,通过考察转型期中权力格局的变化来探寻新中间阶层消费方式变迁的内在机制、特征、发展趋势及其产生的经济社会影响,进而提出培育新中间阶层和谐消费方式的建议。我们认为,中国新中间阶层消费方式的变迁是长期制度变迁的必然结果。虽然经济转型会对新中间阶层消费方式的选择产生一定的负面影响,但从长远的时期来看,转型却是有助于新中间阶层成长和发展的。因为只有经历了更多的自省和学习,中国新中间阶层才能成熟起来。只有经历了更多的磨砺之后,中国新中间阶层才能成为构建社会主义和谐社会的重要力量!全文除导言和结语以外,共分为六章:第一章是从嵌入性视角解读中国社会分层结构的变化。本章首先在回顾西方传统社会分层研究和现代社会分层研究的视角的基础上,提出了权力——冲突这一基于嵌入性视角的社会分层分析框架。然后,按照嵌入——冲突的分析框架,通过对经济转型期不同阶段的权力格局进行分析,试图找出权力演化对中国社会分层结构的影响。第二章是对新中间阶层发展状况的综合分析。本章首先回顾了新中间阶层概念的由来、西方新中间阶层界定的标准及其产生的背景,然后对中国新中间阶层的概念进行了界定,特别是对“新”、“中间”等关键概念进行了区别。在此基础上,本章提出了消费方式是考察中国新中间阶层的重要维度,并对中国新中间阶层的由来、构成及发展现状进行了细致的分析。第三章、第四章和第五章是本文的重点,这三章都是在探究经济转型期中国新中间阶层消费方式的变迁。第三章主要是通过对相关统计资料的分析和对新中间阶层收入和消费的协整检验,试图找寻经济转型对中国新中间阶层消费方式变迁的影响。通过分析,本章得出一个重要的结论,即市场嵌入引发的权力格局调整是引发中国新中间阶层消费方式变迁的内在机制。第四章是在基于四川新中间阶层消费方式变迁的实际调查基础上,对中国新中间阶层消费方式变迁的状况及未来变化趋势进行分析。第五章对中国新中间阶层消费方式变迁的阶层内外差异和国别差异进行了比较,进而探析了新中间阶层消费方式变迁产生的积极意义和存在的负面问题。第六章就如何扩大和培育新中间阶层,构建社会主义和谐社会的消费方式提出了作者的建议。本文的主要创新之处体现在:1.从经济社会学的视角出发,以权力作为分析的基点、嵌入——冲突作为分析的框架,将中国社会分层结构的变化放到市场嵌入的宏观背景中去考察。2.以消费方式作为中国新中间阶层界定的维度,因为消费方式本质上并非个体积极主动的行为,而是一个受到外在力量与他人引导的行为,消费方式的选择是个体进行群体内部认同共和外部区分的重要手段。3.考察了中国新中间阶层消费方式变迁的内在机制,并通过计量模型和田野调查进一步分析了权力格局演化对新中间阶层消费方式变迁的影响。4.对中国新中间阶层的消费倾向、消费结构、消费方式进行了分析,并通过阶层内外消费方式差异的比较勾勒出这一阶层大致的消费轮廓。需要说明的是,由于学养的局囿及资料收集有限,有关新中间阶层消费方式的很多问题还有待进一步深入,模型的检验也还需进一步完善。尽管如此,我们始终坚信这一点:只有将中国新中间阶层置于长期的历史背景中,才能窥探其消费方式的真面目。否则,无论我们的理论模型多么精制,论证过程如何严密,经验证据何其确凿,都极有可能忽略掉许多至为关键的东西,从而影响我们对中国新中间阶层的整体判断。当然,本文的结论不可避免会有很多值得商榷的地方,但我们仍然希望它能起到抛砖引玉的作用,吸引更多的注意力来关注中国消费经济理论和实践中的问题。对于本研究不足的地方,恳请各位师长、同仁及后学予以指正!

【Abstract】 The beginning of China’s economic reform in 1978 has made globally recognized achievement. Without the reform and opening-up has given china an entirely new look. From the countryside to the cities and from the economic to other areas, the process of sweeping reform has unfolded with irresistible momentum. From the coastal areas to areas along the Yangtze River and the borders, and from the eastern to the central and western regions, the door has been resolutely opened to the outside world. This great undertaking of reform and opening up, never seen before in history, has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of hundreds of millions of Chinese people and brought about China’s historic transformation from a highly centralized planned economy to a robust socialist market economy, and from a closed or semi-closed state to all-round opening up. Today the country’s achievements in political, cultural and social development enabled its people to move steadily toward prosperity and happiness.As China’s economy has soared at consistently astonishing rates, China’s social structure also has undergone dramatic changes since the inception of sweeping reforms and the open-door policy thirty years ago. The open-door policy and the new guideline to“let some people become rich first”in the past three decade fostered an environment conducive to the emergence of a new middle class. Obviously the growing new middle class in china is an inevitable historical consequence on path of national modernization.According to the latest research, the members of the new middle class generally enjoy a comfortable life, have stable employment and hold a positive attitude toward society. They are the stable force of the society and the mainstay of the market. The increase of the economic standing in the affluent stratum will undoubtedly exert profound influence on China’s social and political life. But the most conspicuous change is that the emergence of a rapidly expanding new middle class is shaping new consumption patterns, reshaping personal values and lifestyles, and determining the strategies of foreign countries for which this segment of society is their primary target. As Western culture and customs have gained influence among the new middle class, Cultural change and economic prosperity prompted the rise of consumerism and has pushed the China’s new middle class into a mass consumption society.In contrast with a previous ethic of austerity encouraged by the state, consumerism is now sanctioned because the new middle class ability to consume is regarded as an index of progress. How these drastic changes have occurred in the short span of a quarter of a century? How they become the vanguard of social and cultural change, embracing rationality, science, and secularism, leading china out of its tradition, superstition and ignorance in china’s economic transition? How those people carving out a new consumption patterns which they explicitly locate, in language and material practice, between the above and the below class? Maybe we can’t give an exact judgment about how the entire process took place? To answer these questions, we should go a little bit into the history to trace the origin of these people. Because it is an indisputable fact that the new middle class of china has to bear the blunt of market-oriented reform.The major interest of this paper is tried to understand the new middle class of china and focuses on the patterns of those people consumption. Firstly, to describe the cultural contexts and historical processes out of which a new middle-class culture has emerged in China; Secondly, drawing on economic and social insights, to offer a new approach to conceptualizing the new middle class; Thirdly, to provide a detailed account of the practices that make up contemporary patterns of china’s new middle class consumption. In the study, traditional economic and social methods such as econometric analysis, statistic analysis, participant observation, in-depth interviewing utilized in this paper.In this paper, by analyzing consumption patterns of the new middle class, we attempted to identify consumption patterns is an important visual angle to differentiate class structure. And we also assessed and explored the impact of socio-economic forces on consumption patterns. Specifically, we built a proprietary database of information on the new middle class’s consumption structure and an ECM model of their consumer behavior by using of primary data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China and other sources.In general, research on the consumption patterns of china’s new middle class has been one of the most active and important areas of scholarly investigation. The empirical findings indicated that the drastic changes in socio-economic structure inevitably brought about corresponding changes in consumption patterns of the new middle class. We ought to admit that these changes are consequential and significant: their consumption patterns will help cultivate new growth points in domestic consumption as an important signal of maturity in Chinese society; they can help ease contradiction and even conflict between the upper stratum and lower stratum; the moderate and conservative ideology of the new middle class tends to be accepted as the mainstream ideology of a society and thus helps safeguard social stability by forcing out extremism. We trustfully believe that the new middle class will become the backbone of society with the socioeconomic environment for fostering the expansion of China’s new middle class is mature.

【关键词】 经济转型权力嵌入新中间阶层消费方式
【Key words】 new middle classpowerconsumption patternembeddedness

