

An Empirical Study of Relationship of Trust and Cooperation between NGO and China Government Department

【作者】 徐贵宏

【导师】 贾志永;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 公共工程组织与管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着非政府组织的发展,NGO与政府部门之间的信任与合作已经受到了学术界的关注。但是由于种种原因,中国NGO与政府部门之间信任与合作关系模型依然很难见到。实践中,中国NGO与政府部门整体信任度依然偏低,阻碍了合作的发展。其中,NGO对政府部门的信任,学界和政界都在一定程度上有所忽视,这不利于和谐社会的建设,不利于促进NGO与政府部门的合作。本文以此为切入点,从NGO的视角出发,在中国传统文化背景下,探讨如何建立对政府的信任与合作。首先,就是要界定信任、划分信任的维度,建立信任的形成机制;其次,界定合作、划分合作的维度,建立信任产生合作的路径。针对这些问题,以寻求解决问题的理论和经验为出发点,以中国传统文化和在中国大陆活动的NGO为基本立足点,通过文献分析和问卷调查,可以在理论上丰富信任与和合作问题的研究成果,在实践上给NGO和政府提供建立信任与合作的框架性指导意见。通过对国内外学者相关研究成果的分析,结合中国传统文化,本研究发现非政府组织对政府部门信任的主要影响因素包括政府部门特征(声誉和能力)、双方关系特征(交往经验和沟通)、制度特征(公正与正义性、完备与有效性),而信任分为计算型信任、关系型信任和制度型信任等三个维度,合作分为计算型合作、关系型合作和制度型合作等三个维度。信任的前因作为自变量、信任的维度作为中介变量、合作的维度作为因变量就构成了本研究的整体理论模型。其中,信任的前因与信任的各维度就构成了非政府组织与政府部门间的信任形成机制,而信任的三个维度和合作的三个维度就构成了非政府组织与政府部门间信任与合作的演化机制。信任形成机制和信任与合作的演化机制合在一起就构成了本研究的整体理论模型。为了研究的方便,上述理论模型被分为六个子模型分别进行研究,即政府部门特征对信任影响模型、双方关系特征对信任影响模型、制度特征对信任影响模型、不同类型信任相互影响模型、信任对合作影响模型、不同类型合作相互影响模型。根据模型研究的需要,在研究设计的时候,统计方法主要选择了信度分析、效度分析、相关分析、回归分析和结构方程分析。在确定了问卷和抽样对象、抽样方法之后,先后进行了小样本数据分析和大样本数据分析,最后进行了研究假设的实证检验。本研究采用问卷调查法收集数据,采用SPSS11.5和AMOS5.0软件工具分析数据,对所有研究假设进行了验证。实证结果表明:计算型信任、关系型信任和制度型信任分别来自不同的原因,同时,这三种类型的信任又通过不同路径形成了三种类型的合作。研究结论不仅揭示了NGO与政府部门之间的信任与合作形成的内在机制,而且也纠正了学术界部分研究人员和少数政府人员对NGO与政府部门之间信任与合作的忽视与质疑。研究不仅对中国NGO与政府部门建立相互信任与合作有一定的借鉴价值和指导意义,而且也有一定的理论价值。本研究的创新点体现在:(1)建立了非政府组织与政府部门间信任与合作关系模型,构建一个理论框架,包括信任的前因、信任与合作等变量。本研究以中国传统文化为背景,将信任划分为计算型信任、关系型信任和制度型信任,将合作划分为计算型合作、关系型合作和制度型合作。基于此,本研究从政府组织特征、双方关系特征、制度特征三个方面,探讨了非政府组织与政府部门间的信任形成机制。同时,本研究从非政府组织的视角,考察了非政府组织与政府部门间信任与合作的演化路径与匹配方式。(2)通过经验实证研究验证了NGO与政府之间的信任与合作的关系。实证结果表明,计算型信任、关系型信任和制度型信任分别来源于不同的原因,包括声誉、能力、交往经验、沟通、公正与正义性、完备与有效性、计算型信任、制度型信任。同时,计算型合作、关系型合作和制度型合作分别由计算型信任、关系型信任和制度型信任通过不同路径演化而来的。(3)通过实证研究证实了两个与传统理论不同的结论:其一,在一定程度上,非政府组织与政府部门间关系型信任同制度的完备与有效性存在显著负相关关系;其二,在一定程度上,制度型合作同非政府组织与政府部门间关系型信任存在显著负相关关系。

【Abstract】 Trust and cooperation between NGO and government department were attended widely with development of NGO. However, due to various reasons, it’s still difficult to see the model of trust and cooperation between NGO and government department. In reality, NGO and government department have low level trust in all, impeding cooperation’s development. Academics and politicians have ignored the trust that NGO gave to government in a certain. It is not conducive to the building of harmonious society, not conducive to promote NGO and government department to form cooperation.Thus, from the NGO perspective,in the context of traditional Chinese culture, this paper has researched on how to establish the government’s trust and cooperation. First of all, it is defining trust, dividing the dimensions of trust, establishing trust-building mechanism. Second, it is defining cooperation, dividing the dimensions of cooperation,establishing trust-cooperation building path. In light of these problems, to seek to solve the problem of theory and experience as the starting point,to China’s traditional culture in China and activities of the NGO as the basic starting point, through literature and survey analysis,we can enrich trust and cooperation’s research areas in theory, provide trust and cooperation building guidance framework to NGO and government in practice.Through domestic and foreign literature review, combining Chinese traditional culture, this study finds that there were some main factors that affect the trust between NGO and government department,including government department characteristics ( reputation and ability ), two sides relations characteristics ( relationship experience and communication ), system characteristics ( fairness and justice, comprehensive and effectiveness ). Trust is divided into three dimensions, such as calculative trust, relational trust and institutional trust. Cooperation is divided into three dimensions, such as calculative cooperation, relational cooperation and institutional cooperation. Trust antecedents reasons as independent variables, trust dimensions as intermediary variables, cooperation dimensions as dependent variable, constitute the overall theoretical model. Trust antecedents reasons and trust dimensions constitute trust formation mechanism. Trust dimensions and cooperation dimensions constitute trust and cooperation evolution mechansim. Trust formation mechanism and trust and cooperation evolution mechansim constitute the overall theoretical model.In order to study expediently, the theoretical models were divided into six sub-models. The first is government departments characteristics and trust model. The second is two sides relation characteristics and trust model. The third is system characteristics and trust model. The fourth is different type trust relationship model. The fifth is trust and cooperation relationship model. The sixth is different type cooperation relationship model. According to the model need, the main statistical analysis methods include reliability analysis, validity analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and structural equation model analysis. After determining questionnaire and sample subjects, sample methodology, the study carried out small sample data analysis and big sample data analysis.At last, it has an empirical test on hypothetical.This research used questionnaire survey to collect data, used SPSS11.5 and AMOS5.0 to analysis data, and all of the assumptiones were verified. The results show that,calculative trust , relational trust and institutional trust between NGO and government departments are formed by different reasons.And the three types of trust also formed three different types of cooperation through different pathes. Research conclusions not only reveal the internal formation mechanism of trust and cooperation between NGO and government department, but also correct neglection and question of some of the academic researchers and government officials. Research not only has a certain value and significance for NGO and government department to establish mutual trust and cooperation, but also has a certain theoretical value.The academic contributions of this study denoted as follows: (1) This paper constructed a theoretical model about trust and cooperation between NGO and government department, including reasons of trust, trust and cooperation. In the context of Chinese culture, in paper, trust is divided into three dimensions, such as calculative trust, relational trust and institutional trust. Cooperation is divided into three dimensions, such as calculative cooperation, relational cooperation and institutional cooperation. Then, this paper discussed trust formation mechanism from government department characteristics, two sides’ relations characteristics and syetem characteristics. What’s more, from the NGO perspective, this paper discussed trust and cooperation evolution mechansim. (2) Through empirical research, this paper verified the trust and cooperation relationship between NGO and government deparment. The results show that, calculative trust, relational trust and institutional trust between NGO and government departments are formed by different reasons, including reputation, ability, experience, communication, fairness and justice, comprehensive and effective etc. And the three types of trust also formed three different types of cooperation through different different pathes. (3) Trough empirical research, this paper verified two conculsions which are different from traditional theory.First, in some certain, relational trust between NGO and government deparment has negativecorrelation with comprehensive and effective of system.Second, in some certain, institutional cooperation between NGO and government deparment has negativecorrelation with relational trust.

【关键词】 非政府组织政府部门信任合作
【Key words】 NGOGovernment DepartmentTrustCooperation
  • 【分类号】D523;D623
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】3562
  • 攻读期成果

