

Research on Static Inverter and Series Hybrid Active Power Filter Based on Dual-BUCK Topology

【作者】 马海啸

【导师】 严仰光; 龚春英;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着航空工业的不断发展,飞机及其用电设备对电源系统性能的要求越来越高,这主要体现在两个方面:1、电源要可靠性高,变换效率高,体积重量小;2、电源的电能质量要高。为此本文首先介绍了一种单相半桥双降压式逆变器。分析了其电流连续、断续工作模式,并给出了电流断续的临界条件。研究了一种半桥双降压式逆变器的单电流检测控制方法,在不影响逆变器其它性能的前提下,节约了逆变器的成本。研究了一种负载电流正反馈的补偿控制方法,该方法在大功率逆变场合能有效的提高逆变器的外特性。给出了半桥双降压式逆变器的输出滤波器的设计原则和优化设计方法,设计出的滤波器提高了逆变器的电气性能,减小了逆变器的体积重量。然后介绍了一种三相半桥双降压式逆变器。阐述了三相半桥双降压式逆变器的拓扑构成和控制方法。研究了相不平衡负载和线不平衡负载条件下三相输出电压不平衡的程度,给出了三相输出电压出现最大不平衡的条件。分析了三相输出电压平衡性对三相基准正弦波发生器的要求,指出了提高三相基准电压幅值精度和相位精度的方法。研究了电压环控制参数不平衡对三相输出电压不平衡的影响,给出了通过调节控制参数提高三相输出电压平衡性的方法。另外大量机载电子设备的应用,使航空电源谐波污染日益严重,这些谐波问题不解决会给飞机的安全运行带来极大隐患。目前国内外研究的绝大部分混合有源电力滤波器都是针对50Hz恒定频率的工频电网设计的,而变频交流电源是现在飞机主电源的发展趋势。于是本文还介绍了一种适用于变频电源的航空串联混合有源电力滤波器。阐述了该航空串联混合有源电力滤波器的系统构成、控制策略和谐波抑制原理。研究了其有源装置容量与电源频率、无源滤波电容、负载的关系。在分析了负载特性的基础上,给出了主要滤波参数的设计原则。分析了有源电力滤波用逆变器和电源用逆变器的不同之处,以及提高电流控制逆变器抗谐波电压扰动的方法。采用了一种适用于单相电路的基于鉴相原理的基波电流检测方法,利用DSP实现了基波电流的实时检测。

【Abstract】 Along with the constant development of the aviation industry, the requirements of aircraft and electrical equipment to power system performance are higher and higher, mainly reflected in two aspects: 1、Power must have high reliability, high efficiency of transformation, the light weight and small size. 2、the power quality must be good.Firstly this paper introduces a Single-phase Half-Bridge Dual Buck Inverter,Analyzes its continuous current mode and discontinuous current mode,and gives the critical continuous conditions. A single current detection method of SPHBDBI was researched. This mothod could save the cost of the inverters,without affecting other performance of the inverters. A load current feedback control method was researched. In the high-power inverter the method could effectively improve static characteristics of the inverters. the design principles and optimum design methods of the SPHBDBI output filter was pointed out,the filter which was designed increased electrical performance of the inverters, reduced the size and weight of the inverters.Then a Three-phase Half-Bridge Dual Buck Inverter was introduced. The topology and the control method of TPHBDBI were clarified. The degree of output voltage imbalance was researched on phase unbalanced load and line unbalanced load. A maximum unbalanced condition of three-phase output voltage is given. The requirements of the balance of the three-phase output voltage to a three-phase reference were analyzed. The method which how to increase the accuracy of the amplitude and phase of three-phase reference was pointed out. The influence of control parameter to three-phase output voltage imbalance was researched. Through adjusting the control parameters,the balance of three-phase output voltage could be improved.In addition,the applications of more and more airborne electronic equipment made the harmonic pollution of aeropower becoming increasingly serious. If these harmonic problem is not solved,great dangers would be brought to the safe operation of aircraft. Most of the current researches on Hybrid Active Power Filter are designed for the power grid of 50Hz constant frequency, but variable frequency AC power now is the development trends of main aeropower supply. Therefore this paper introduces an Aeronautic Series Hybrid Active Power Filter which fit for varity-frequency power supply , and expounds ASHAPF’s System Components, control strategies and harmonic suppression principle. The relationship of Active rating whith power frequency、the capacitor of PPF、loads was researched. Based on analyzing the load characteristics,the main design principles of filter parameters are given. The differences between the inverter used in ASHAPF and used in sourse were analyzed. How to improve the current control inverter’s capability of anti-disturbance with harmonic voltage was proposed. A current detection method based on the principle of distinguish phase was adopted. The use of DSP realized real-time detection of fundamental current.


