

Considerations for the Sustainable Development of the Scenic Spot Guided by Previous Studies Concerning Stakeholders in the Tourism Sector

【作者】 陈岩峰

【导师】 贾志永;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 1950年开始至今,国际旅游业已经从一个无足轻重的产业发展成为举世瞩目的重要产业。据预测,2020年全球将接待国际旅游者16亿人次,国际旅游消费将达20000亿美元,国际旅游人数和消费的年均增长率分别达到4.35%和6.7%。如果把各国的国内旅游收入加在一起,1992年旅游业已经成为世界第一大产业和服务贸易的主体性产业,它创造了大量的利润和税收,提供了众多的就业机会,促进了出口,吸引了投资,前景十分广阔。然而近年来,繁荣背后的消极效应逐渐开始显现。很多国家尤其是发展中国家在旅游开发过程中存在一系列不容忽视的问题:对旅游资源的过度开发甚至掠夺性开发;对旅游景区(点)的粗放式管理;旅游设施建设的病态膨胀,这些行为都在迅速损害旅游业赖以存在的环境质量,威胁旅游业的持续发展。在此背景下,论文以旅游景区为研究对象,试图探讨景区利益相关者利益要求的实现问题及其所蕴含的可持续发展方面的意义。在对国内外研究现状进行认真梳理的基础上,以利益相关者为主线,以旅游景区可持续发展的全生命周期为研究脉络对旅游景区可持续发展问题进行研究。旅游景区在开发前必须先进行统筹规划,统筹规划是基于利益相关者理论的旅游景区可持续发展的前提条件。对旅游规划及相关概念进行了界定,并界定了景区规划阶段的利益相关者,明确各利益相关者的利益诉求。为了保障旅游景区的可持续发展,在旅游景区开发阶段必须明确和坚持旅游可持续发展的正确方向——生态旅游。对生态旅游的概念进行合理界定,并从中总结出“景区发展过程应当坚持生态旅游的正确方向”的命题,界定了生态旅游的利益相关者,明确各利益相关者的利益诉求。任何旅游景区无论成功与失败都会有一个生命周期。旅游景区可以从不同角度、采用不同的方式起死回生,其中打破单个地区、单个旅游景区孤军奋战的局面,走旅游合作之路不失为一个好的方法。旅游区域合作是旅游景区可持续发展的重要条件。论文在对区域旅游合作概念进行界定并对相关研究进行综述的基础上,对区域旅游合作利益相关者的构成及聚类进行了认真的分析。为了获取第一手资料,实现理论和实践的有机结合,论文在前期理论分析的基础上又采用问卷调查的方法对峨眉山景区开发阶段(生态旅游)涉及的利益相关者界定、主要利益相关者的利益诉求、主要利益相关者利益诉求的实现方式以及主要利益相关者利益诉求的实现程度进行了实证研究,并据此提出了峨眉山景区实施旅游可持续发展的相关建议和对策。峨眉山景区是著名的世界文化和自然遗产,对其利益相关者进行科学分类并确定主要利益相关者的具体利益诉求及实现方式,将非常有助于峨眉山景区的旅游可持续发展,同时对其它景区如何把利益相关者理论有效地运用到景区可持续发展中同样具有很强的借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 Since 1950, the international tourism industry has gone from being of little importance to critical vitality. According to research, the number of international tourists will grow to 1.6 billion and their overall spending will rise to US$2000 billion in 2020. The average annual growth rate of the number of tourists and overall spending will reach 4.35% and 6.7%, respectively. By adding up the incomes of domestic tourism in all countries, we can conclude that tourism has already become the number one world industry, and has been the primary component of the service and trade industry since 1992. For generating a huge amount of profits and taxes, creating a great many job opportunities, promoting exports, and attracting investment, tourism is believed to have a splendid future.However, negative effects hidden behind the prosperity have been emerging in recent years. Many countries, particularly the underdeveloped, have encountered a series of severe problems which cannot be neglected, such as the over-exploitation of tourism resources, irrational administration of tourist destinations, and excessive construction of tourism infrastructures. All these inconsiderate behaviors are speeding up the deterioration of the eco-environment and inevitably threatening the realization of sustainable development. This dissertation discusses the issues pertinent to the fulfillment of the stakeholders’ demand of interests and the importance of developing sustainable use of tourism resources.On the basis of previous empirical research at home and abroad, guided by the interest of the stakeholders and directed by the life span of sustainable development of the scenic spot, the present research analyses the issues relating to the sustainable development of the scenic spot.Strategic planning for a scenic spot should proceed prior to its exploitation. The planning should include the precondition of practicing sustainable development based on the theory of stakeholder. While defining concepts pertaining to tourism planning and confirming the status of the stakeholders, this dissertation also clarifies their different demands of interests.To ensure the sustainable development of a scenic spot, the principle of developing ecotourism should be adhered to. The reasonable interpretation of the concept of ecotourism offers guidance for the process of development, defines the roles of different stakeholders in developing the ecotourism, and clarifies their specific demands of interest.Every scenic spot has a life cycle. Administrators of a scenic spot can implement various routes to recovery from recession. Breaking the conventional order wherein each scenic spot is managed individually, and instead enhancing mutual collaboration, can be an effective resolution. Collaboration among different scenic spots is of vital significance to promoting the sustainable development of an area. On the basis of defining the concept of tourism collaboration and summarizing the relevant research, this dissertation analyses the constitution and division of the stakeholders participating in regional tourism collaboration.In order to obtain first-hand materials and synthesize the theory and practice, the paper adopts the methodology of theoretical analysis and survey. The author makes empirical research on the definition of stakeholders, major stakeholders’ demands of interests, and approaches to and extent of meeting the stakeholders’ demands of interests. In accordance with the findings, the author makes suggestions for policy relating to the sustainable development of Mount Emei.The empirical research on the categorization of stakeholders of Mount Emei, which has been listed as a Cultural and Natural World Heritage Site, stakeholders’ demands of interests and the approaches to meeting their demands of interests, is beneficial to sustainable tourism development in Mount Emei and has great value for future researchers and policymakers.


