

Study on Some Problems of Maintenance and Repair in Undersea Tunnel

【作者】 赵东平

【导师】 王明年;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 厦门海底隧道是国内修建的第一座海底隧道,与一般山岭隧道相比,在隧道所处地质环境、荷载模式及设计理念等方面具有与一般隧道不尽相同的关键技术问题。海底隧道的这些特殊性也给运营后的维修养护工作带来了新的问题,而这些问题在一般的隧道维修养护中通常不另作专门的考虑。鉴于此,论文结合厦门翔安海底隧道的工程设计、施工实践,围绕海底隧道维修养护中检查方法、检测技术、海底隧道病害分级量化指标确定、海底隧道净空位移管理基准以及海底隧道长期监测系统等方面进行了较深入系统的分析研究,论文中的一些研究在国内尚属首次,其结论可直接服务于厦门海底隧道的维修养护工作,同时也可以供国内其它海底隧道进行借鉴。本论文的主要研究工作主要体现在以下几个方面:1.参考一般公路隧道建立了海底隧道衬砌变异检查体系,确定了海底隧道衬砌变异的检查内容。论文调研了世界各国隧道的检查方法、频率及采用的检测技术,通过综合类比分析确定了适合海底隧道的四种无损检测技术分别为:地质雷达法、红外线温度记录法、多光谱分析以及超声波法。2.采用三维有限元模拟手段,研究了海底隧道存在衬砌背后空洞及衬砌厚度不足时的变异特征。根据变异对结构内力及衬砌裂缝分布造成的影响程度,对海底隧道陆域及海域段衬砌背后空洞及衬砌厚度不足两种病害给出了量化的判定标准,从而为海底隧道维修养护的病害分级提供了明确的指标。3.基于广义开尔文本构模型的状态方程,考虑隧道开挖的空间效应和围岩流变的时间效应,推导了以时间为变量的隧道二次衬砌位移解析表达式。根据厦门海底隧道120个断面的监测数据,应用推导的解析式对海底隧道二次衬砌由于围岩流变而产生的位移进行了预测分析。4.根据预测分析得出海底隧道二次衬砌位移异常区段,并据此给出建议的位移监测断面和监测内容。采用有限差分程序,应用粘弹塑性本构模型描述围岩流变特性,对海底隧道的上述断面进行了流变数值分析,得出了典型断面衬砌位移—时间关系曲线。根据理论预测及数值计算结果,确定了典型监测断面的净空位移管理基准值,为海底隧道长期监测净空位移管理提供了理论依据。5.基于国内外50余座隧道衬砌开裂情况的统计分析结果,提出了海底隧道的主裂区将是拱项,其次是拱腰和边墙。应用断裂力学理论,采用二维有限元手段,对不同位置、不同宽度、不同深度的衬砌径向裂缝的应力强度因子进行了计算分析,根据裂缝稳定性得出了不同位置衬砌裂缝允许开裂深度比,从而为裂损海底隧道衬砌的安全性评价提供了量化指标。6.建立了一套完善的海底隧道长期监测系统,该系统首先对振弦式传感器及光纤光栅传感器独立组网,然后通过传输光缆将数据传输至海底隧道中央控制室,从而实现了对长期监测数据的远程集中自动化采集。根据长期监测数据特点,应用人工神经网络理论及概率论建立了基于BP网络的海底隧道长期监测安全评估模型,该模型可实现根据监测数据对海底隧道运营状态进行安全评估。

【Abstract】 Xiamen undersea tunnel is the first undersea tunnel built up in domestic. Geological environment, load model and design theory of the undersea tunnel have different key technologies to general mountain tunnels. The specificity of the undersea tunnel brings some new problems on the tunnel maintenance to us, but in usual maintenance and repair of tunnel, they will not be considered as specialized problems. Forasmuch, considering the design and construction experience of the Xiamen XiangAn undersea tunnel engineering, intensive studies and systematic analysis are made on the inspection method, the inspection frequency and the detection technology of the undersea tunnel, and the undersea tunnel diseases classification index, and the clearance displacement management reference of the undersea tunnel, and the long-term monitoring system of the undersea tunnel. Some studies are rare in domestic in this dissertation, and these achievements in research can be used directly on the maintenance of Xianmen XiangAn undersea tunnel, and they can also give references on the other subsea tunnel in domestic. The major work of this research is summarized as follows:1. The inspection system of the undersea tunnel was established and the inspection Contents was ascertained, with references general road tunnels inspection system. This paper investigates all kinds of inspection methods, inspection frequency and the detection technologies on domestic and international tunnel, analogy analysis shows that the suitable detection techniques are in the order of ground penetrating radar, infrared thermography, multispectral analysis, ultrasonic method.2. 3D FEM is applied to study abnormal characteristic of undersea tunnel when there are cavities behind the lining and lining deficiencies of thickness. A quantized decision standard was given according to effects on the structure inner force and fracture distribution of the subsea tunnel due to the abnormal. So, this study puts forward specific index for the disease classification of the undersea tunnel.3. Based on the state equation of generalized Kelvin constitutive model, a tunnel displacement analysis expression with the variable of time was derived, considering the time effect of rock mass rheology and space effect of construction excavation. This paper gives a prediction analysis on the displacement due to rock mass rheology of Xianmen undersea tunnel second lining according to the displacement data of 120 monitoring sections.4. Some sections of abnormal displacement were found according to prediction analysis in the undersea tunnel. Hereby, this paper puts forward proposal monitoring sections and monitoring contents. With the finite difference program and viscoelasto-plastic constitutive model of rock mass, rheological numerical analysis on these sections of the subsea tunnel were made, and their time—displacement curves of lining were gained also. A clearance displacement management reference value was given according to the results of the numerical simulation and theoretical analysis, and this offers a theory basis for the clearance displacement management of long-term monitoring.5. Depend on the statistical analysis result of lining crack in more than 50 tunnels at home and abroad, this paper puts forward that the major crack area of lining in the undersea tunnel is arch crown, and the secondary crack area is hance and side wall. 2D finite element method and fracture mechanics are applied to calculate the stress intensity factors of different location, different width and depth lining cracks. Stabilization crack depth ratios have been obtained according to crack stability, and then quantized index were given for safety evaluations of the undersea tunnel crack lining.6. A perfect monitoring system have been built on the undersea tunnel, and vibrating-spring sensors and fibre-optical grating sensors are built to network separately in this system, the monitoring data will be transformed to the centre control room of the undersea tunnel, and then all data can be gained automatically in long-distance. Artificial neural network theory and theory of probability are applied to build up a long-term monitoring safety evaluation model of the undersea tunnel base on BP network according the character of long-term monitoring data, this model can make safety evaluations on the undersea tunnel according to long-term monitoring data.


