

Research on Imbalance of Logistics Supply and Demand in Supply Chain

【作者】 郭梅

【导师】 朱金福;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球经济一体化发展趋势的日益显著,企业之间的竞争逐渐转变为供应链之间的竞争,物流作为供应链管理的一个重要环节,在供应链迅速响应客户需求变化方面起着关键作用。高效的物流管理可以快速响应客户需求,有效衔接供应链各个环节的物资流动,降低供应链的物流成本。但是,由于需求的不确定和供应链系统的复杂性等原因,供应链各个环节都存在着物流供应和需求的不平衡性,导致物流运作效率的降低和物流运作成本的提高。因此,如何降低供应链环境下物流供需的不平衡性,对于提高供应链竞争力、快速响应客户需求和优化供应链管理具有重要意义。本文针对供应链环境下物流供需不平衡的现状,系统分析供应链环境下物流供需不平衡的产生机理,将导致物流供需不平衡的原因归结为五点:供应链系统的复杂性、信息共享不充分、需求的不确定、供应商服务质量的不确定、生产物流管理混乱。针对此五点原因,探讨了降低物流供需不平衡的控制机制。并重点从供应链信息共享、供应链多级库存控制、第三方物流服务提供商的选择、第三方物流服务提供商分包商的选择以及车辆配载五个方面,作进一步的详细分析和控制研究。本文主要工作如下:(1)建立了基于网格技术的供应链信息共享应用框架,并详细分析了应用框架的具体实现,为供应链企业间的异构信息实现低成本、高性能、易整合的共享提供了一个可行的解决方法。(2)针对需求概率分布未知的情况,建立了供应链多级库存系统的鲁棒优化模型,在确定性需求的求解基础上,给出了鲁棒解的求解算法,实现了供应链库存成本在所有需求情景下与相应情景的最低成本偏差最小,通过算例分析表明,模型可以规避最坏情景下库存成本提高的风险,为供应链多级库存系统的成本控制提供了一个可行的方法。(3)针对第三方物流服务提供商绩效评价中冗余指标过多的问题,提出了基于相似模糊粗糙集的第三方物流服务提供商评价方法,通过定义对象间的模糊相似关系和模糊相似类,实现了评价指标的约简,并应用被评对象到理想点的贴近度,对多个第三方物流服务提供商进行优选评估。通过实例分析说明了该方法的有效性。(4)为了使第三方物流服务提供商在物流业务分包时不仅能降低分包费用,并且能逐渐提高服务质量,建立了基于双层规划的第三方物流服务提供商分包商选择模型,定义了“综合表现度”概念用以评价分包商的服务质量,设计了模型的遗传算法求解。实例分析和比较表明,当分包商选择是长期的且分阶段多次进行时,该双层规划模型能很好地激励分包商提高服务质量,降低分包价格。(5)为了使物流中心在满足车辆满载约束条件下,兼顾服务质量和收益最大两个目标,建立了物流中心车辆配载两阶段模型。设计了遗传算法对模型求解。采用某物流中心的数据进行实验,算例结果表明,该模型对于提高物流中心收益是可行和有效的。

【Abstract】 With increasingly prominent trend of economic globalization, the competition among enterprises is gradually transfered into supply chains’competition. As logistics is an important part of supply chain, it plays an important role in responding rapidly to the demand change of supply chain. The effective logistics management can respond rapidly to the customer demand, join rapidly the material flow of supply chain, and reduce supply chains’logistics cost. However, due to the demand uncertainty and complexity of supply chain system and so on, the imbalance of logistics supply and demand exists in every nodes of supply chain, it results in the falling of logistics efficiency and increasing of logistics cost. So, how to reduce logistics supply and demand imbalance of supply chain has an important significance to increase supply chain competition and respond rapidly customer demand and optimize supply chain management.The paper aims at the problem of logistics supply and demand imbalance of supply chain, analyzes the reasons of logistics supply and demand imbalance in supply chain environment, and sums up the reasons to five aspects: complexity of supply chain system, insufficiency of information share, uncertainty of demand, uncertainty of supplier’s service quality, management confusion of production logistics. According to the five reasons, we discuss the control mechanism how to reduce logistics supply and demand imbalance, analyze and research in detail at the five aspects: information share of supply chain, supply chain multi-echelon inventory control, third party logistics service supplier selection, third party logistics’subcontract supplier selection and vehicle loading.The primary innovations are as follows:(1)Based on grid technology, we established the application frame of supply chain information share, analyzed in detail the realization of application frame, and provided a feasible method to realize the supply chain heterogeneous information share of low cost and high capability and easy integration.(2)Aiming at unknown demand probability distributing, we propose the model of robust optimization model of supply chain multi-echelon inventory systems, the robust solution algorithm is given based on certainty scenarios’solution algorithm, the model realize minimizing the maximum percentage deviation between all scenarios and corresponding scenarios’lowest cost. The result analysis for example indicate that robust optimization model can avoid effectively risk of inventory cost increase, and provide a feasible method to control supply chain multi-echelon inventory systems’cost.(3)Considering the redundant indexes question of third party logistics service supplier performance evaluate, an evaluation method of 3PLs based fuzzy-rough sets is proposed, by defining the concepts of fuzzy similarity relation and fuzzy similarity classes of objects, the indexes are reduced, by constructing the approximation degree of the evaluated object to ideal points,the most optimal 3PL is selected.An example proves the validity of this method(4) In order to reduce the subcontract cost and improve third party logistics enterprise’s service quality gradually, a bi-level programming model to describe the game relationship between third party logistics enterprise and subcontract supplier is put forward, a concept on measuring subcontract supplier’s service quality was presented as“synthetically expressive degree”. A genetic algorithm to solve model were designed. By analyzing and comparing of the sample result, when subcontract supplier selection is long-term and it is carried out repetitiously, the method is good at inspiriting subcontract supplier to cut down price and improved service quality at the same time.(5) In order to take both logistics center serving quality and maximal revenue into consideration under vehicle capacity constraint,we proposed a two phases loading model of logistics center, a genetic algorithm to solve the model was set up . The loading experiment is done by using the data of a logistics center, and the experiment result shows that the method is feasible and effective to improve the revenue of logistics center.

  • 【分类号】F224;F252
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1399
  • 攻读期成果

