

Research on the Measurement and Appraisal of High-tech Industry Niche

【作者】 许箫迪

【导师】 李宗植;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 生态位概念表征的是生物体对资源及环境变量的利用情况,每个物种在长期生存竞争中都拥有其最适合自身生存的生态位。高技术产业生态位代表着高技术产业拥有、控制资源状况以及对外界环境的适应能力,生态位的高低决定了高技术产业在区域经济系统中获取优势资源要素能力的大小。高技术产业通过不断调整生态位的适应度以及不同生态位之间扩张与跃迁实现自身演化,其演化实质是产业内各要素与生态位因子之间的互动匹配状态以及演化方式、演化路径和演化特征的动态变化。高技术产业通过不同的生态位选择策略进行产业生态位构建,能够确立不同产业的生态位适宜度。高技术产业生态位构建不仅仅是各高技术产业部门组合构成的变动,同时还伴随着市场结构、技术结构和空间结构的演变,其生态位构建是沿着“产业链”、“价值链”不断向深度和广度拓展的多维演进过程。本文借鉴演化经济学、进化生态学、区域经济学和生态系统的理论方法,结合中国高技术产业发展的实际状况,采用定性研究与定量分析相结合、实证分析与规范分析相结合以及比较分析的方法开展了五个方面的研究:一是高技术产业生态位的研究视角,界定高技术产业生态位的内涵与特性,系统分析了高技术产业生态位环境结构、环境适应度、生态位演化性质和成长模型。二是高技术产业生态位构建与策略选择研究,分析高技术产业生态位构建的涵义、机理和空间格局,确立了高技术产业生态位构建模型;运用生态位K-r选择策略对中国高技术产业发展的状况进行深入研究,建立高技术产业生态位竞争与共生模型,系统分析了高技术产业生态位协同演化的机理。三是高技术产业生态位测度研究,利用信息熵、集中度指数和产业空间集聚β指数对中国高技术产业生态位演化的时空分异状况进行了测度。研究认为我国高技术产业生态位在不同地区、不同行业的演化速度和演化状况不尽相同,呈现出显著的时空分异特征;在高技术产业生态位演化的知识创新与模仿结构的螺旋式演进模式中存在稳定性水平收敛格局和模仿收益递减趋势;知识溢出效应除了与成本、时空间距有关外,还与劳动力流动性、经济差距、知识势差、R&D投入等因素紧密关联,不同影响因子能够产生不同知识溢出效应。四是高技术产业生态位评价研究,从市场生态位、技术生态位和资源生态位三个维度入手对不同行业、不同区域高技术产业的生态位水平进行评价分析,深入研究了中国不同高技术行业、不同区域的生态位适应性状况以及要素构成特征。通过对高技术产业生态位评价指标的综合分析发现:电子及通信设备制造业的生态位水平高于电子计算机及办公设备制造业、航空航天器制造业和医药制造业三类高技术行业,医疗设备及仪器仪表制造业的生态位水平综合排名较低;目前中国高技术产业生态位水平总体呈现不断上升态势,市场生态位的显性比较优势不断加大,技术生态位的演化轨迹振荡提升,资源生态位的控制能力逐年增强。我国高技术产业生态位水平较高的强势区域内部,高技术产业类别发展呈现非均衡性。东部沿海地区多种经济成分共存的格局以及经济发展的外向型经济模式有力的推动了高技术产业的快速发展;中西部地区在引进外资、扩大出口方面处于劣势,较低的市场与技术生态位对经济发展的瓶颈作用在一定程度上被加倍放大,延缓了这些地区的发展速度。最后,根据以上问题的研究从实施生态位分离的错位经营战略、实现高技术产业生态位的可持续发展和营造高技术产业发展的生态环境三个方面提出高技术产业生态位优化的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The niche figured organism’s utilizing situation of resources and environment. The most suit niche is seized of each species in the long-term struggle for existence. The niche of high-tech industry represents the controlling resources and adaptive ability of high-tech industry. The level of niche determines the capability of high-tech industry accessing to the superiority resources in the regional economic system. High-tech industry realizes their own evolution through continuous adjustment to the niche fitness, the niche expansion and the niche transition. The essence of the niche evolution is the interaction matching situation between elements and niche genes and the dynamic changes of evolution mode, evolution path and evolution character. The niche fitness of different industries can be established though niche construction and various ecologic strategy choice. High-tech industry’s niche construction is not only the changing of industrial sector combination but also the evolution of market structure, technical architecture and spatial structure. High-tech industry’s niche construction is a multi-dimensional evolving process along with the industry chain and value chain.In this dissertation, high-tech industry is studied on the basis of the theory of evolution economics, evolution ecology and systematic science. Five aspects of Chinese high-tech industry are researched according to its actual development situation with synthetic method of qualitative and quantitative analysis, the synthetic method of positive and normative analysis and the comparative analysis. The first is the niche view of high-tech industry. The connotation and characteristic of the high-tech industry niche is defined, the environment structure, the environment fitness, the niche evolution nature and the growth model is analyzed. The second is the niche construction and the niche strategy choosing. It mainly contains the meaning, mechanism and spatial pattern of high-tech industry, the niche construction model is established; the development status of high-tech industry is lucubrated using K-r strategy. The high-tech industry niche competition and symbiotic model is set up and the high-tech industry niche co-evolution mechanism is systematic analyzed. The third is the measurement of high-tech industry. The evolution situation in time and spatial series of Chinese high-tech industry is measured by the information entropy, the concentration degree index andβindex. The result indicates that high-tech industry niche takes on remarkable space-time differentiation characteristics. Its evolution speed and evolution situation is different in different regions and industries. There is a convergent pattern to the steady state in the enterprise knowledge spillover and imitation structure which forms the screw type advancement of innovation and imitation. Knowledge spillover effect relates to R&D, trade and traffic condition, the mobility of labor force, the enterprise knowledge absorbency, the flexibility of market mechanism, the time lag of knowledge spillover and the changes of factory site besides trade cost and space-time span. The fourth is appraisement of high-tech industry niche. The level of niche in different industry and region is appraised through three dimensions of market niche, technology niche and resources niche. The adaptability status and element characteristics of niche are researched in different industry and region. By the comprehensive analysis of high-tech industry niche evaluation system, we found that the niche level of Electronic and Telecommunication Equipments Manufacturing higher than other three types of high-tech manufacturing industry, including Computers and Office Equipments Manufacturing, Aircraft and spacecraft Manufacturing, Medical and Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing. The niche level of Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter Manufacturing is lower. The present level of high-tech industry niche shows rising trend. The dominant comparative advantages of market niche are constantly increasing, the evolution path of technology niche is oscillation upgrading, and the control ability of resource niche has been improved year by year. High-tech industrial sort has emerged non-equilibrium in high-strong region of higher niche level in China. The coexistence pattern of multiple economic sectors and the export-oriented economic model of the eastern coastal areas promote powerful the rapid development of high-tech industry. The central and western regions have disadvantage in attracting foreign investment and expanding exports. Because of the bottleneck, the lower market niche and technology niche delayed the development pace of these areas. Finally, the countermeasure and suggestion are put forward in three respects which include implementing management strategy of niche separation, realizing sustainable development of high-tech industry niche and creating ecological environment of high-tech industry development.


