

The Study on Moral Belief Education of Co59ntemporary College Students

【作者】 武敬杰

【导师】 陈秉公;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文针对大学生这一特殊群体,以当代大学生道德信仰教育为研究对象,为解决当代大学生道德教育实效性低迷的问题,从形而上的道德信仰教育角度统整过去的道德教育,对当代大学生道德信仰教育的相关问题进行了深入探讨。论文考察了大学生道德信仰教育国内外研究状况,较为深入的阐述了大学生道德信仰教育的基本理论,论证了大学生道德信仰教育的理论依据,分析了当代大学生道德教育及道德状况、道德信仰缺失及成因,剖析了影响当代大学生道德信仰的主要因素,提出了当代大学生道德信仰教育对策。本论文选题意义具有重要性,研究视角具有创新性,研究成果具有应用性。大学生道德信仰教育是当前大学生思想政治教育的核心途径之一,研究成果丰富了道德教育的理论体系,为加强大学生道德信仰教育,提高道德教育的实效性提供知识借鉴。

【Abstract】 The moral belief education of college students is an education with the aim at establishing an ultimate moral belief. The moral belief which formed according to moral aim is an ultimate goal. The moral belief education is belief education in form and the highest moral education in level. This kind of education promotes the seek of college students to moral belief value, and helps to confirming college students’moral belief, occurring moral sense and cultivating moral will. It will finally shape the college students’personality with the result of moral belief. The moral belief education is one of the most effective and concrete way in current politic theory education of college students.According to the phenomenon that moral belief education of contemporary college students has little actual effect; this paper analyzes the moral education in the past from the angle of metaphysical moral belief education. The research aim is the special group of contemporary students. Then explore and talk about problems related to moral belief education of contemporary college students. This paper investigates moral belief education of contemporary college students and studies the research condition at home and abroad. It explains the basic principle of moral belief education of contemporary college students much deeply. It demonstrates the theory basis of moral belief education of contemporary college students. It analyzes moral of contemporary college students, the present education condition, the existing problems, and the crisis of moral belief as well as its reason. It dissects the main factors of moral belief education of contemporary students and puts forward the solutions to it. The subject can be further developed and its research angel is creative. The research achievement is practical. It explores new approaches and methods for political education of contemporary college students. It enriches the theory system of moral education and provides some clues for solving the moral belief crisis of the whole society. It has important meaning for guiding moral building of society. The paper is divided into six parts:Chapter one is introduction. The purpose of the present study is to resolve problems on low pragmatically of current moral education so as to integrate the fore-passed one in the form of moral belief education. The thesis will conduct researches on value contents and psychic traits with a higher category than world view, live view and ideal etc. so as to construct new concepts about moral education from the perspective of moral belief education. The study advocates that activities on moral education should get started from ultimate value concern towards college students and explore an effective way to improve a pragmatically moral education at campus. General concern that focuses attention among governments of the countries and international organizations is about the crisis for moral belief which becomes one of the biggest crisis of the world. The research on moral belief among college students involves not only questions on their spiritual alternatives but also social ones which are closely related to ethics of the whole country. The study concerned will have important significance on theory and realism which assuredly enrich moral concepts, explore new path on moral construction, complete theoretic architecture and offer guide on graduates’practice.Chapter Two is theoretic parts, which gets touch with basic theories on moral education. The study will make classification and analysis towards some related concepts likes moral, belief, virtue belief, moral education and virtue belief education. Virtue beliefs can bestow the formal significance on graduates’inner self-surpass in the way of surpass on moral personality demonstrating human’s holiness and dignity and graduates’freedom and value in the way of personality surpass because the nature of virtue belief is about self-surpass on moral personality. Virtue beliefs among college students have the attributes of extensiveness, consciousness, metaphysics, integrity and orientation. Virtue beliefs are a social activity with bidirectional and inactive subjectivity features in which its subjectivity constitutes is comprised of moral concepts, moral feelings and moral will while objectivity one is about reality and value, ideal and objective, principle and standard about morality. Once virtue beliefs take place, they will develop powerful motive power to upgrade moral state, to mould moral personality, to motivate moral behavior and to adjust and control moral order in the perspective of option on moral consciousness and behaviors as well as social virtuous life. Analyzed from formational mechanism, it will involve mechanisms on need realization, ethical internalization and mental integrity.Chapter Three states that the theoretical principle and reference of morality belief education and experiments in college students. The Marxism theory is the closest theory and knowledge systems which are universally acknowledged by human being in our daily life; it is the most effective ideological system, the progressive human being’s thought banner in the whole world and is also the most important theory resource in the morality belief education at present. Nowadays, in China, with overcoming the morality belief crisis and improving actual effect in moral education of the college student, we can’t separate it from Mao Zedong’s Thought , Deng Xiaoping’s Theory and“three represents " thought and science development views. They provide the direction of the up-to-date Marxism, and the Marxist fundamental theory which is advanced with times provided the theory rationale and basis for the morality belief education. It draws the rich theory lessons from Chinese educational thoughts of Confucian in the ancient times, from numerously appearing western moral education theory, and from mysterious western pious religion ethics.Chapter Four discusses college students’moral belief and education situation. It will surely be affected by the social development, both on college students’moral belief status and college students’moral belief educates status. According to the history of society transforming, the author did the research on the change of the college students’moral situation, and the history of the morality and education in the high school from the following periods: the early period after the founding of New China, the Cultural Revolution times, and the reforming and opening-up period, especially analysis on the crisis which has been carried out thorough the college student morality belief currently. At the same time, we are carding and summarizing the history of the morality and education, and carrying out self-examination on current moral education.Chapter Five talks about the relevant factors that affect moral belief education of college students--a comprehensive system. The influence of modern society on undergraduates’inner world becomes more complicated and prominent, and there are various factors that affect undergraduates’moral belief education. From the aspect of general mood of society, marketing economy, development of politics, cultural tradition and mass media, this thesis analyzes the social factors. Besides, the paper also analyzes the school element from the influence of social reform on college and the actual effect of moral education. Also, the author shows the family factors from the conception, atmosphere and manner of family education. From the variety, polyphyletic and looseness of morality, it analyzes the elements of moral belief itself. Last, the article analyzes the main factors of moral belief from the blindness of choosing the moral subject, the difference of the subject’s quality and the closeness of the subject’s cognition.Chapter Six, the most important chapter of the thesis, tells the way that we educate the moral belief of the contemporary college students. College education is the main method that cultivates college students’moral belief and the main factor that affects the formation of students’moral belief. It’s the educator’s main duty to educate the undergraduate’s moral belief; also, it’s the inner demands appearing in the smooth development of moral belief education. Aiming at cultivating the socialistic morality and belief, and based on the socialistic core value system, the ethics morality and the moral psychology education, this thesis puts forward that education should be familiar with the social demands (from which, we determine the teaching aim, that is, making teaching plans, choosing teaching methods and guiding undergraduates’behaviors) and should make a conclusion and check the basic process. We should also follow the discipline such as keeping the flexibility between educational demands and the college students’moral development, the oneness of education and self-education and the coordination and control of the various elements to make them cooperate with each other. Except for these, we should also know the inoculation, guidance, subject, affectivity, penetrability and level of educational principles. It is also advisable to create the new teaching methods, such as suggestive guidance, practice, edification, self-education and psychological consultation. We should strengthen the theoretical education (mainly based on classroom education) and practical education (mainly based on out-class practice), better the education atmosphere of society, school and family, construct the media education (based on internet) and pay more attention to students’self-education. It’s also of the same importance to construct the security system whose frames are educational conception, leading system, cadre-construction, rule-completing, fund-injection and atmosphere-creating.

【关键词】 大学生道德信仰教育对策
【Key words】 College StudentsMoral BeliefEducationStrategy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期

