

A Study of Bancassurance and China’s Choice

【作者】 张广华

【导师】 林义;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 保险学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 2006年银行保险一跃超过团险业务成为人身保险的第二大收入来源1,成为了理论界关注的焦点问题。通常人们热衷于国外银行保险发展经验的借鉴以及发展模式的总结,并据此对中国银行保险的发展提出建议。笔者看来,“它山之石,可以攻玉”本无可厚非,但首要的前提是对所“攻”之“玉”要有清楚地了解,知道何处宜“疾行”、何处应“缓攻”才能对中国银行保险的发展提出可行性建议。然而,对于银行保险,笔者深感基础性研究的不足,银行保险的经济内涵是什么?究竟是一种产品?还是一种销售渠道?还是一种组织模式?银行保险未来发展方向是什么?其决定因素又是什么?理论界对这些基础性问题似乎都还没有一种明确的答案,甚至鲜有涉及。基于以上思考,笔者打算从银行保险的基础性研究入手,探索银行保险的经济内涵和发展规律,进而再对中国银行保险发展提出建议。笔者首先将银行保险当作一种典型的制度现象,而不是简单的销售机制或金融产品。道格拉斯·C·诺斯认为制度是一系列被制订出来的规则,用以提供人类相互影响的框架,制度确立合作与竞争的关系,这些关系构成一个社会,或者更确切的说,构成一种经济秩序。2循着这种思路,笔者倾向于将银行保险制度理解为一系列的经济秩序或制度安排的组合,而不是简单的看作通过银行销售保险产品的一种渠道创新。同时通过引入金融功能观点摆脱了传统金融机构视角的束缚,将银行保险放在一个更宽广的金融框架内进行审视。这样银行保险被视作一个动态发展的过程,银行保险制度从产生到发展过程都被纳入功能观点的研究视野,这样也就能获得一个相对完整而客观的银行保险制度范畴。于是笔者将银行保险定义为响应消费者多元化金融功能需求而做出的一系列制度安排。这一系列制度安排本身是一个动态过程,首先表现为对于消费者风险保障、资金融通、支付交易等多元化功能需求的理解和响应;然后包括保险公司与银行在内的金融机构通过价值链的改组与重构来提供银行保险产品或服务以满足上述功能需求;最后,价值链的重构要求固化为特定的组织形式。以上就是笔者理解的银行保险的经济内涵。在银行保险动态发展过程中,其组织模式表现出明显的阶段性。而银行保险的组织模式及阶段性选择恰恰是理论界关注的热点问题,本文自然也加以着重研究。笔者谨利用新制度经济学的交易成本理论对银行保险的组织模式选择进行讨论,组织模式的确定自然也就决定了银行保险的整体阶段选择。需要指出的是,本文所理解的组织模式选择首先建立在“市场”与“企业”这两种基本组织模式间的选择,这也就意味着本文是通过治理模式的选择来决定银行保险具体组织模式选择的。同时笔者还将交易成本当作研究银行保险模式选择的关键环节。交易成本的变化决定着银行保险治理模式的选择,而治理模式的选择自然会引发银行保险组织模式的变化,这就是笔者对银行保险模式选择的关键理解。经过以上分析,把握住银行保险制度内涵及模式选择的实质以后,才可以对国际银行保险发展经验进行比较,并且结合中国国情提出具体建议。因为,银行保险制度作为一个典型的西方制度“舶来品”,它虽然具有很强的可移植性,但其最终运行方式、效果乃至制度变迁的方向都将极大地受到中国金融制度环境、社会环境乃至文化、历史的因素的影响。这也就决定了我们需要运用制度经济学的视角,以制度分析为工具,在中国具体制度环境分析和判断的基础上提出未来判断才是理性选择。本文正是根据以上逻辑思路展开的,本文的主要内容和观点如下:导论作为全论文的引论部分,开宗明义地提出了本论文的研究背景和意义,确立了论文的研究思路、研究内容和研究方法,还对本论文可能的创新和不足之处作了一个简要的介绍。这一切为下文的分析奠定了必要的理论前提和学术准备。第一章“银行保险和银行保险制度”。本章是全文的逻辑基础和研究起点,首先对银行保险概念进行回顾和整理研究,并进一步提出了金融功能观点下的银行保险的定义——响应消费者多元化金融功能需求而做出的一系列制度安排。该定义动态地包含了三方面的内容:1、通过金融功能的竞争性重构满足消费者多元化金融需求;2、通过产业价值链的重构实现银行与保险公司价值链的系统整合;3、通过组织模式的创新提供一个与重构后金融功能与价值链模式相适应的组织框架。以下各章也正是按照这个银行保险的定义进行展开论述的。第二章“银行保险的金融功能观与价值链重构”。本章通过消费者多元化金融功能的分析发现消费者对于风险管理功能、资金融通功能、金融支付和清算功能的需求是银行保险产生的根本原因。为满足以上金融功能,银行保险的价值链进行重构,并形成了两种不同的价值链模式:前钱德勒价值链模式和钱德勒价值链模式。银行保险根据不同的价值链模式进而选择不同的组织模式。第三章“银行保险的组织与治理模式选择”。本章运用制度分析方法,以交易成本分析为主线阐述了银行保险组织模式的选择其实是在企业治理与市场治理的二分法之间的选择。本章对市场治理与企业治理模式分别建立模型,阐述交易成本的高低是治理模式(也即组织模式)选择的主要依据;同时,笔者建立了银行保险制度效率水平评价的模型以弥补交易成本不可测的缺陷;接着,笔者利用威廉姆森的资产专用性理论,寻找银行保险交易成本的决定因素。并且进一步发展了资产专用性理论,提出了“二维资产专用性”的概念,探索出银行保险组织模式选择的交易成本根源;最后,笔者在“二维资产专用性”的框架下,大胆对未来银行保险的价值链模式和组织模式进行了预测:模块化价值链和模块化组织模式。至此,笔者已经对于银行保险的产生根源、发展规律、模式选择以及未来展望做出了一个相对系统性的描述。第四章“西方银行保险制度的经验借鉴”。本章通过对西方银行保险相对发达国家:法国、德国和美国的发展经验的介绍试图寻找各国银行保险成功的共性。最后归纳出银行保险组织模式选择以及产品和银行保险销售模式的经验,以求给中国银行保险提供借鉴。第五章“金融功能重组下的中国银行保险”。本章通过研究中国银行保险的实践情况对中国银行保险金融功能重组的过程进行验证,并发现中国银行保险的发展同样源于对风险管理功能、资金融通功能与金融支付和清算功能的需求。这也是中国银行保险发展的内在动力。并且可以认为中国银行保险目前处于典型的前钱德勒价值链阶段,而组织模式也是与之相适应的代理合作组织。另外,对于中国银行保险的发展阶段来讲,对消费者多元化金融功能的满足与响应显得尤为重要。于是笔者进一步分析了中国银行保险产品体系和产品销售模式的现状及存在问题。第六章“中国银行保险制度的现实选择”。本章是本文研究的落脚点。笔者首先运用第三章建立的DEA模型对中国银行保险的运作效率进行实证分析,并得出了市场治理的有效性判断。据此,笔者提出了中国银行保险简单模块化的设想。并认为简单模块化不仅沿袭了目前的市场治理模式具有较低的制度转换成本,同时也可以有效解决中国银行保险的现实困境,所以笔者倾向将简单模块化看作中国银行保险的现实选择。进而,为应对简单模块化的挑战,笔者又分别提出了中国银行与保险公司的战略选择。银行保险制度的复杂性远远超过了笔者选题时的想象,这也迫使笔者综合运用制度经济学、产业经济学、计量经济学等多学科知识来研究保险经济现象。笔者虽不奢求取得何种突破性成果,却也希望尝试运用多学科的分析方法取得一些单纯依靠保险学所不能得出的结论。本文在以下几个方面作了些大胆的尝试:1.利用金融功能观点对银行保险制度做了一个相对系统而完整地描述,在揭示银行保险经济内涵的同时,也搭建了银行保险治理模式和组织模式选择的理论框架。2.将制度分析尤其交易成本理论运用于银行保险组织模式和治理模式的选择。笔者大胆质疑并发展了威廉姆森的资产专用性理论,通过构建二维资产专用性框架建立了资产专用性与银行保险组织模式选择的逻辑关系。3.将价值链理论作为分析工具,依据银行保险的发展历程和阶段,深入剖析了银行保险价值链重构的原因、路径和阶段,并借助瀑布效应勾勒出银行保险的未来选择——模块化。4.将数据包络分析应用于银行保险制度运行绩效的分析,笔者构建了一个基于银行基础的投入产出模型,并利用河南省银保市场的第一手数据进行了实证分析。分析的结论一方面印证了学界对于中国银行保险发展阶段的定性判断,同时也给现行学界的主流论调构成了挑战。5.将新制度经济学理论尤其是契约理论运用于银行保险手续费竞争的经济分析,在揭示银行保险手续费的经济本质的同时也为如何避免手续费恶性竞争指明了方向。

【Abstract】 In 2006, bancassurance surpassed group insurance and became the 2nd income channel of insurance industry, so bancassurance turned into an academic focus.Usually, domestic scholars high on the bancassurance mode selection and policy advice. But in my opinion, we had better focus more on the institution essence of bancassurance. We even can not agree with each other on some basic conception and question: what’s bancassurance? What’s bancassurance’s development discipline?What’s key factors of bancassurance? So the author set out to do some basic study on bancassurance, intending to find out the institution essence and development law of bancassurance and to give some advice on domestic bancassurance’s development.At first, the author looks on bancassurance as typical institutional phenomena but not a simple distribution channel or production. Douglas. N. North(1968) claimed that institution is a series of pre-made rules or behavior criterion to restrict the people purchasing the maximum of welfare. Institutions provide a framework in which people affect each other. Institutions establish the relationship of competition and cooperation, with which the society and the economy system are founded. So, the author regards bancassurance as the institution of bancassurance other than distribution channel or production. The author introduces the Functional and Structural Finance (FSF) view to give bancassurance a wider study view. FSF looks financial institution as a dynamic course, so we can study bancassurance’s development as a whole and get a relatively complete and impersonal bancassurance institutional category.The author defines a series institution arrangement to respond the consumers’diversified financial functional demand. The institution arrangement itself is a dynamic process, involving the following contents: firstly, understanding and responding the consumers‘insurance, financing and trade demand; secondly, the insurance companies and the commercial banks rebuild the value chain to provide productions and services to meet the above functional demand; at last, rebuilt value chain is solid to certain organization.In fact, according to value chain and organization mode, the development of bancassurance can be divided into different phases. The author also pays more attention to the selection of organization mode. In my opinion, the selection is made between market and firm, it also means the selection of organization mode is based on the selection of governance mode. And transaction cost is the key of selection, and that’s the key understanding of bancassurance mode selection.As a typical exotic institution, bancassurance is portable, but the institution arrangement’s operating style, efficiency and evolvement direction will affected by the domestic financial environment and even culture tradition greatly. And that’s why the author selects institution economics tools and views to study domestic bancassurance institution efficiency.The paper consists of six chapters. Here are the main points:Introduction: as the very beginning of the thesis, this part proposes the background and significance of the study of bancassurance. Moreover, the introduction makes a clear definition to the basic connotation. The methodology and the train of thought, i.e. the framework of thought, are specified in this part, which lays the necessary theoretical foundations and makes the academic preparation for the analyses of the subsequent chapters.Chapter One: Bancassurance & Bancassurance Institution. This chapter is the starting point of the thesis. At first, the author reviews the conception of Bancassurance, and makes a new definition which based on the FSF. This dynamic definition involves at least 3 stages: 1. to rebuilt the financial function to meet the consumers’diversified financial demand; 2. the insurance companies and the commercial banks rebuild the value chain to provide productions and services to meet the above functional demand; 3, to rebuilt value chain is solid to certain organization. The following contents are all based on this definition.Chapter Two: the Rebuilt of Financial Function and Value Chain. Based on the analysis on consumers’diversified financial demand, the author finds the demand for insurance, financing and trade are the ultimate reason of bancassurance’s arising. In order to meet the consumer’s demand, the value chain of insurance industry is rebuilt and divided into two phases: the Pre-Chandlerian Value Chain Phase & the Chandlerian Value Chain Phase.Chapter Three: Selection of Organization and Governing Mode. Institutional analysis is the main research method of this chapter. Transaction cost is the key factor that affects the selection between market and firm. This chapter sets up market governing model and firm governing model to describe the importance of transaction cost. Further more, the author sets up a DEA model to measure the efficiency of bancassurance and make up for the deficit of transaction cost model. In addtion, the author builds a planar specific asset frame to stress the importance of relational financing asset. At last, under the frame of planar specific asset the author predict the future choice of bancassurance: Modularity.Chapter Four: Western Bancassurance Experience. This chapter introduces the bancassurance experience of France, German and U.S.A and induces the success factor of bancassurance product and sales mode.Chapter Five: Rebuilt of Financial Function in China. This chapter verifies the process of rebuilt of financial function in China, and draw the same conclusion that the bancassurance arises from the demand for diversified financial demand. And China is still in the Pre- Chandlerian Value Chain Phase, and the agent organization is the overwhelming organization mode. In addition, how to meet the diversified demand is the most important thing for domestic bancassurance. So the author emphasizes domestic bancassurance product and sales mode.Chapter Six: Future Choice of Bancassurance of China. This chapter makes use of the DEA model which is set up in Chapter three to measure the efficiency of domestic bancassurance and draws the conclusion that the market governing is efficient. So the author assumes that Simple Modularity be a future choice of China. Facing the challenge of modularity, the author put up the future strategy of domestic bank and insurance company.The complexity of bancassurance far exceeds the author’s imagination when the author started the study, so the author has to make use of institution economics, econometrics to study bancassurance. Although the author does not extravagantly hope to make any break through in this field, he still want to take a brand new view and draw some new conclusion that can not get from the old view. So the author makes some tries and innovates in the following field: 1. Using a FSF view and institution analysis to describe a relative complete and dynamic conception of bancassurance. This conception not only reveals the static essence of bancassurance but involve the process of evolution of bancassurace.2. Using the transaction cost as the key factor to select between the firm mode and the market mode. The author questions and expands Williamson’s specific asset theory and builds a planar specific asset frame to connect transaction cost with the bancassurance organization mode.3. Using the value chain theory to analysis the reason, path and phase of rebuilt of value chain and assume the future selection: modularity.4. Using the Data Envelopment Analysis-DEA to build an efficiency model to measure the real efficiency level of domestic bancassurance market. The conclusion of the model verifies the judgment of bancassurance phase and challenges the popular view of bancassurance’s future selection.5. Using the contract theory to explain the essence of bancassurance fee and fee competition and then put forward the solution of the fee competition.

【关键词】 银行保险功能观交易成本价值链模块化DEA
【Key words】 BancsssuranceFSFTransaction CostValue ChainModularityDEA

