

Intelligent Methods and Techniques Researching on Aircraft Maintenance Concept

【作者】 刘明

【导师】 左洪福;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 航空工业是战略性高科技产业,中国自主研制的新型支线飞机已开始总装,大飞机项目也即将进入启动阶段,这对于提升航空工业在国民经济中的地位与影响具有举足轻重的作用。民用飞机是一项技术和资金密集、运营的安全性和经济性要求都很高、组成十分复杂的大型工程系统,设计阶段全机的维修任务规划对飞机全寿命的安全性、可靠性和经济性有非常重要的影响。民用飞机的维修任务规划包括全机各组成部分的故障影响及可靠性分析、维修工作确定及其间隔优化等内容。目前进行维修任务规划的主要方法有MSG方法、单部件维修建模方法(经典维修规划模型)和基于案例推理方法等三类。由于民用飞机维修规划工作的复杂性和繁琐性等原因,目前国际上进行民用飞机维修任务规划时,有效的方法实际上主要还是依靠原准机的经验数据和设计、维修人员的实际经验。因此,运用智能决策理论和计算机技术,研究民机维修任务规划的理论、智能决策方法和技术,对我国民用飞机研制具有重要理论意义和工程应用价值。本论文对民机维修任务规划的智能决策方法和技术进行了系统的研究。研究核心是集成MSG方法、基于案例推理方法(CBR)和MAS技术解决维修任务规划的智能决策问题。在维修规划理论方面,通过深入分析MSG、RCM等现代维修理论及其应用实践的基础,创造性地提出了MSG-3原理的数学表达方法,总结性地提出了维修规划的7个基本步骤,并给出了维修策略的总体决策流程。在维修规划方法方面,综述了经典维修规划模型,将CBR方法应用到民用飞机的维修任务规划中,对维修规划CBR决策过程中的关键问题进行了系统地研究:首先研究了民用飞机的相似性问题,给出相似的定义和判断民用飞机相似的标准,然后,针对基于传统粗糙集进行属性选择的缺陷,提出采用基于相似粗糙集进行案例属性选择的方法。其次,给出了属性权重的计算方法,采用了属性空间的概念并给出了求解算法,在此基础上,提出了先采用分级式过滤检索算法粗选案例、再采用模糊近邻匹配方法精选案例的案例检索算法。再次,结合民用飞机维修规划的工程实际情况,采用了案例推理和规则推理相结合的集成推理模型,给出了维修规划的案例修改策略。最后对以上方法进行了实例验证。在维修规划技术方面,针对进行维修规划时的分布式以及群体决策的特点,根据MAS的设计原理,研究了基于CBR和MAS的维修任务智能群决策系统模型,提出了基于规则推理与数学模型的案例修改模型。在以上研究的基础上,设计并开发了民用飞机维修大纲群体决策系统。该系统已部分应用于正在研制的民用飞机ARJ21的维修大纲制订工作。

【Abstract】 Aviation industry is a strategic high-tech industry. New Regional Jet Aircraft developed in China is assembling, and large aircraft project start soon, which is im-portant for advancing aviation industry’s station and effect. Civil aircraft is a tech-nique-intensive, capital-intensive, high safety and economy, quite complicated large project system, the aircraft maintenance task concept in design phase has very impor-tant effect for the safety, reliability and economic of life. Maintenance task concepts of the civil aircraft include failure effect and reliability analysis of every component, determination maintenance task and optimization interval et al. Presently the main methods of maintenance task concepts include MSG method, single part maintenance mathematic modeling (classical maintenance concept model) and case-based reason-ing et al. Due to the complexity and numerous of civil aircraft maintenance concept, presently the effective method is to relying to the experience data and design of origi-nal aircraft, the practice experience of maintenance personnel. Therefore, using intel-ligent decision making theory and computer technique to research the theory, intelli-gent decision making method and technical of maintenance task concept has impor-tant theory meaning and project foreground for civil aircraft developed in China.Intelligent decision making method and technical of maintenance task concept of civil aircraft are researched. The core of research is to solve the intelligent deci-sion-making maintenance task concept integrating MSG method, CBR and multi-Agent System technic.On the side of maintenance task concept theory, modern maintenance theory such as MSG and RCM, and its’appliance were analyzed deeply, the mathematic ex-pression method of MSG-3 theory was presented, the seven basic steps of mainte-nance task concept was put forward summarized, so did the total decision making process of maintenance policy.On the side of maintenance task concept method, classical maintenance concept model were summarized, the CBR method was applied to maintenance task concept of civil aircraft. The key technical questions in the maintenance task concept deci-sion-making process were researched. At first, the similarity of civil aircraft was re-searched; the definition of similar and the standard of civil aircraft similar were put forward; then, aiming at the limitation of attribute selection basing on classic Rough Set, attribute selection basing on similarity Rough Set method was presented. Sec- ondly, the calculating method of attribute weight was presented, attribute special no-tion was adopted and its’arithmetic also presented. Based on these, the case retrieval arithmetic-first wide choose case using classification filtrate retrieval, then choiceness case using fuzzy near neighbour method was put forward. Thirdly, integration re-searching hybrid CBR and RBR was used based on the engineering facts of civil air-craft maintenance task concept, the case revision method of maintenance task concept was put forward. At last, all the methods were demonstrated.On the side of maintenance task concept technical, maintenance task concept in-telligent Group decision-making system model based on CBR and MAS was re-searched, aimed at the distributing and group decision-making characteristic during maintenance task concept, and the theory of MAS. The case revision model based on RBR and mathematic model was presented.Based on these researches, civil aircraft maintenance program group deci-sion-making Surport system was designed and developed, which is used in the main-tenance program developing of ARJ21 aircraft.


