

Research on the Co-Regeneration Strategies of Industrial Wasteland in Chinese Mining Cities

【作者】 刘抚英

【导师】 栗德祥;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 建筑学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 工业废弃地是面临衰退的矿业城市危机与复兴的双重载体。一方面它是城市危机的承载对象,表现为对城市环境、经济和社会产生诸多负效应;另一方面,因其所具有的再利用优势而有条件转化为促进城市复兴的积极因素。探求通过工业废弃地的更新利用推动矿业城市摆脱困境是研究的主要出发点。本文首先对作为研究背景的我国矿业城市概况进行解读,厘清了矿业城市的界定、分类、地区分布及空间结构,探讨了城市形成与发展的特征和规律,归纳总结了存在的问题与发展对策。进而,研究提出了工业废弃地的概念,剖析了其产生原因并对其进行分类,分析指出了目前国内工业废弃地再利用中存在的主要问题。在建立工业废弃地系统模型并对系统特征进行分析的基础上,依据协同学理论和研究方法,本文提出了“协同再生”的观点,构建了系统协同再生的研究结构。据此,本文对系统协同再生的目标进行解析,提出系统进化的总目标、各子系统进化目标以及各子系统之间协同目标;探索系统协同再生的运行机制。研究中引用协同学中支配和控制系统内部各子系统之间产生协同作用的“序参量”的概念,通过对工业废弃地系统协同再生的“隐喻序参量”进行描述和辨识,提出了构成系统的环境、经济、社会子系统以及系统整体的隐喻序参量分别为“生态系统进化”、“产业结构优化”、“社会利益维系”和“发展循环经济”,并以此作为土地更新利用的框架,论述了四个框架下工业废弃地土地更新利用的11种模式。进而,提出了土地更新利用的程序。其后,总结了大地艺术创作、工业遗产保护与利用、景观重构、旧工业建筑改造利用、污染场地清理等工业废弃地场地与设施再生的方法。最后,在案例实证研究部分,分别针对“唐山市古冶区林西矿区”和“徐州市九里湖周边地区”两种不同类型的工业废弃地,在系统分析的基础上提出了土地更新利用的对策。

【Abstract】 The Industrial Wasteland is the mirror of the recessionary mining city, reflecting both its crisis and hope. On the one hand, as the carrier of the city’s crisis, it actually compromised the urban environment, economy and society; on the other, considering its possibility of being reused, it could be optimistically transformed into the positive factor for the rehabilitation process of the city in all probability. Thus, the start point of this paper is to find a way for the mining city to get out of the dilemma through the revival of the industrial wasteland.After a brief introduction on the general situation of the mining cities of China, this paper elucidated the definition, classification, distribution and the space structure of them, probing into the developing mechanism of the configuration of the city, and located the dominating problems and developing strategies. With this understanding, it delimited the basic concept of the industrial wasteland as well as the reason of its origin and its classification, pointing out the central problems in the reuse process of industrial wasteland in China, today.Thus, the system model of the industrial wasteland was established and its characteristics analyzed. With the Synergetics theory and method, this paper brought forward the concept of“Co-Regeneration”, which determined the research framework.On this condition, the aim of system Co-Regeneration was analyzed, the general objective of system evolution, the objectives of sub-system evolution and the co-objectives of sub-systems proposed. Furthermore, the system working mechanism was probed into. By reference to such concepts in the Synergetics as the Order-Parameter which drives the system into orderly evolutions, and by distinguishing and describing the“Metaphor Order-Parameter”in the system co-regeneration of the industrial wasteland, this paper argued that the“Metaphor Order-Parameter”that constituted the sub-system of environment, economy, society and system as a whole was respectively the“ecosystem evolving”, the“industrial structure optimizing”, the“social interests maintaining”and the“circular economy developing”. Taking this as the four frameworks of the reuse of the land, this paper discussed on the eleven approaches and the process of the reuse of the industrial wasteland. Then, it enumerated such methods to regenerate industrial wasteland and establishment as Land Art creation, Industrial Heritage conservation and reuse, landscape design, old industrial building adaptive reuse, and the contaminated site clearance, etc.At last, two case studies were taken into consideration as demonstration. The“Linxi mining area, Guye district, Tangshan”and the“Jiuli lake peripheries, Xuzhou”were of different types. New strategies for the renewal and reuse of land were brought forward after systematic analysis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

