

Development Method of Model Driven and Component Based Enterprise Software and Application

【作者】 孟凡超

【导师】 战德臣;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着信息技术在现代企业的广泛应用,企业应用软件(Enterprise Software and Application, ESA)的规模和复杂度日益增加,这给软件的开发效率和质量提出了更高的要求,由此产生如下问题:如何有效地获取用户的需求、如何将用户需求有效地转换为软件系统的实现、如何高效率、低成本地构造应用系统。本文采用模型驱动的体系结构(Model Driven Architecture, MDA)和基于构件的软件开发(Component Based Software Development, CBSD)相结合的方法,在平台独立模型(Platform Independent Model, PIM)、平台相关模型(Platform Specific Model, PSM)和代码(Code)三个层次上分别对PIM建模、构件识别、构件获取与构件组装等方面进行了创新研究和实践。(1)在PIM建模方面,研究了面向ESA的PIM模型。针对ESA是以单据/报表等信息文档的流程化处理为中心的特点,给出了业务对象的概念,分析了业务对象建模中所包含的概念以及概念之间的关系,研究了业务对象模型的组织结构,借鉴MDA的建模框架,研究基于扩展UML业务对象建模框架和模型描述方法,并对模型的表达能力进行了分析。(2)在构件识别方面,为了提高构件的复用度、降低软件系统的开发成本,研究了如何从同一领域的多个PIM模型中识别较高复用度的功能构件的方法。从概念之间的语义包含关系和相似度出发,给出了操作之间功能规约关系和相似关系的定义,研究了计算多个活动之间相似度的方法,基于活动之间的相似度,采用聚类分析技术对领域模型的活动进行划分,具有较高相似度的一组活动被标识为一个功能构件,基于构件的识别结果,研究了支持可变特性的构件设计方法。(3)在构件获取方面,针对单个候选构件不能完全满足用户需求的情况,研究了基于构件组合的软件复用方法。首先研究了面向ESA的构件行为模型,给出了构件组合操作的定义,介绍了构造复合构件的方法,基于用户需求与复合构件之间的扩展行为匹配关系,研究了构件组合存在性判定方法和从复合构件中提取用户需求行为的方法。(4)在构件组装方面,为了提高基于构件组装的应用系统的服务质量,研究了基于服务质量优化的构件组装方案选择问题。首先分析了企业应用软件框架的特点,研究了面向应用系统配置的构件组装模型,介绍了度量构件组装方案服务质量的方法,并将构件组装方案选择问题转化为一个多目标优化问题,针对该问题,采用遗传算法进行最优非劣组装方案的搜索,基于组装方案的搜索结果,给出了构件组装方案选择方法。(5)以ERP系统中的质量管理领域为应用案例,来验证所提出的业务对象建模、构件识别和组装的理论内容,并开发了相应的支持工具。

【Abstract】 As information technology is widely applied in the modern enterprise, the scale and complexity of Enterprise Applications and Software (ESA) have been increasing, which proposes higher requirements to the efficiency and quality of ESA development, consequently results in the following problems: how to effectively acquire the requirement of users, how to effectively transform the requirement of users to the realization of software system, and how to construct application system with higher efficiency and lower cost. Aim to above problems, the dissertation uses combined method of Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and Component Based Software Development (CBSD), and respectively studies these contents such as PIM modeling, component identification, component retrieval and component assemble in the three levels of PIM(Platform Independent Model), PSM(Platform Specific Model) and Code.(1)In the aspect of PIM Modeling, study ESA Oriented PIM Model (ICE-PIM). Aim to the characteristics that ESA mainly focus on processing the information document such as bill and report, etc, we put forward the concept of business object, analysis the concepts and the relationships between these concepts in business object modeling, and study the organizational structure of business object model. Based on the framework of MDA, study the framework Business Object Modeling based on extended UML and description method of business object model, and analysis the expression ability of the model.(2)In the aspect of component identification, in order to improve the reusability degree of components and decrease the development cost of software system, study the method of identifying function components with higher reusability degree from a number of business object models in same domain. Based on the semantic include relations and similarity between concepts, give the definitions of function specification relation and similar operation relation, and study the method of calculating the similarity among a number of activities. Based on the similarities, use the technique of cluster analysis part the activities in domain business object model, these activities with higher similarity are grouped into a cluster and identified a function component. Based on the result of component identification, study the method of designing the components with variable features(3)In the aspect of component retrieval, aim to the fact that single candidate component can’t completely satisfy the user requirement, study the software reuse method based on component combination. First, study ESA oriented component behavior model, give the definitions of component combination operations, and introduce the method of constructing composition components. Based on the extended behavior match relation between user requirement and composition component, study the methods of checking the existence of components combination and abstracting the behavior that satisfies user requirement from composition component.(4)In the aspect of component assembly, in order to improve the Quality of Service (QoS) of application system based on component assembly, study the problem of component assembly projects selection based on QoS optimization. First, analysis the characteristics of enterprise application and software framework, study application system configuration oriented component assembly model, introduce the approach to measuring the QoS of component assembly projects, and transform the problem of component assembly projects selection into the problem of multi-objective optimization with constraints,. Aim to this problem, we use genetic algorithm search Pareto projects, based on search result, give the method of selecting component assembly projects.(5)The quality management system in ERP is adopted as practical case to validate effectiveness of theoretical results in business object modeling, component identification and component assembly, and develop corresponding support tools.


