

Research on Architecture of GPDM and Its Implemented Key Technologies

【作者】 吴小珍

【导师】 张华;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 绿色制造是一个综合考虑环境影响和资源消耗的现代制造模式,其目标是使得产品从设计、制造、包装、运输、使用到报废处理的整个生命周期中,对环境负面影响极小,资源利用率极高,并使企业经济效益和社会效益协调优化。车间生产作为制造企业资源消耗和环境影响的核心环节,其过程的绿色化技术研究成为了绿色制造领域的研究热点和技术前沿,并取得了一定的成果。然而,我国制造企业的生产过程资源消耗种类多且不确定,环境排放分散不易监测,各种信息之间关系复杂,单纯照搬国外的绿色化模式显然是行不通的,必须建立起适合于我国国情的能够在我国制造企业实际生产中直接应用的绿色生产实施体系。本文立足于我国国情,针对我国制造企业生产过程中的资源消耗、环境排放特点,提出了一种面向绿色制造生产过程的产品数据管理系统——GPDM。围绕GPDM系统,本文主要研究内容如下:(1)基于绿色生产过程实施特点及其对资源环境数据管理的迫切需求,以PDM为信息集成平台,给出了GPDM的定义。在对生产过程绿色特性研究的基础上构建了绿色生产过程模式,以此模式为指导,建立了GPDM的体系结构,并详细分析了该体系结构的应用模式及各组成部分。(2)对资源环境数据中的模糊数据采用模糊ER方法建立概念模型,并将其映射到关系型逻辑模型中,实现了GPDM数据库系统的模糊化设计,从而在一定程度上解决了生产过程中资源环境数据的不完全性和不确定性在数据库中的管理问题。(3)考虑车间生产进程的各个阶段:GPDM绿色规划进行生产前的污染预防和生产过程的优化运行;GPDM绿色生产过程控制技术从绿色制造的角度对生产进行控制,指导生产的绿色方向;GPDM环境影响评估模块对已经完成的生产过程进行环境影响评估,找出污染严重、资源浪费大的生产环节,并给出改进意见。通过GPDM这些关键技术的研究、应用,使得GPDM系统能够为我国制造企业车间生产过程实施绿色制造提供极大支持,成为一个真正的面向绿色制造生产过程的数据管理系统。(4)基于服务于绿色生产过程的原则,对GPDM数据库结构进行了分析和设计,针对生产过程中各类资源环境数据的特点,建立了不同的数据存储模式,将CAD和资源环境信息集成起来,使得人们能够像在传统设计、生产中获取有关技术信息与成本信息一样,方便地获取所有有关的资源环境信息,在绿色制造车间生产过程的信息集成方面做出了有益的探索。(5)研究了GPDM核心技术包括数据库支撑系统和三大关键技术模块的实现,并以I-PDM4.0软件为例,探讨了GPDM与PDM系统集成的相关问题。

【Abstract】 Green manufacturing, aiming to minimize the harm to the environment and maximize the utilization rate of the energy during the product’s entire life cycle which begins with extraction of raw materials, proceeds through production and use, and ends with waste treatment, is an advanced manufacturing model. Production in the workshop is the key of resource consumption and environmental impact in manufacturing enterprises. The research on green production process is a hot spot and some fruits are achieved. The variety of resource consumptions and environmental emissions, however, are very difficultly inspected and measured in the production process of the manufacturing enterprises. And there are many complex relations among the producing information, furthermore, imprecise and uncertain information is generally involved. All of the above factors cause an obstacle to the realization of green manufacturing in the producing workshop. Therefore, there is a great need for the green production implementation architecture which is suitable for the situation of our country and can be directly applied to the practical production in our manufacturing enterprises.A product data management architecture for the green manufacture-oriented productionprocess——GPDM is proposed aiming at characteristics of resource consumptions andenvironmental emissions in the production process of manufacturing enterprises. The main contents of this paper are discussed around GPDM.(1) The definition of GPDM is given. The reasons for the selection of PDM as the information integrated platform of GPDM are explained through the analysis of present situation of PDM. Based on the green characteristic analysis of production process, the mode of green production process is built in this paper. The architecture of GPDM is designed. At the same time, the thorough researches on the application pattern and modules are carried out.(2) The fuzzy ER method is adopted to build up a concept model for the fuzzy data in the resource and environmental data. The fuzzy concept model is mapped on the logistic relation model. It has realized the fuzzy design of GPDM database system. The management of incompleteness and indefinability of the resource and environmental data on production process has been solved to a certain degree.(3) Every stage of workshop production course has been considered: GPDM green planning prevents the pollution and optimizes the production process before the producing; GPDM green production process controlling technology controls production from the point of view of green manufacturing and gives a green direction to the workshop production; GPDM environmental impacts assessment helps to judge whether or not the production process is environmentally friendly and gives the improvement opinions accordingly. Through the researches and applications of these key technologies, GPDM can support greatly implement for green manufacturing of workshop production process of manufacturing enterprises in our country.(4) The structure of GPDM database is analyzed and designed in view of the green production process. And various modes of data storage are built in response to the feature of all kinds of resource environment data during the production process. GPDM integrates environmental information to CAD by the database of GPDM. We can acquire environmental information in GPDM as conveniently as technical and cost information in PDM. It is a beneficial explore in the field of the information integration on green manufacturing of production process.(5) The database supported system and three key technologies of GPDM are implemented in this paper. And taking the I-PDM4.0 software for example, the correlative system-integration problems of GPDM and PDM are discussed.The implemented architecture and its key technologies of GPDM make the environmental burdens as the core of industrial process. It has a strategic significance for making the enterprise to realize green manufacturing during the production process.


