

Research on the Development of Rural Market Based on the Transaction Efficiency

【作者】 高贵如

【导师】 王健; 王慧军;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放30年以来,农业的市场化程度逐步提高,农村市场发展日益加快,广大农民的生产、生活与市场发生了广泛联系。在农业生产经营中,农业生产的投入品,要通过农业生产资料市场来获取;生产出的农产品,要通过农产品市场来销售。在农民的生活消费中,农民的生活消费品要通过农村消费品市场来购买。限于研究的目的和篇幅所限,我们这里重点研究农业生产经营活动对于市场的依赖。站在农业、农村、农民的立场上,我们发现,除了在农业生产中面临诸多困境外,农民在农村市场交易环节受损亦相当严重。农业小生产者受到冲击和排斥,不仅在生产领域,更显著的表现在市场交易领域。农业发展和农民增收在受到资源环境约束的同时,更多的受到市场约束。个别、孤立、分散的小生产者,在市场上总是弱者,面对瞬息万变的市场机遇和风险,绝大部分农民往往无所适从,小生产与大市场的矛盾突出。只有减少农民的交易成本,提高交易效率,才能真正增加农民的收益。正是基于这种初始的感性思考,有必要进一步探究农业生产经营在交易环节受损的深层根源,寻求提高交易效率、发展农村市场的对策。本文以“农村市场发展”这一关键问题作为主要研究内容,专注于农民视角,分析农民残缺的农村市场主体地位,研究以农业生产经营为核心的农村市场体系,探究农村市场交易效率的影响因素,借鉴农村市场发展的国际经验,为提高交易效率、推动农村市场发展提供有价值的理论依据和政策建议。本文分为八章内容,阐述如下:第1章“导论”,主要对论文的研究背景、研究内容、研究意义、国内外研究现状、研究框架、研究特色与创新等作了简要阐述。改革开放后我国农村市场得到了较快的发展,提高交易效率日益成为农村市场发展的关键。论文“以农村市场服务于‘生产发展’,增加农民收入”为研究的主要目的。本章对研究内容作了初步的规定,即主要分析农民在农村市场交换中利益获取、利益受损以及农村市场交易效率的影响因素,从而寻求提高交易效率、发展农村市场的对策,进而提高农业生产经营的收益和农民自身的收益。第2章“概念阐释与理论基础”,主要对一些基本概念进行了界定,并进行了理论假设,最后阐述了相关理论基础。本文研究的农村市场是指以农民(农业生产者)为核心市场主体的、服务于农业生产经营并以获取农业生产经营利益为目标的农村商品市场,包括农业生产资料市场和农产品市场。第3章“农村市场主体交易行为”,对农村市场主体的交易行为作了进一步分析。农民利益的实现与参与的交易密切相关,与参与交易的组织形式密切相关。以农户为起点逐渐形成了“公司+农户”、“合作组织+农户”、“中介组织+农户”和“专业市场+农户”等典型的农村市场组织形式。分散的农户在农业生产资料和农产品这两个市场的交易中都处于不利的地位,遭受双边垄断的夹击,交易成本大大高于其他主体,在市场上总是处于被动地位。从维护农民利益的角度而言,参与合作组织,应该是农民进入市场,提高谈判能力、降低交易成本、实现农民收益的与农民联系最紧密的组织形式。第4章“农村市场体系分析”,探讨“以农业生产经营为核心的农村市场体系”,理解农村市场的客体结构,重点分析农业生产资料市场和农产品市场。农业生产资料市场,提供农业生产资料,是进行农业生产经营的前提和基础,承载着农业丰收的希望和保障;农产品市场,是销售农产品、实现农民收入的最终环节。农业生产资料市场、农产品市场服务于农业生产发展。在农村市场发展过程中,农民承担着不断增长的高额交易成本。第5章“农村市场交易效率的影响因素”,分析了农村市场交易效率的影响因素,主要包括自然地理条件、交通运输技术与基础设施、制度(政策、法制、道德伦理与文化习俗、信用等)、农村市场信息服务、农村市场主体素质等。第6章“农村市场发展的国际经验借鉴与启示”,重点对农村市场发展的国际经验进行了介绍与借鉴,具体包括:农户是农村市场最基本的市场主体;提高农村市场组织化程度;加强交通、通讯等基础设施的建设;加大政策支持力度;重视农民培训和农业技术教育,等等。第7章“交易效率视角下农村市场发展对策”,从四个层面提出了农村市场的发展对策:第一,在微观层面,培育农村市场的微观基础。农民是农村市场的微观基础,要确保农民完整的市场主体地位,赋予充分的自主经营权,不断提高农民驾驭市场的能力;第二,在组织层面,提高农民组织化程度,推进农村市场组织创新,降低市场交易成本;第三,在市场层面,完善农村市场体系。通过健全和完善农村市场体系,服务于农业生产经营的产前、产中和产后等各个环节,提高交易效率,增加农业生产经营的收益;第四,在政府层面,优化政府职能,服务农村市场发展。包括加强农村市场基础设施建设、完善宏观调控、规范农村市场秩序、建立健全农村市场法律法规体系、建立健全社会信用体系、积极推进农村市场信息化、促进城乡市场融合。第8章“结束语”,对本文研究的主要内容作了一个简要的总结,并讨论了论文的研究局限和未来研究思路。论文的主要突破和创新:以农民的视角研究农村市场的发展,提出“农民在夹缝中生存,是残缺的农村市场主体”;从交易成本节约的角度进行农民合作需求分析;探讨农村市场规模与交易效率关系方面的研究具有突破和创新之意。

【Abstract】 Along with the reforming and opening over the past 30 years, market-oriented agriculture is improving gradually, and the rural market development is also accelerating. Broad connection happened in farmers’ production, life and market. In the agricultural production and management, the input of the agricultural production need to the agricultural means of production market; the output of the agriculture production requires the distribution through the agricultural products market. In farmers’ individual consumption, the farmers need to buy consumer goods in the consumer goods market. Limited to the purpose of research and limited length, here we focus on the rural market that the agricultural production and management activities dependence on.Standing in the agriculture, the country, farmer’s standpoint, we discovered that the farmer in the agricultural production faced with many difficult positions, the farmer suffers injury in the rural market transaction link is also quite serious. The agricultural small producer is under the impact and the excluding, not only in realm of production, moreover more remarkable performance in market transaction domain. Agricultural development and increase income of farmers by the constraints of resources and environment at the same time, more constrained by the market. Individual, isolated, scattered small producer, in the market is always the weak one. Facing the fast changing market opportunity and the risk, the major part farmer is often at a loss how to proceed, the small-scale production and the big market’s contradiction is prominent. Only reducing farmer’s transaction cost, raising the transaction efficiency, it can increase farmer’s income truly. Based on the initial perceptual thinking, it is necessary to further inquire into the agricultural production management is trading in-depth root which the link suffers injury, seeks the countermeasures of enhancing transaction efficiency and developing the rural market.This thesis is intended to study the key issue that is "developing the rural market" as a major research focuses on the perspective of farmers, to analyze the farmers’ incomplete market subject status. It will study the rural market system in which agricultural production and management is the core. It will also probe into the influencing factor of the rural market transaction efficiency. From the rural experience of international market development, in order to improve the transaction efficiency, and promote the development of rural markets, it will provide a valuable basis for the theory and policy recommendations. This thesis is divided into a total of eight chapters, as follows:In Chapter 1, "Introduction", it is elaborated briefly that is including the research background, research contents, research significance, research status at home and abroad, research framework, research characteristics and innovation. After China’s reform and opening up, the rural market has been rapid development and improving transaction efficiency is increasingly becoming the key to the development of the rural market. In Chapter 2, "Concept Explanation and Theoretical Basis", some of the basic concepts are defined and theoretical assumptions have been carried out, the basis of relevant theories is elaborated briefly. In the thesis, the rural market refers to the rural commodity markets, which the farmers are the main market subject, services for agricultural production and management, in order to gain the interests of agricultural production and management. It is included the agricultural means of production market and the agricultural products market.In Chapter 3, "Rural Markets Subjects’ Transaction Practices", the rural market transactions were made for further analysis. With the interests of the farmers involved in the transaction is closely related to the participation of the organization. Some typical of the rural market organization are gradually formed such as "company plus households"," Cooperation plus farmers", "intermediary organizations plus households"and"professional farmers products market plus households". Scattered farmers in the two markets of the agricultural means of production and agricultural products are at the disadvantageous position, suffered a bilateral monopoly of the converging attack, the transaction cost is much higher than other subjects. The farmers are always in the market in a passive position. To safeguard the interests of the farmers from the point of view, the participation and cooperation of organizations, should be the most closely linked forms of organization which the farmers enter the market, improve the ability of the negotiations, reduce transaction costs and achieve earnings of farmers.In Chapter 4, "Analysis on the Rural Market System", it focused on the analysis of the rural market system in which Agricultural Production and Management are the Core, including the agricultural means of production market, and the agricultural products market. The agricultural means of production market, which provides agricultural means of production, is the prerequisite and basis in the agricultural production and management for carrying forward the agricultural harvest of hope and security. The agricultural products market is the ultimate link that sells the agricultural products, and achieves the income of the farmers. The two markets of the agricultural means of production and the agricultural products serve the development of agricultural production. In the course of the development of the rural market, farmers bear the ever-increasing high transaction costs.In Chapter 5, "the Rural Market Transaction Efficiency’s Influencing Factor ", it focused on the analysis of the rural market transaction efficiency influencing factor, including natural and geographical conditions, transportation and technology infrastructure, institutions (policy, legal, ethical and cultural practices, credit, etc.), the rural market information services, the quality of the rural market subject and so on.In Chapter 6, "International Experience in the Development of the Rural Market", it focused on the international experience and enlightenment, including: farmers is the most basic of the main market subjects in rural areas; rural markets to increase the degree of organization; to strengthen transportation and communication infrastructure; to increase policy support; to have an emphasis on the farmers and agricultural training and technical education, and so on.In Chapter 7, "Countermeasures of the Development of the Rural Market from the Perspective of Transaction Efficiency", it is proposed that the rural market development countermeasure from four stratification planes: First, Micro-level, training of rural micro-market basis. Farmers are the rural micro-market basis. It should to ensure that the integrity of the farmers market dominant position, to give the full right to make their own decisions, and constantly to improve their ability to control the market; Second, the organizational level, increasing the degree of organization of farmers. To push rural organizations innovation and market innovation, to reduce market transaction costs; Third, in the market level, improving the rural market system. By improving and perfecting rural market system, serving agricultural production and management of pre-production and post-natal and other links to improve transaction efficiency, to increases the income from the agricultural production and management; Fourth, in the government level, optimizing the functions of the government services in the development of the rural market. Including the strengthening of the rural market infrastructure; improving macro-control; standardizing the market order in rural areas; establishing of a sound rural market system of laws and regulations; building a sound social credit system; actively promoting the rural market information; promoting urban and rural market integration.In Chapter 8, "Conclusions", it made a brief summary of the main contents in the thesis and discussion of the limitations of the research and some ideas for future research.The innovation of the thesis is including: to analyze the farmers’ incomplete market subject status from the perspective of farmers, to bring up an idea that "farmers survive in the cracks, and they are incomplete rural market subject", to analyze the needs of farmers cooperation, to explore the relations between rural market scale and transaction efficiency.


