

Research on Spatial Organization of City Regions

【作者】 张毓峰

【导师】 张炜;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 区域经济学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 在经济全球化与区域化交互作用背景下,城市区域在世界和中国范围内广泛兴起与发展,并成为全球经济空间的核心空间单元,是当今最为重要的一种经济地理现象。本文主要运用区域经济学和城市经济学的基本理论与方法,借鉴国内外相关研究的最新成果,基于劳动空间分工视角,对城市区域空间组织问题进行系统而深入的理论研究,并以长三角城市区域为案例进行了实证研究和应用分析,力图发现城市区域空间组织的基本规律并获得推进城市区域一体化发展的政策建议。这项富有挑战性的工作不仅能够深化对城市区域形成与发展问题的系统性理论认知,而且有利于充实和完善区域经济学和城市经济学的基础理论体系,还能够为促进中国城市区域的协调发展,以及国民经济持续增长、城市化快速发展和全球经济地位提升等提供某些借鉴,从而也就具有了十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文结构安排将按照从理论构建到应用分析的展开次序来进行。具体来讲,全文共分为8章。第1章,导论;第2章,劳动空间分工:一个理论分析框架;第3章,劳动空间分工与城市区域内部空间组织;第4章,劳动空间分工与城市区域外部空间联系;第5章,长三角城市区域空间组织的总体特征、动力机制与经济效应;第6章,长三角城市区域内部空间组织的演化过程与现状特征;第7章,长三角城市区域外部空间联系的演化过程与现状特征;第8章,主要结论、政策建议与研究展望。其中,第2、第3和第4章是理论构建部分,第5、第6和第7章是应用分析部分。本文理论构建部分主要结论:(1)从世界范围来看,经济竞争和综合竞争的地理层级正在发生从城市向城市区域的明显变化,城市区域正在成为现代全球经济活动的主要空间舞台。城市区域作为一个具有丰富理论内涵和重要实践价值的概念,是指在全球化快速发展背景下,相邻城市之间存在较与区域外部城市更为密切的社会经济联系,区域范围存在明显一体化发展趋势的城镇密集分布地区。(2)劳动空间分工的内涵并不是传统理论上阐述的劳动分工在地理空间的反映,而是指劳动分工在演进过程中将空间作为生产变量,从而呈现出的一种普遍存在的经济地理现象,是劳动分工演进到较高阶段的表现形式,可以成为空间组织分析的一个合理而可行的理论视角。(3)城市区域空间组织是城市区域经济空间在自然基质的硬约束条件下,在企业的劳动空间分工演进基础上,在多个不同尺度空间的交织作用中,在政府的规划调控和政策引导下,通过经济资源与活动时空变动而形成的有序化结构和有序化过程,其研究应该包括内涵、要素、机制、路径等方面的内容。(4)城市区域是多尺度劳动空间分工不断演进并叠加作用的结果,城市区域内部空间组织动态演化的实质内涵是空间相互作用,表现为城市集聚与城市辐射两个相互联系、相互制约的过程,城市区域内部空间组织的静态特征可概括为网络化特征。(5)跨国公司在劳动空间分工演进过程中,通过内部关系网络和外部关系网络在全球范围内进行空间管理和利用,“构建”起了城市区域的全球经济联系。因此,正是在全球化和区域化的互动作用中,城市区域作为一种连接两种双向作用力的特殊地域单元,其功能和地位在全球经济地理格局中逐渐浮现,成为全球化经济的空间核心。本文应用分析部分主要结论:(1)长三角城市区域空间组织在劳动空间分工不断演进基础上不断演化,内部空间组织网络化程度不断提高,外部空间联系也日趋密切化,总体上呈现出整体区域经济一体化发展的明显特征,已经成为我国发展最为成熟的城市区域之一,并正在逐步成为世界六大城市区域之一。(2)长三角城市区域空间组织不断演化并日益呈现出明显的一体化特征的根本原因在于:市场协调机制不断完善、组织协调机制不断强化和政府协调机制不断改进。(3)改革开放以来,长三角城市区域范围内各个城市之间的运输规模快速增长,空间运输联系日趋增强,经济联系强度持续提高,产业结构相似程度不断降低,产业集聚程度不断提高,地方专业化程度不断增强,都充分说明了长三角城市区域内部空间组织网络化水平正在不断提高。(4)长三角城市区域通过大力引进外商直接投资,积极发展国际贸易,外部空间联系日益密切化,并且已经在全球经济空间中占据了一定地位。但是,长三角城市区域也有可能发展成为新形势下的“依赖型经济”。(5)长三角制造业竞争优势长期以来主要建立在初级生产要素基础上,在全球价值链(GVC)中基本上被锁定在“低端道路”上。因此,长三角城市区域必须进行从走“低端道路”转向走“高端道路”的战略调整,而在这种道路转换中,生产性服务业的快速发展是关键。综上所述,本文基于劳动空间分工视角的城市区域空间组织研究,形成了对城市区域空间组织基本规律的一系列较深入的理论认知,提供了对长三角城市区域空间组织实践状况的全面总结与合理解释,在理论构建和应用分析两方面都进行了一定程度的扩展和推进。本文既不同于传统经济地理学对空间组织进行的结构描述和规律总结,也不同于传统区域经济学和城市经济学以企业区位选择理论为基础的空间组织研究,同时与新经济地理学以经济活动空间集聚为核心的空间组织研究也存在明显的差异,具有自己较为鲜明的研究特色。同时,本文从推进经济市场化改革、建立空间组织一体化的微观基础、实施更高和更深层面的开发与开放、建立城市区域尺度的管治机构、推动政治体制改革和培育社会约束机制等方面提出了一系列政策建议,既可以为长三角城市区域各级政府与相关机构提供决策参考,也可以为中国其他城市区域各级政府与相关机构提供思考借鉴。

【Abstract】 Under the background of interaction of economic globalization and regionalization, the city regions widely emerge in China and all over the world. It becomes the key spatial unit in global economic space, and nowadays also one of the most important economic geographical phenomenons. This dissertation uses the ideological method of logical positivism to make a comprehensive and deep analysis on the problem of spatial organization of city regions based on the perspective of spatial division of labor, and takes the city region in Yangtze Delta as an example to carry on a empirical analysis. The author tries hard to discover the basic rules of urban regional spatial organization, and gets policy suggestion for advancing the development of city regions’integration. This challenging work can not only deepen the systematic theory cognition of the formation and development of city regions, enrich and consummate the basic theoretical system of regional economics and urban economics, but also offer some references for promoting the coordinated development of China urban region and achieving continued economic growth, as well as the fast development of urbanization and the promotion of global economic status and so on. So, it has the very important theoretical and practical significance.The structure arrangement of this paper will launch the order from fundamental research to empirical analysis. Specifically speaking, there are eight chapters altogether. The 1st chapter is an introduction. The 2nd chapter is the framework of theoretical analysis on spatial division of labor. The 3rd chapter is about spatial division of labor and internal spatial organizations of city regions. The 4th chapter reveals the relationship of spatial division of labor and the exterior spactial relation of city regions. The 5th chapter studies the overall characteristic, the dynamic mechanism and the economic effect of spatial organizations of the city region in Yangtze Delta. The 6th chapter studies the evolutionary process and the present characteristics of internal spatial organizations of the city region in Yangtze Delta. The 7th chapter discusses the evolutionary process and present characteristics of external spatial organizations of the city region in Yangtze Delta. The 8th chapter gives out the main conclusion, the policy suggestion and the research prospect. Among them, the 2nd, the 3rd and the 4th chapter composed the parts of theoretical research, and the 5th chapter, the 6th chapter and the 7th chapter composed the parts of empirical analysis.Main conclusion of this paper’s theoretical research part include: (1) City regions is refer to the neighboring cities have closer social economic links than the regional exterior cities under the background of the globalization’s fast development, cities concentrated areas have the development trend of obvious integration within the regional area, and it is an important conception that has the suitable theoretical connotation and practice value. (2) The connotation of spatial division of labor is not the reflection of labor division in the geographical space understood based on the literal meaning, but it should be the division of labor took the space as production variable in the process of evolution, so it presents one kind of ubiquitous economic geographical phenomenon, therefore it can be a reasonable and feasible theoretical perspective of analysis on space organizations. (3) Under the hard constraints of natural matrix, based on the evolution of enterprises’spatial division of labor, in the interweaving function of many different scale spaces, under the planning control and policy guidance of government, the spatial organization of city regions is the urban regions’economic space formed ordering structure and ordering process through the change of economic resources and the active space and time, its research compendium should include the connotation , the essential factors, the mechanisms, the paths and so on. (4) City regions is the result of multi-criterion spatial division of labor evolves and stacks continuously, the essential meaning of dynamic evolution of internal spatial organizations of city regions is the spatial interaction, shown as the process in which city centralization and city radiation contact and restrict mutually, the static characteristic of internal spatial organizations of city regions can be generalized as network characteristic. (5)In the evolutionary process of spatial division of labor, multinational corporations globally carried on the spatial management and utilization through the internal relation network and the external relation network, thus the global economic relation of city regions was“constructed”.Main conclusion of this paper’s empirical research part include: (1) Based on the evolution of spatial division of labor , spatial organization of the city region in Yangtze Delta are evolving unceasingly, the networked degree of internal space organizations is improving continually, the exterior space relation shows a tendency to go closer day by day. As a whole, it has already presented the obvious characteristic of integrated development of the overall regional economic integration, and it has already became one of the most mature city region in development in our country, and gradually becoming one of the six big city regions of the world. (2) The spatial organizations of city region in Yangtze Delta are evolving unceasingly and presenting the increasingly obvious integrated characteristic, the basic reasons lie in the constant perfection of market coordinated mechanism, the strengthening of organization coordinated mechanism and the continuous improvement of government coordinated mechanism. (3)Since the reform and opening policy , in Yangtze Delta, every city’s transportation scale has a rapid growth, the spatial transport linkage has been strengthened increasingly, the intensity of economical relation has been enhanced continually, the similar degree of industrial structure have been reduced unceasingly, the industry cluster degree has been enhanced continually, the regional specialization degree has been strengthened continuously. It has obviously indicated that the network level of internal spatial organizations of the city region are enhancing increasingly in Yangtze Delta. (4) The city region in Yangtze Delta through introducing the foreign direct investment (FDI) vigorously and developing the international trade positively, the exterior space relation has been went closer and closer, and it also has occupied a certain status in the global economic space. However, it also has the possibility to develop into the“dependent economy”under this new situation. (5) The competitive edge of industrial manufacturing industry in Yangtze Delta has been mainly established on the basis of the primary production factors for a long time, it was locked basically in the“low-road”in the global value chain (GVC), and therefore the urban region in Yangtze Delta must carry on the strategic adjustment from the“low-road”changes to the“high-road”. The key point is the fast development of producer services in the path transforms.Generally speaking, this paper analyzes the spatial organization of city regions based on view of spatial division of labor, formes a series of theoretical cognition of basic rules about spatial organizations of city regions, provides comprehensive summary and reasonable explanation to the practice condition of spatial organizations of the city region in Yangtze Delta, and makes a certain extension and propulsion in the two aspects of theoretical research and empirical analysis. This paper is not only different from the structure description and the regularity summarization to the spatial organization in traditional economic geography summarizes, but also different from the research of spatial organization based on the location selection of enterprises in traditional regional economics and urban economics, simultaneously it also has the obvious difference to the spatial organization analysis which take the economical activity spatial of new economic geography as the core, so it has brighter research characteristic. At the same time, it puts forward a series of policy suggestion such as promoting the reform of market economy, establishing the microscopic foundation, implementing the development and opening, establishing the governance institutions, impelling the political system and social binding and so on .These suggestion can provide policy-making reference to all levels of the governments and the related organizations in Yangtze Delta, as well as provide the corresponding ponder to all levels of the governments and the related organizations of other urban regions.

  • 【分类号】P208;F290
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1199
  • 攻读期成果

