

Peasant Economy before Collectivization: A Study of Rural Donghai of Xu-hai, 1930-52

【作者】 仲亚东

【导师】 李伯重;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 历史学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 集体化之前的小农经济,是中国存在数千年之久的小农经济的最后阶段。本文以1930到1952年徐海地区东海县的农村为对象,对此问题进行研究。该地区位于华北平原的南部,是一个典型的农业地区。这个地区在1930到1952年期间,社会秩序经历了从稳定到动荡再到稳定的变更,传统小农也在土改中转变为新民主主义小农,并在日后走上社会主义道路。可以说,这一时期的小农经济上承以往农民经济长期变化之余绪,下启1979年以后农民经济新发展之先河。本研究与经济史学中的三个问题密切相关:农业经济中小规模家庭经营体制的优劣,二十世纪中期的农村经济和农民生活,以及土地改革与小农经济的关系。本文充分注意到以往农民经济研究的成果,分析了其中的合理性与局限性,把实证研究与理论思考结合起来。由于具体研究对象的复杂性,本文的史料来源相当多样。文章综合运用公开出版物、地方档案馆馆藏文献和访谈记录等材料,在鉴别和分析各种史料的基础上,对历史进程进行了客观研究。本文认为:1930-1952年间徐海地区的生产力水平走过一个“U”型历程,即从抗战前的较高水平,到战争时期的经济衰退,再到1950年代初的经济恢复。地权分配则渐趋平均,先因战争及社会动荡,后因土地改革,在土改后短期内又向不均方向稍有发展。在不同环境下,人地关系、生产力水平和社会关系构成农村中的基本问题,尽量开发劳动力资源以满足民众基本生活需求则是那时重要的社会任务。小农经济是居于主导地位的经济形式,它在充分利用家内劳动力、实现较高的土地产出方面发挥了作用。但同时全社会劳动力一直未能得到充分利用,生产力水平也未出现大幅提高的迹象。土改在战争环境中得到普遍开展,并最终取得胜利。它暂时缓解了农民的生存危机,造就了普遍的小自耕农经济。这是发展生产力之需,也是维持民众生存所需。但这种经济未必能够长久存活下去。人地关系和生产力水平造成的深层次社会问题不可能在一次运动中得到彻底解决,仍将影响着长期的历史进程。

【Abstract】 The peasant economy before collectivization represents the terminal epoch of the thousand years existing peasant economy in traditional China. My dissertation breaks into the topic by making an illustrational survey on the region of Xu-hai, in particular Donghai County, in 1930-52, the region of which is located in the southern part of the North China Plain, with agriculture being the leading sector of its economy. During the period under study, rural society had seen great changes in this region. The traditional peasants have transformed into New Democratic peasants during the Land Reform, and then have gone on the road of Socialism. The peasant economy of this period not only led to the end of the traditional small-scale farming, but also enlightens the new road of peasant economy since 1979.This article concentrates on the three hot topics in the field of Economic History, including the merits and faults of small-scale family-management system in agricultural economy, rural economy and peasants’living in the middle of the twentieth century and the relationship between the Land Reform and the small-scale peasant economy. Based on the analyses of relevant academic works, this thesis penetrates the distinctions of their rationalities and limitations, what is more, combining theoretical thoughts and empirical studies. Due to the complexity of the researching candidate, after checkup and analysis the whole article synthetically adopts public publications, local archives’documents, interview records and so on, so the origins of historical materials are rather diverse, and the conduct of the historical process is relatively objective.The thesis considers that the productivity level of Xu-hai Area during the period of 1930 to 1952 has experienced a U-shape, that is, from a relatively high level before the war to a decline during the war time, then recovery at the beginning of the 1950s. The land right distribution is gradually balanced as a result of war and social turbulence and the Land Reform successively. During the short period after the Land Reform, it inclines to imbalance a little bit. Under different circumstances, the relationship between man and land, the productivity level and social relationship together constitute the basic problem of the countryside. In order to meet the people’s basic needs, to exploit labor force as much as possible is the most important social task at that time. The Small-scale Peasant Economy holds a leading role among the various economic forms and plays an important part in exploiting family labor force and achieving comparatively higher output. However, at the same time, the social labor force has not been made full use of; peasants’living problems have never been completely solved and the productivity level has never really increased to a great extent. The Land Reform is widely conducted in the time of war and achieves success at last. It temporarily soothes the survival crisis of the peasants, and brings up prevalent yeoman farming economy. It is the need of improving productivity and maintaining the people’s survival. However, this kind of economy may be unlikely to exist permanently. The underlying social problems caused by relationship of man and land and productivity level are impossible to be thoroughly solved in one reform, but it will have a long-term influence on the historical process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

