

Writing for the Purpose of Enlightening the World

【作者】 徐连云

【导师】 于长敏;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 梁启超文学活动的主要目的是用来传播他的政治理想。梁启超参与其中的戊戌变法以失败而告终,其中一个重要原因是政治宣传不力,没能够有效把改良思想传递给广大人民群众以获得更加广泛的支持,从而留下了惨痛的教训。在流亡到日本的轮船上,梁启超读到了日本政治小说《佳人奇遇记》,这部作品给他以极大的启示。此后,以各类文学形式承载政治思想的宣传任务、以期使自己的思想和行为获得更多人的理解和支持便成为他孜孜以求的目标。他先后提出了“诗界革命”、“小说界革命”、“文界革命”、“史界革命”和“曲界革命”等口号,并在独特理论的指导下创作和译介了多部日本和西方的文学作品。通过一系列的文学活动,梁启超使自己的政治思想得到了充分有效的传播,他的理论和作品给中国的热血青年以极大的影响和启发,感召他们走上了革命的道路。通过创作和翻译、提出理论和开办杂志等互相呼应的多重方式,梁启超成功掀起了文学界的启蒙浪潮。在梁启超之前,中国已经有了一些翻译的西方小说面世,但它们都是以孤立的面目出现的,并不能形成对社会的整体影响。而梁启超从事文学活动之后,对外国文学的关注突破了单个作家和作品的局限,视野逐渐延展到文学思潮和文学史的领域。他通过向国外政治文学的学习而提出自己的文学理论,同时又在这种理论的指导下进行文学作品的翻译和创作来与之相呼应、相印证。除此之外,他还通过开办的《清议报》、《新民丛报》和《新小说》等杂志,刊载自己和其他作者观点相近或相同的理论文章和文学作品,形成规模效应。梁启超充分注重这些杂志中整体舆论氛围的营造。常常是梁启超就一个问题发表立论文章,而继之是多个作者就同一立论进行阐发与补充,为读者答疑释惑。他们观点相同、笔法相似,共同的目标就是向读者传播启蒙思想,改良中国的思想观念和社会风气。这些行之有效的办法有力地左右和影响国内文学界,成为领导文学发展潮流的一代宗师。

【Abstract】 As a well-known Reformist and an Enlightenment thinker in China’s modern history, Liang Qichao had never viewed literature as the ultimate purpose of his life. However, his name has appeared in many chapters in the History of Chinese Literature from late Qing Dynasty to May Fourth Movement, so his important existence can not be ignored or bypassed in the study of Chinese modern literature. Liang Qichao’s literary works and theories had a far-reaching impact on China’s literary scene, widely reflected in the poems, novels, biographies, essays and dramas, and the other types of literature. Thus the research on Liang Qichao’s literary activities and his influences on Chinese literature will provide a better understanding and a positive and important enrichment on the study of Modern Literary History of China, especially the occurrence and the development of the Contemporary Chinese History.The main purpose of Liang Qichao’s literary activities was to spread his political ideals.Liang Qichao’s involvement in the Reform Movement of 1898 ended in failure. One of the main reasons for this was ineffective political propaganda. He was not able to effectively transfer his reformist ideas to the broad masses of the people nor did he have the support of large sections of the populace, thereby leaving painful lessons behind.On the steamer in his exile to Japan, Liang Qichao read a Japanese political novel "Adventure of a Beautiful Woman", which gave him great enlightenment and immeasurable joy. Since then, Liang Qichao produced various literary works carrying his political ideas, aiming to have the understanding and support of even more people about his thoughts and actions. He put forward "Revolution in Poetry Circle", "Revolution in Fiction Circle", " Revolution in Literary Circle", " Revolution in History Circle" and "Revolution in Opera Circle" ,etc. He produced and translated many literary works from Japan and western countries under the auspices of his unique theory of creation. Undertaking a series of literary activities, Liang Qichao effectively disseminated his political ideas through his literary theories and works which greatly influenced and inspired the hot-blooded youth, inspiring them to embark on the path to revolution.More importantly, Liang Qichao’s literary activities changed the function of literature, bringing fiction, opera and other light literature on the way of political intervention and idealistic changes and playing positive part in promoting China’s "May 4" movement.Liang Qichao’s literary theory and creation gave expression to a fusion of Chinese and foreign features.Liang Qichao confessed that he was capricious throughout his life. His capriciousness was reflected in his political ideals and the fulfillment of his ideals. However, he stuck hard and fast to his identification to the distillation of traditional Chinese culture. His advocation of learning from the West was based on the supplementation and enhancement of the traditional culture. He believed that the fusion of Chinese and Western cultures would bring about a brand new advanced culture and vitality to the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation.With such determination, Liang Qichao advocated poetry taking on the responsibility of shaping the national spirit; made every effort to disseminate the political ideas and intervene in the social life through fictions and operas; introduced Chinese and foreign heroes through history and biography works, setting examples and references to the social reform; blended into the prose both the Chinese and Western styles, stating views straightforwardly and infecting the readers with force and power.In the process of translation and introduction of foreign authors and works, Liang Qichao paid great attention to the principle of "making foreign things serving China". He translated Byron’s works, using them to carry forward the spirit of national liberation. He introduced Hugo in order to promote his theory of political intervention by way of literature. He compiled "Three founders of Italy" and "Mazzini, the Hungarian patriot" with the aim of evoking more revolutionary heroes of the time. Liang Qichao made pointed translations and introduced activities in line with the national conditions of China at that time, producing good social effects. Enlightened by his revolutionary ideas and expressions, Guo Moruo, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and others took on the road of pursuing national liberation and independence.Liang Qichao set off an enlightenment wave in the literary world through creation and translation, putting forward new theories and setting up magazines and other mutually corresponding ways.China had had some translations of Western novels published before Liang Qichao, but they appeared separately and did not appear to form an overall impact on society. However, Liang Qichao’s engagement in literary activities broke through the limitations of attention paid towards individual authors and works. His outlook widened trends in the field and history of literature. He put forward his own literary theories by learning from overseas politics and literature. In the meantime, he carried out his translation and creation works under the guidance of the theories to verify and response to the theories. Apart from this, he set up newspapers and magazines, such as“Qing Yi Newspaper”,“Xinmin Series Newspaper”,“New Fictions”, etc. and published many academic articles and literary works carrying similar or identical point of views, which greatly promoted and expanded the range of influence of his theories. Liang Qichao was earnest about creating a good air of public opinions in the magazines. Every so often, he published an article pronouncing his arguments and was followed by a number of authors to elaborate on the same arguments and added supplementary remarks to answer the readers’questions and confusion. Their views coincided, their techniques of writing resembled and their common purpose was to spread the enlightenment ideas and improve China’s ideological concepts and social trends. These effective methods had a great influence on the literary world of China, and made Liang Qichao a great master of his time, leading the trend of literary development.Aiming at awakening the world, Liang Qichao’s literary works was handed down from his generation.Liang Qichao stressed that at the time of social changes, it was their responsibility to create articles awakening the world. He himself had always abided by this principle, so it was a common phenomenon that his works attached great importance to ideological content instead of the artistic quality. His works exceeded the limits of styles, exaggerating the ideological indoctrination function of literature, and showed infantilism in terms of artistic level. However, it was because of his very focus on the ideological content that he was accepted by contemporaries and made the pacesetter and banner of the literature reform at the time. In this sense, Liang Qichao overthrew the fundamental attributes of the literary category such as novels, opera and literary biographies. He paved and cleared the way for the intervention of the life and politics, so that they were highly valued and followed by the succeeding generations. In other words, it was just because of his keen pursuit to awaken the world that Liang Qichao were able to hand down his works to the later generations and win himself a rightful place in the history of Chinese literature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期

