

An Empirical Study on Relationship between Guanxi and Power in Context of Business Relationship Dissolution

【作者】 尹洪娟

【导师】 周庭锐; 贾志永;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 “关系(Guanxi)”是“情理社会”运行的基本要件。在儒家文化影响下的组织间商业关系中,“关系”被视为“纽带”、“资源”、“过程”和“网络”。然而,学界和业界对“关系”交换的影响机制、影响结果及伦理判断一直处于激烈地质疑和争论中。为探询“关系”对组织过程和交换活动的影响,本研究以商业关系结束为背景,聚焦于网络结构和情境条件对“关系”行为的影响及由此造成的结果。以交换理论为分析工具,揭示“关系”的内涵和特点,采用深度访谈和内容分析方法,探索性地获得概念模型;然后,采用问卷调查方法,收集辽宁、浙江和四川三省的312份有效问卷,以结构方程模型为分析工具,运用AMOS7.0软件处理数据。经过深入而谨慎的文献梳理,本研究认为,“关系”是基于既定的客观基础(例如血缘、同乡等)及互动交往基础(如同事、同学)而产生和发展出按照特定交换法则而形成的、动态的人际关联,这种人际关联扩展为互动网络,通过直接或间接的联结,在特定的情境因素下,有助于个体获得特定的资源,从而成为个体和组织的社会资本。它对交换活动的影响,受到社会心理、关系网络特点、二元关系属性、决策者的道德认知特征等诸多因素的影响。从新经济社会学的观点看,经济活动嵌入于行为人的社会关系中。从社会镶嵌网络理论视角看,组织的“关系网”是“交易网”的人际表现形式。由此出发,为解析不同的交易关系规范(包含团结规范、分享信息规范和弹性规范)与“关系”之间的关联,以关系契约理论和“人情-面子”交换理论建立交易网络结构对“人情”、“面子”和“情谊”的影响模型。对该模型的检验发现,厂商的网络中心度和交易网络密度,不但对“面子”、“人情”和“情谊”有直接的正向影响,还通过交易关系规范间接地对厂商的“面子”、“人情”和“情谊”产生较强的正向影响。并且,在厂商的“面子”、“人情”和“情谊”行为对组织交换活动产生的影响程度上,厂商的网络中心度比网络密度有更强大的影响,在关系型交换中的影响较之离散型交换更为重大。从厂商二元关系层面上看,由于“人情-面子”式交换规则具有资源调动和再分配功能,因而,“关系”对“权力”有再建构的功能。经假设检验表明,“面子”、“人情”和“情谊”对组织的影响力的影响整体上大于其对依赖度的影响;所以,“关系”不但是权力的重要来源,而且是特定条件下的有效控制方式。然而,以“关系”为工具影响厂商的“权力”运用方式及程度是高度情境化的。对过程公平的干扰效果检验表明,交互公平较高时,权力较大的厂商,其关系损失也更大。以关系的观点看,组织的营销活动是利益基础上的关系确认、关系建立、关系维持、关系强化,及必要时与顾客或其它关系人终止关系的过程。对商业关系结束时的“关系损失”数据检验结构表明,“关系”是厂商减少进入中国市场的风险与成本的有效资源,是厂商之间增进关系质量和信任、维护正式商业关系的有效活动,而且,也是厂商保留未来合作机会、减少冲突与摩擦、实现中国式商业关系圆满结束的重要控制方式;这表明,“关系”在商业关系各个阶段都发挥着独特的作用。综合以上研究发现来看,“关系”不仅是“关系营销”在我国的具体实现方式与工具,也是我国市场营销系统中的重要资源交换机制、人际互动规范和社会结构之一。虽然“关系”是多因素影响下的“艺术化”、有特定功效的权衡策略,随着商业价值观念的变迁、交易网的开放程度更高、法律完善程度提高、人际关系短暂化和其他因素的现代化,“关系”在中国市场中的工具性价值可能会下降,其所能发挥效应的领域也将逐渐缩减。

【Abstract】 Guanxi is the founder mental component of reasonableness (Qingli) society. With Confucian culture working on industry market, it is viewed as the inter-personnel ties, resources, process and network. However, there are great confusion and debates upon its working system, effects as well as the relevant ethical judgment. To explore the influence of Guanxi on exchange process and activities, the study focus on the effect of structure traits of Guanxi network and situational conditions on Guanxi behavior and its relatively results in context of business relationship dissolution. Then, firstly author draw the definition and traits of Guanxi from view of social exchange theory. Then, an conceptual model is built and adjusted after doing deep interview and content analysis. Finally, 312 valid data has been collected from Liaoning, Zhejiang and Sichuan provinces by the survey, which were deal with by means of structural equation model and running AMOS 7.0 software.By prudential and in-depth literature reviewing, author point out that Guanxi is the dynamic personnel tie that takes root from object base (such as consanguinity, countrymen and so on) and intercourse and then develops and follows the specific exchange rule. These personnel ties are interacting and networking directly and indirectly to become the social capital, which is the helpful resources for individual and organization under certain condition.But, its tool value is determined by many factors such as the social psychological factors, dyadic relationship attribute, decision-maker’s moral recognized characters and so on.From view of new economic sociology, economic actions are embedded in the actors’ social relationship. This research discusses the relationship between exchange network and Guanxi network in industry market. Author provides a model to show how network structure influence on favor, Mianzi and affect. The 312 survey are collected from Liaoning, Zhejiang and Sichuan provinces, and the data and structural equation models are examined by AMOS 7.0. After exploring models and analyzing paths, it can be found that firm’s network centrality and the network density have both direct and indirect effect on favor, Mianzi and affect. The network position of the firm has more positively stronger effect than network density, and Guanxi is more significantly effect in relational exchange than discrete exchange.Meanwhile, because of the exchanging rule of Pattern of Difference Guanxi, power can be reconstructed through Guanxi. Power is one of important factor of firm controlling system under the specific condition supported by our data results. However, it’s highly situational to operate the power pattern and degree by use of Guanxi. The moderator effect of interactive fairness support that the more power, the bigger relationship lost.When viewed organizational marketing as relationship interactive process, it means developing relationship of awareness、exportation、maintaining、strengthening as well as possible dissolution with the customer. Guanxi has the unique influence through all these phases. Mianzi, favor and affect have more impact on influence than dependence between firm’s powers. With the interaction justice moderating, firm with relatively stronger power will encounter more relationship lost significantly. Results of path analysis shows that Guanxi is an important patter for firms’ China’s beautiful exit to decrease the conflicts and reserving business chance in the future.According to the above findings, we can conclude that Guanxi is not only the tool for operating relationship marketing in China, but also is the important resource exchange system、interpersonal interactive norm and social structural component. Although it is the artistic and specific trading strategy influenced by complex factors, its instrumental value will decline in China industry market, with the exchange network open than before, personal ties shortened, law and statute perfected and other grounded factors changing,.


