

Study on Watanabe Junichi’s Sexual Affection Literature

【作者】 于桂玲

【导师】 靳丛林;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 渡边淳一文学是应现代社会的召唤而产生的,现代社会为渡边淳一情爱文学的诞生、发育、茁壮成长提供了宽松的环境和肥沃的土壤。渡边淳一敏锐地捕捉到了现代社会人们追求自我情爱价值实现与社会伦理道德的矛盾,描绘了爱欲在现实面前的困惑、挣扎、自私与贪婪,进而揭示了人们婚恋观的变化以及“一夫一妻制”面临的危机。渡边淳一的情爱理念可以概括为:男性中心、以性言爱、唯美虚无,其思想基础是否认一夫一妻制。其情爱文学聚焦于中年男女的不伦之爱,反映出来的宗旨是性爱至上论。渡边淳一的作品有很多自杀或情死的描写。这些形形色色的死亡,都是为了证明只有死亡才能成就情爱,表明了作者对情爱的执着与矛盾:现世不存在天长地久,所以要不懈地追求;而不懈追求的结果,是越来越空虚,越来越脱离现实社会,最后只能选择死亡——死亡终止了矛盾。在对待女性方面,渡边淳一因受传统的男权社会思想的浸染,认为女性处于被支配地位。他笔下的女性虽各具特色,但她们都是男权话语下的产物,鲜有自己的思想意识和判断能力,被物化为男人忠实而顺从的性奴,甚至为“性”抛弃家庭、亲人直至生命。这些女性共有的温顺谦恭和甘于牺牲的精神,既是作家心目中理想女性必备的品质,也显示了男权社会男性对女性的期待。过分夸大情爱当中“性爱”的力量以及男权话语下女性形象的刻画,显示了渡边淳一情爱文学的局限性。但不能否认,当今日本文坛,被界定为“中间文学”的渡边淳一情爱文学的备受争议和广泛流行,印证了它存在的必要性和文学价值,同时也给纯文学与大众文学的界线渐渐模糊的日本文学以一定的启示。

【Abstract】 This study examines, mainly through text analysis, sexual affection literature written by Watanabe Junichi from the perspective of cultural sociology. We attempt to describe the relation between his ideas of sexual affection and women, social charge, and death. Sexual affection of Watanabe literature is our major object. And from all around, a comprehensive and detailed analysis is made on Watanabe Junichi’s sexual affection literature, aiming at solving problem presented in the introduction, exploring the essence of Watanabe’s sexual affection literature and its original features.Watanabe Junichi is one of the controversial writers in Japanese contemporary literary circles. The modern society has provided the comfortable circumstances and the fertile soil for the Watanabe Junichi’s sexual affection literature. It has manifested both the Japanese lascivious literature tradition and the sexual relations of modern society newly in Watanabe Junichi’s literature . He caught the confliction between the personal love and the morals or ethics with the power of acute and the impassioned style. He described the bewilderment, the struggle and the selfishness of love-struck people, then he evealed the change of faith of marriage and the crisis of monogamy under the modern society background.Male-dominance, sexual love, beauty and nihility characterize Watanabe Junichi’s literature. The basic idea is to deny monogamy. Watanabe asserts that“the true love only exist in extramarital love”and“only by remain unmarried can we realize the unconstrained love.”These are the basis for Watanabe’s novels. Therefore, middle-aged man’s extramarital love is regarded as the essence of true love. Sexual affection in Watanabe’s literature suggests that sex is paramount to all others, and its destination tend to be elusive. Sexual affection is used as a symbol of a revolt against marriage and pursuit of celibate. The male characters in his novel are all self-centered, following male chauvinism. Superficially,they appreciate women, love women, but in a deep sense, they disvalue and ignore women. He sees females to be the sexual insterument of males. Since once he practiced as a surgeon, Watanabe has not only obtained the sensual beauty, femininity beauty and moderate Japanese beauty from women, but also shrewdly observed their flexibility, endurance and changeableness. In his novels, we cannot see any of his pity for women as in other writers.Some writers argue that death symbolizes beauty, freedom and transcendence. Precisely speaking, only by death can they obtain perfect love and the union of sexual affection and goodness.“Sex, love and death”as constant themes of Japanese literature are also largely reflected in Watanabe’s literature. In his works, people kill themselves for love. Their various ways of killing themselves aims to prove that only by committing suicide could they realize true love and show their loyalty, conflict to sexual affection. There is no everlasting love in present life, so they have to be persistent. But as a result, they become emptier and emptier when they are isolated from real society. That is why death and love contradict each other. Watanabe’s novels build us a bridge between present and otherworldliness, flesh and spirit, conflicts between worldly and purified life. People in the real life are bound to morality, responsibility and gender orientation, always dreaming of running away from reality and getting liberated. When they try to avoid conventions, public judgments, a seiious of morality, a serious of tragedies are going to happen. They take sexual love as“perfect love”to walk away from temporary and constrained love, but consequently they fall into the trap of reality, then they resort to death to pursue inner love.It shows the limitations in Watanabe Junichi’s literature that exaggerate the power of sexual love, and he has not overcome the habitual corrupt practices of the traditional men’s rights society when he writes the female counterparts. We can not deny, though it was interpreted as“intermediate literature”, it is still popular and controversial, that support the existence of the necessity.

【关键词】 渡边淳一情爱文学社会生死女性
【Key words】 Watanabe JunichiSexual Affectionwomensocietylife and deth
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期

