

The Research of the Relationship between the Psychological Contract of Knowledge Workers and Their Attitude and Behavior

【作者】 彭川宇

【导师】 贾志永;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪,人类进入了一个以知识经济为主宰的全新时代。知识经济时代的到来使知识成为企业资源要素中最重要的要素之一,而知识的创造、利用与增值最终都要靠知识的载体——知识员工来实现。然而,随着企业竞争加剧,兼并、破产和重组不断发生,作为企业人力资源的核心组成部分的知识员工,出于其自身的特殊性和组织环境的不稳定性,对组织的忠诚度、归属感降低,追求自我职业发展,关注自我的可雇佣性胜于组织的目标。于是,如何加强知识员工的管理以提高其工作满意度就成为人力资源管理的重点。狭义的心理契约是雇员出于对组织政策、实践和文化的理解和各级组织代理人做出的各种形式承诺的感知而产生的,对其与组织之间的、并不一定被组织各级代理人所意识到的相互义务的一系列信念。心理契约由于其具有非明文性或暗示性特点而日益受到学术界和企业界的广泛关注。心理契约管理为知识员工的管理研究和实践提供了一种动态的系统思路。将心理契约与知识员工的管理相结合,成为学术界研究知识员工管理的一个新的方向。但现有对心理契约及知识员工管理的研究:1)关于心理契约内容和结构的研究大多集中于整体员工,不同层次和不同员工群体如知识员工、核心员工的心理契约的内容和结构的研究明显不足;2)研究多集中于理论研究,对知识员工的心理契约及其态度行为的实证研究还比较缺乏;3)很少有研究将知识员工自身的价值观特点和职业特点融入到模型中去考察。基于此,本文从知识员工的感知角度出发,研究了知识员工心理契约的维度和结构,开发了知识员工心理契约调查量表;分析了知识员工对心理契约的感知情况的人口学差异;并探讨和验证了知识员工的心理契约感知与其态度行为的关系。研究结论表明:1)知识员工心理契约结构包含三个维度,分别是:交易型心理契约、关系型心理契约和发展型心理契约。这三个维度具有良好的一阶三因素结构,显示了所开发的量表具有较好的信度和效度。2)性别、工作年限、换单位次数和技术职称等知识员工个人基本属性对知识员工心理契约感知水平高低存在影响。但是,年龄、学历和在现单位的工龄等员工个人基本属性并不对知识员工的心理契约感知水平产生显著影响。3)知识员工感知到的交易型心理契约和关系型心理契约的履约程度,对工作满意度存在正向影响。知识员工感知到的交易型心理契约和关系型心理契约的履约程度,对组织公民行为中的同事间利他行为存在正向影响。知识员工感知到的关系型心理契约履约程度,对组织公民行为中的保护组织资源行为存在正向影响。知识员工的工作满意度,对组织公民行为中的保护组织资源行为存在正向影响。知识员工的工作满意度对离职倾向存在负向影响。4)职业承诺和团队认同在知识员工心理契约的感知与工作满意度及离职倾向的影响中起调节作用。研究结论不仅从研究视角、研究内容和研究方法拓宽了知识员工心理契约的研究,丰富了知识员工心理契约的结构和与其态度行为关系研究,也为组织的知识员工管理实践提供了一定的理论支持,具有现实的指导意义。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, mankind has entered a knowledge-based new economy era. The arrival of the era of knowledge economy makes knowledge to be one of an important resource elements of enterprises, and knowledge creation, usage and value-added will ultimately depend on the carriers - knowledge workers to achieve. However, with increased competition, merger, bankruptcy of enterprises, in order to seek self career development, knowledge workers as a core component of human resources of enterprises, pay more attention to their own self-employment than the organization’s goals because the environment is unstable. So, how to strengthen the management of knowledge workers to improve their job satisfaction has become the focus of human resources management.Narrow definition of the psychological contract is a series of convictions of mutual obligations of employees and organizations which based on employees’ perception on organizational policy, practice ,culture and commitments of organizations agents, and their organizations were not necessarily aware it. Academia and the business community pay more attention to psychological contract because of its non-explicit or implied characteristics. Psychological contract management provides a dynamic system of ideas for the knowledge workers’ management and research. The combination of psychological contract with the management of knowledge workers becomes a new direction of knowledge workers’ study.However, there are still some problems about the research in the psychological contract and knowledge workers’ management. First, the research of the content and structure of the psychological contract concentrated in the overall staff. The research of different levels and different groups of the staff, such as knowledge workers, the core workers is obviously inadequate. Second, the research is mainly focused on the theoretical study, while lack of the empirical research of the psychological contract of knowledge workers and their attitudes and behavior. Third, there is little research considering the characteristics of knowledge workers’ own values and occupational characteristics into the model.Thus, the paper from the point of view of the knowledge workers’ perception, researches the dimensions and structure of the knowledge workers’ psychological contract, develops a knowledge workers’ psychological contract survey scale; analyses demographic differences of the perception of knowledge workers’ psychological contract; and explores and validate the relationship of the perception of the knowledge workers’ psychological contract with their attitudes and behavior.The research gets the following outcomes. First, the knowledge workers’ psychological contract can be measured by three dimensions, such as exchange psychological contract, relation psychological contract and develop psychological contract. The questionnaire has eligible psychometric validity and reliability. Second, personal characteristics as gender, the years of work, the numbers of work change and title can influence the perception of the knowledge workers’ psychological contract, otherwise, age, qualifications, the years of work in now enterprise show no obvious influence. Third, the perception of the agreement of the exchange psychological contract and the relation psychological contract makes positive effect on job satisfaction and altruistic behavior of OCB. The perception of the agreement of the relation psychological contract makes positive effect on protecting resources of OCB. The job satisfaction of knowledge workers makes positive effect on protecting resources of OCB and negative effect on intention to leave. Forth, occupation commitment and team identification make interferer effect on the relationship of the perception of the agreement of psychological contract with job satisfaction and intention to leave. The conclusion of the research widenes the viewpoints, content and method of research on knowledge workers’ psychological contract, and brings some practical instruction to the knowledge workers’ management.


